History of the Gay Rights Movement

history of gayism

The gay rights movement the Uned Stat began the 1920s and saw huge progrs the 2000s, wh laws prohibg homosexual activy stck down and a Supreme Court lg legalizg same-sex marriage.



The Amerin gay rights movement has had que a history cludg, law alterg urt s and signifint groups and events." emprop="scriptn * history of gayism *

The small group of gay men who created the Mattache Society 1951 drew on the Italian tradn of street edy which the jter-tthteller characters, the mattaci, revealed the flaws of pompo characters reprentg societal norms.

When the NYPD raid a gay bar Greenwich Village and started arrtg employe and drag performers, they got more than they bargaed for--a crowd of some 2, 000 lbian, gay, and transgenr supporters of the bar took on the police, forcg them to the club. Democratic lears had everythg to ga and ltle to lose by supportg gay rights, so they serted a new plank the party platform: "All groups mt be protected om discrimatn based on race, lor, relign, natnal orig, language, age, sex or sexual orientatn. Although Print Clton is often bt remembered the LGBT activism muny for his support of a ban on lbians and gay men the ary and his cisn to sign the Defense of Marriage Act, he also had a posive ntributn to offer.


* history of gayism *

The term gay is equently ed as a synonym for homosexual; female homosexualy is often referred to as different tim and different cultur, homosexual behavur has been varly approved of, tolerated, punished, and banned. Others—om factns wh mastream Prottantism to anizatns of Reform rabbis—have advoted, on theologil as well as social grounds, the full acceptance of homosexuals and their relatnships.

Morn velopments Attus toward homosexualy are generally flux, partially as a rult of creased polil activism (see gay rights movement) and efforts by homosexuals to be seen not as aberrant personali but as differg om “normal” dividuals only their sexual orientatn.


While the LGBT ary muny has seen creased reprentatn the past , stris are still beg ma to improve acceptance, tegratn and health for gay and transgenr service members. * history of gayism *

The nflictg views of homosexualy—as a variant but normal human sexual behavur on one hand, and as psychologilly viant behavur on the other—rema prent most societi the 21st century, but they have been largely rolved ( the profsnal sense) most veloped untri. Selected theori of homosexualy Psychologists the 19th and 20th centuri, most of whom classified homosexualy as a form of mental illns, veloped a variety of theori on s orig.


The stereotyp of male homosexuals as weak and effemate and lbians as mascule and aggrsive, which were wispread the Wt as recently as the 1950s and early ’60s, have largely been disrd.

The Ksey report of 1948, for example, found that 30 percent of adult Amerin mal among Ksey’s subjects had engaged some homosexual activy and that 10 percent reported that their sexual practice had been exclively homosexual for a perd of at least three years between the ag of 16 and 55. A range of more recent surveys, ncerng predomantly homosexual behavur as well as same-genr sexual ntact adulthood, have yield rults that are both higher and lower than those intified by Ksey. Instead of tegorizg people absolute terms as eher homosexual or heterosexual, Ksey observed a spectm of sexual activy, of which exclive orientatns of eher type make up the extrem.


Washgton, D.C.'s hidn gay history is unvered 'Secret Cy' .