Jeremy Gay Runng For New Mexi Attorney General

jeremy gay magazine

Jeremy Gay is an thor, edor, and lifelong fishkeeper, wh over twenty years the mare aquatic sector. His experience clus retail, wholale…


    * jeremy gay magazine *

    To note the 50th anniversary this month of the (partial) crimalisatn of homosexual acts England and Wal I thought I’d wre somethg about Jeremy magaze, a short-lived publitn lnched the UK 1969. The magaze is notable not for the qualy of s ntents, which seem slight nsirg the high ver price of six shillgs, but for beg the first Brish magaze aimed at an dience of gay men that wasn’t eher porn, a datg mag or a polil tract. The anniversary of the change the law has prompted a number of exhibns and events voted to Bra’s gay history but ltle of that history ever seems to travel beyond amic circl unls a notable life story—Quent Crisp or Alan Turg, say—is volved.

    More Brons will know the name Harvey Milk than they do Edward Carpenter (1844–1929) or Allan Horsfall (1927–2012) even though Carpenter and Horsfall voted years of their liv mpaigng for gay men to be treated equally unr the law the Bra. Horsfall’s Campaign for Homosexual Equaly pneered the ph for gay rights Bra, the first official meetg takg place Manchter 1964. ) Two years after crimalisatn, not only was Jeremy beg lnched but OZ magaze voted a portn of s 23rd issue (September, 1969) to gay material.


    Author: Jeremy Gay | Reef Builrs | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog.
