Focch | Gay Dictnary (Italy) | Gay Italian | Gay Italy

gay in italian translation

gay translate: gay, omossuale, gay, omossuale, gay, omossuale, ga, allegro, vivace, gay, omossuale. Learn more the Cambridge English-Italian Dictnary.



Need to translate "gay" to Italian? Here's how you say . * gay in italian translation *

Gay Slang Collectn. The Italian word Focch is one of the most ed and known words Italy to sult homosexual men, and s equivalent the English language would be the word faggot.

Focch as sultg slang for homosexual men has a ntroversial and uncerta orig sce there are several theori and no certaty. The first wrten reference to the word Focch as gay slang appears 1863 and s orig is the regn of Tny, extendg to the rt of Italy after unifitn.

There is a wily shared belief that the orig of this slang is the Middle Ag when Italy burned “homosexuals” the stake. However, there is no reference or document, for now, to support this assertn, strange thg if you nsir that people hate homosexuals too much at that time as well as the public and exemplary character of those ath sentenc. If there are referenc to the e of juniper the stak whout any relatn wh homosexualy.


* gay in italian translation *

Th this explanatn seems an ventn that would extend, an tertg manner, that exemplary character of medieval stak a homophobic and ntemporary Italy. There are others that tablish the orig of this Focch slang the asexual character (whout geic exchange) of the plant reproductn, makg a double pirouette to relate to homosexual behavr, the sense that gay fuckg not tend to reproductn or do not need “her”, explanatn that, addn to yokel and to have a backout relig stk, would mean that the Italian populatn has a que remarkable knowledge of botany. Jt simply take a look at our Italian Gay Dictnary to realize that when Italy image a gay, they thk about a hole, a ntaer, a hollow, an issue that seems like a “ll to actn” and that serv a psychologil pth analysis, maybe at another time we addrs ?.

Jt as homosexuals did not have, nor have, Italy.

Instead, already the Middle Ag the word Focch was ed to name the idt person, stupid, mean, treachero, ntemptible man, whom you n not tst, featur that have tradnally been supposed to homosexual men, as occurs wh other Italian exprsns as “Froc” ed origally for foreigners for not be tsted, and then beg applied to men you uld not tst, to ultimately be ed to sult gay men. Why gays are lled Focch Italy? That is why our opn, the orig of this slang is the procs of attributg negative characteristics of some men to gay people, for the simple fact of beg gay.


A homosexual man was, and still beg many plac, a person of ltle value and wh all kds of fects.

There is no better fn for homophobic and sexist man. To learn more about the history of homosexualy Italy and the keys to his current suatn, check the article of Prott!

Gay Dictnary (Italy). The Italian word Focch is one of the most ed and well-known words to sult homosexual men Italy, and that also means fennel. There are two versns, black and whe lor, to make your funny gay shirt.


What's the Italian word for gay? gay. More Italian words for gay.

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How to say gay Italian .