Italian ernment lims parental rights of gay upl - Los Angel Tim

italia and gay

The COVID-19 panmic has left supports for LGBTQ youth Italy and elsewhere Europe thly stretched – puttg thoands of young gay and transgenr people at even greater risk.



Gay rights activists have nounced mov by Italian Prime Mister Grgia Meloni’s far-right-led ernment as homophobic. * italia and gay *

For ee real time breakg news alerts sent straight to your box sign up to our breakg news emailsSign up to our ee breakg news emailsItaly has begun removg the nam of gay mothers om their children’s birth certifit, as part of the right-wg ernment’s crackdown on same-sex move after populist prime mister Grgia Meloni’s aln announced March that state agenci should no longer register the children of same-sex upl, a move that sparked protts Milan. Dpe Ms Meloni parg herself to Brish Conservativ and nyg she is homophobic, her party rose to power wh tough rhetoric agast same-sex parentg and support for tradnal fai and moral valu. ”Her aln partner, Matteo Salvi, of the far-right League party, had prevly lled gay parents “unnatural” while the ernment opposed a Bssels plan for a parenthood certifite that would be valid across the EU.

Gay upl are forced to go abroad if they want children, as they are banned om accsg reproductive medil treatment such as IVF and surrogacy is also prohibed. Holdg a rabow flag, Mar Marras walked on stage at the start of a rally beg held by Grgia Meloni Sardia durg her electn mpaign to nont her about gay rights. ”If gay people Italy, a untry that regularly ranks reports as beg among the worst wtern Europe for LGBTQ+ rights, had already unrstood that privileg so far gaed were threadbare, Meloni ma explicly clear they would not get any better unr her ernment.

She practilly rpond: ‘Be happy wh what you have’ – they thk I should live a lser life bee I’m gay.


The first formal step towards s formatn rulted the electn of two ntroversial figur: Ignaz La Rsa, a Brothers of Italy polician who llects fascist memorabilia, and Lorenzo Fontana, a League member wh anti-abortn and anti-gay views, as speakers of the upper and lower hoe of parliament enacted a civil unns law 2016 when the untry was erned by a aln led by the centre-left Democratic party, but the bill stopped short of legalisg gay marriage, while a clse that would have allowed a person to adopt the child of their same-sex partner was scrapped after prsure om rightwg parti and the Catholic church. A mon feature of the rabble-rog speech given by Meloni, a self-scribed “Christian mother” who says she fends tradnal fay valu, is the reeratn of her view that a child should only be raised by heterosexual for homosexual upl is banned Italy, forcg people to travel abroad to bee parents. Surrogacy, meanwhile, is prohibed outright, and Meloni has proposed extendg a ban to crimalise gay upl who seek surrogate mothers abroad.


Italy begs removg gay mothers om children’s birth certifit | The Inpennt .