Gays the Milary | Public Death, Private Life: Army Major Alan Rogers and the Washgton Post

gay military ban

U.K. Prime Mister Rishi Sunak has apologized for the treatment of gay veterans by sayg that a prev ban on LGBTQ+ people servg the U.K. ary was “an appallg failure of the Brish state.”



The new data, shared exclively wh CBS News, vers the years om 1980 until the feral urts lifted the ban agast gay and lbian service members 2010. * gay military ban *

Prime Mister Rishi Sunak has apologised for the UK's historil treatment of LGBT veterans who were sacked or forced out of the follows a damng report tailg "a vivid picture of overt homophobia at all levels of the armed forc". The 268-page dossier found "shockg evince of a culture of homophobia, and of bullyg, blackmail and sexual asslts", as well as "abive vtigatns to sexual orientatn and sexual preference, disgraceful medil examatns, cludg nversn therapy, peremptory discharg" said the treatment of victims had "appallg nsequenc terms of mental health and wellbeg, homelsns, employment, personal relatnships and fancial hardship" ernment-missned pennt review to the service and experience of LGBT veterans who served the armed forc between 1967 and 2000 was rried out by Lord Etherton, former master of the rolls and head of civil jtice, was published on Wednday.

Barbie movie banned Kuwa as Lebanon mov to censor film for 'promotg homosexualy'. "As today's report mak clear, that perd many endured the most horrific sexual abe and vlence, homophobic bullyg and harassment, all while bravely servg this untry.

"Today, we strongly wele this apology om the Prime Mister as a regnn of their historic mistreatment, " he review also remend an "appropriate fancial award" should be ma to veterans affected by the pre-2000 ban on homosexualy the armed said: "An appropriate fancial award should be ma to affected veterans notwhstandg the expiry of ligatn time lims. “As today’s report mak clear, that perd many endured the most horrific sexual abe and vlence, homophobic bullyg and harassment, all while bravely servg this untry, ” Sunak told MP. Promisg the ernment would implement the “vast majory” of Etherton’s remendatns, Wallace said he would fully update the Commons a formal bate about the issue after the about pensatn, Wallace said he hoped to fd “an elegant solutn that match the need and the requirements of those dividuals”, promisg to set this out after Kelly Holm, who served the army and me out as gay last year, was among mpaigners who weled the apology.


U.K. Prime Mister Rishi Sunak has apologized for the treatment of gay veterans by sayg that a prev ban on LGBTQ+ people servg the U.K. ary was “an appallg failure of the Brish state.” * gay military ban *

Starmer said one of his nstuents, Ken Wright, a former RAF service member who was “forced to leave the job he loved simply bee he was gay”, was the public gallery to hear the apology. In the midst of ongog ntroversy over a Pentagon cisn to lim drag shows on bas after some crics plaed of alleged adult ntent, the mols and the racy mil performanc over the weekend raised qutns om LGBTQ+ advot about what creria Defense Secretary Lloyd At is g to stop some performanc associated wh the gay muny while allowg other provotive acts.

"But if 's homosexual-based or anythg else, that's not OK.

The ary ban, which was lifted 2000, meant that gay people were dishonourably discharged and sometim, stripped of medals. * gay military ban *

"This is not anti-trans; this is not homophobic, " Alford said.

The first official drag show after the end of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" prohibn on gay people servg openly is believed to have been held at Kana Air Base, Japan, 2014. Ary agast gay and lbian service members, revealg that more than 29, 000 dividuals kicked out bee of their sexualy were nied honorable have long been timat suggtg about 14, 000 service members were separated om the ary unr "don't ask, don't tell, " the policy that banned gay men and women om servg openly om 1994 to 2011, but the ary has never before shared a tailed breakdown of how many dividuals were nied honorable discharg durg and before "don't ask, don't tell, " when gays and lbians were prohibed om servg at all. The new data, which the nonprof legal servic anizatn Legal Aid At Work obtaed through a Freedom of Informatn Act requt and shared wh CBS News, vers the three s om 1980 until the feral urts lifted the ban agast gay and lbian soldiers, sailors and airmen 2010.

Acrdg to the data, 35, 801 dividuals "received a discharge or separatn bee of real or perceived homosexualy, homosexual nduct, sexual perversn, or any other related reason om the perd October 1, 1980 to September 20, 2011. When CBS News reached out to the Defense Department about the new figur, officials there produced different numbers om s Office of Legal Policy ditg most service members separated on the basis of homosexual nduct om 1970 to 2011 were discharged unr honorable ndns. Ary bee of real or perceived homosexualy, homosexual nduct or other related reasons, om Oct.


The Milary Gay Ban: Why Don't Ask, Don't Tell Don't Work | The Herage Foundatn.