Gay-iendly: Marrakech for homosexuals » Travelgui Marrakech

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Laissez Menkarta vo air à trouver Spa Gay à Marrakech bien que vivant dans Marrakech Notre large gamme lix gay grand chaque jour grâce à vo.



Gui gay Marrakech. Un gui plet s meillrs bars et clubs danse gays, s hôtels gays, s snas gays, s spas et s clubs croisière à Marrakech. * sauna gay marrakech *

Travelg to an Islamic untry and experiencg the magic of the Thoand and One Nights together – as a homosexual uple? Even though Marrakech’s clubs and hotels do not openly e labels such as “gay” or “gay-iendly” for advertisg, is the new “Pk Cy”, havg overtaken the formerly ternatnal zone of Tanger. To beg wh: Acrdg to Morocn law, homosexual acts are illegal and will be punished severely.

Near Rabat, for example, two young Morocns were sentenced to four months imprisonment each 2013 bee of homosexual ntacts.

Strongly fluenced by relign and patriarchal stctur, Morocn society is characterized by tradnal valu, and is, th, rather homophobic.


Deja que Menspac te ayu br Sna Gay en Marrakech (Ciudad) si bien vivas en Marrakech. Nutro extenso tálogo ss ambiente crece todos y da uno los días merced a ti. * sauna gay marrakech *

Neverthels, homosexualy is tolerated to the greatt possible extent, as far as ’s lived out discreetly. They are not gay, but munitg wh their iends the tradnal manner. Hetero — as well as homo — or bisexual upl should be discreet and save livg out their passns for the privacy of the riad.

In spe of the reprsive ndns, a gay scene has grown Marrakech. Clubs and night life for a gay dience. Soon, the word of a gay night life the South-Morocn imperial cy spread.


The top addrs is, whout a doubt, Le Diamant noir, which is rather gay than gay-iendly durg the week. Apart om that, the gay party scene meets at the VIP-Club, Le Pacha, Le Comptoir Darna, or the other bars along the Avenue Mohammed V.

Gay-iendly hosts: discreet riads and open hearts.


The followg riads are gay-iendly (plete list):. In a Nutshell: Marrakech for homosexuals.

Th, homosexuals are not treated differently om heterosexuals.


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