Actor Kristian Nairn plays fahful and gigantic servant Hodor on the HBO fantasy seri "Game of Thron," where his character says only his own name over and over. But when Nairn spoke to fan se Wter Is Comg for an terview published Tuday, he had many thgs to say, cludg that he is asked about his followg among the Bear subgroup of the gay muny, Nairn said that the
Inct is mon. Dragons le the ski. But gay men are unacceptable? Here's a look at the anchise's problematic history wh LGBTQ reprentatn. * gay character game of thrones *
In the mystil land of Wteros, they’ve got everythg — dragons, Whe Walkers, and a whole lot of gays.
Inty: GayLikelihood of Stg on the Iron Throne: Not happeng, ever sce a hly born shadow monster took his life and claim to the throne. By the way, Kristian Nairn, who played the beloved protector, is gay.
Chaos isn't a p. Chaos is a ladr... a gay ladr. * gay character game of thrones *
Inty: GayLikelihood of Stg on the Iron Throne: As he was mutilated and blown to piec Kg's Landg, the most persecuted character’s only chance of makg back to the Iron Throne is as a ghost. Sexualy: GayLikelihood of Stg on the Iron Throne: While Ltlefger’s sex worker and spy might have had some noteworthy nnectns to Loras Tyrell and the Martells, ’s unclear if Oliver is ad, alive, or somethg between. Of urse, one thg to keep md is that our morn lexin of sexualy wouldn't have been translated to the world of Game of Thron, so intifitn via labels like "gay" and "lbian" wasn't available to the characters.
What plac Loras at the bottom of the list is the fact that his whole character is fed by harmful gay stereotyp, pecially nsirg he (and Renly) were the first LGBTQ+ characters Game of Thron we were troduced to. As a stark ntrast of gay reprentatn to Loras, Renly serv to portray a very different LGBTQ+ experience for the viewers to potentially relate to on Game on Thron.
* gay character game of thrones *
Perhaps bee the language to scribe and fe multiple sexual orientatns don’t exist Wteros, his fay speaks only phemism, but Laenor is gay and his lover is Jofey Lonmouth (Solly McLeod).