A whey middle-aged man who still behav like a baby. Never gets any actn and so is labelled Gay. Spends most of his time the Library or talkg about how much he knows about Films and Cuise." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn
Gay slang is slang that arose om gay culture and muni. Gay slang vari over time and regns and terms often enter the mon vernacular." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * baby gay urban dic *
1-2 years is the time span of when someone uld be qualified as a baby gay. Baby gays ually stantly love everythg that’s rabow and jt generally have that nocent glee of jt g out. We mt protect them.“When did you e out to yourself?”“Only last January, I’m still a baby gay!”by Wisah July 30, 2020FlagGet the Baby Gay mug.Baby GayA baby gay is someone who's jt e out and won't stop talkg about beg gay.Person 1: Y'all, girls are sooooo pretty.
God, I'm jt soooo gay—Person 2: Bro, stop actg like such a Baby Gay.by her08 Febary 26, 2020FlagGet the Baby Gay mug.baby gayA newly out or young gay person-I jt me out last week.
Babi that have gay legs. Or babi that are born wh gay legs." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * baby gay urban dic *
-Aww a baby gay!by dfwaagretah May 22, 2009FlagGet the baby gay mug.Gay babywhat every Fortne player is tomatillyBob: "do you play Fortne?". Bob: "You're a gay baby."by Grillt June 6, 2018FlagGet the Gay baby mug.Gay BabyRumor has that every time there is an awkward silence a nversatn, a gay baby is born.Jimmy: Yeah so that is what I did wh myself last night. Jimmy: Gay Baby!!!!!by JordanMTY September 4, 2006FlagGet the Gay Baby mug.Gay BabyA baby that is homosexual!Drew Rs is a gay babyby Tobey B May 23, 2020FlagGet the Gay Baby mug.Gay BabiPeople that play FortneSomeone: Is Fortne for Gay Babi?
Someone: *looks up on Google: What game do gay babi play*. Someone: Ok.by BoomBlox July 16, 2018FlagGet the Gay Babi mug.12345Next ›Last »More random fns. Gay slang is slang that arose om gay culture and muni.
Gay slang vari over time and regns and terms often enter the mon earnt, Chicken hawkby Mikhail December 9, 2003FlagGet the gay slang slangthat retard l337 languageexample of gay slang:.
Pwnedby I hate them they're gay Febary 19, 2005FlagGet the gay slang slangGettg fucked by the ass afterwards cummg water and cho kHim: I really love gay slangby Anonys Augt 19, 2021FlagGet the gay slang random fns. Bob: "You're a gay baby. "by Grillt June 6, 2018FlagGet the Gay baby babyUsed to scribe an arkward silence nversatn.
"Every Arkward silence, A gay baby is born" is how the sayg supposedly go. "ooo, a gay baby was jt born"by General Spoon April 16, 2008FlagGet the Gay baby BabyRumor has that every time there is an awkward silence a nversatn, a gay baby is Yeah so that is what I did wh myself last night. Jimmy: Gay Baby!!!!!