Gangland Gay – Josh Wng

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Set the enomilly prsed England of the prent, Cal, the follow-up to the h 2009 film, Shank, is a startlgly powerful drama of a young gay man searchg for love, rpect and acceptance. Twenty-year-old Cal (Wayne Virgo) returns home to Bra om France after receivg news that his mother is ill. He fds his home cy of Bristol facg hard enomic tim brought on by the global enomic crisis; wh poverty and crime on the rise, rtg and lootg has bee a nightly occurrence. Cal fds difficult to f . Unable to get a job, he is nonted by his sick mother who remas homophobic and wants nothg to do wh her gay son. While navigatg his way across this new landspe, he meets Jason, a young stunt need of help. However, Cal's kdns brgs him to ntact wh a dg alg pimp. Soon, he is racg agast time to make peace wh his mother and get out of town as quickly as possible. An impassned, visceral drama, Cal is sexy and touchg as tackl issu faced by gay teens growg up enomilly prsed environments. . Uned Kgdom, 89 mut, Color, English Creds: Uned Kgdom Director: Christian Mart Runng time: 89 mut Screenwrers: Christian Mart Cast: Wayne Virgo, Tom Payne, Ey Corran, Lucy Rsel, Bernie Hodg, Daniel Brocklebank Producers: Christian Mart Cematographer: Jack O'Dowd About the Filmmaker: Christian Mart has worked the film dtry for over 20 years. He produced the feature film Fever, starrg Henry Thomas, Teri Hatcher, Bill De and David O'Hara, which premiered at the Cann film ftival the Director's Fortnight. As a distributor, he has worked for Pecdillo Pictur, one of the largt and most succsful pennt distributors of specialized, arthoe and LGBT films the UK. After leavg Pecdillo, he returned to film productn settg up Bonne Idée Productns. Christian's send passn is polics and he is an elected cy uncilman Bristol. Christian is bt known to gay cema fans as the wrer/director behd the films Shank, Release, and Bufferg.



“It was an absolute eye-opener,” says filmmaker Simon Pearce. We’re chattg about his experience shootg gay drama ‘Shank’, for which the 22-year-old first-time feature director has been sopg awards left, right and center (to date he’s bagged the Miami Gay and Lbian Film Ftival’s Emergg Talent trophy, as well as the prtig Audience Award … * wayne virgo gay *

Awards4 ws & 1 nomatnPhotosDirectorsMichael MacKnleyAaron PotterWrerAaron PotterAll st & crewProductn, box office & more at IMDbProMore like thisQuotJoshua Higgs: I hope do stop, but 's not me who needs to ExcciatgA film wh no reemg featur whatsoever: a storyle wh more hol than a lanr, the pacg of a snail, gratuo scen of gay bashg, repet cintal mic, amatr Brish actors attemptg Canadian accents, and a suburban Berkshire hoe that doubl for a Nova Stia apartment buildg (the entrance for which is the kchen back door) lead, Aaron Ellis (also the wrer and director), has the charisma of a soggy awful, on almost every level. We’re chattg about his experience shootg gay drama ‘Shank’, for which the 22-year-old first-time feature director has been sopg awards left, right and center (to date he’s bagged the Miami Gay and Lbian Film Ftival’s Emergg Talent trophy, as well as the prtig Audience Award Barcelona).


Shank: Directed by Simon Pearce, Christian Mart. Wh Wayne Virgo, Marc Lrent, Tom Bott, Alice Payne. A closeted teenage street punk tak up wh the latt roughed-up gay victim of his bullyg gang, which do not set well wh the gang's dgged-up, brotherly lear." data-id="ma * wayne virgo gay *

Confed about his sexualy, Cal belongs to a rag-tag gang, and is clost to Jonno (Tom Bott), wh whom he shar a handful of homoerotic enunters (“ the film there’s the blow back scene, which I kept llg ‘Blow Back Mounta’, ” jok Bott). It all began when gay producg partners Christian Mart and Darren Flaxstone, havg seen a short by Pearce, offered the young director a bag of sh (an timated £120, 000, peanuts the film bs) to help brg their script to the screen.

“‘Shank’ is very grty and a lot more vlent than most gay films. Pearce and Virgo have jt pleted another gay-themed film, ‘Release’, while Bott stars as a mentally disturbed young man ‘Tenr Age’. “Y, ’s a gay drama, ” he reasons.


“Release,” a bleak prison drama, reunts the tribulatns of an rcerated gay prit. * wayne virgo gay *

Christian and Darren built them that would enable ‘Shank’ to go beyond the gay market.

Though Cal ntu to ny that he is gay, he and Olivier bee lovers (wh Cal takg on the unfaiar role as a top). ) She is a tough woman who rejects Cal’s homosexualy, even though he has no lover tow. His mother’s iend (I’m not sure whether a lodger or a sister) Jane [Ey Corran] is nearly as homophobic as Cath, a scrounger who attempts to impale herself on Cal (who dumps her off the bed).


Gangland Gay – Josh Wng .