Translate How do you say "gay" Spanish?. See thorative translatns of How do you say "gay" Spanish? Spanish wh d pronunciatns.
Translate Gay. See 5 thorative translatns of Gay English wh example sentenc, phras and d pronunciatns. * gay spanishdict *
USAGE NOTEThe plural of “gay” n be “gay, ” “gays, ” or “gais.
gay [ɡeɪ] adjective1 (homosexual) [+man, muny, movement] gay adjective:variable; (a) homosexual; [+woman] homosexual; lbiano; [+bar] gay adjective:variable; (a) gays a centre for lbians and gay men un centro para lbianas y gays; gay men and women hombr y mujer homosexual; gays y lbianas; gay sex relacn (f) homosexual; the gay scene el ambiente gay or homosexual2 gayer (parative)gayt (superlative) (cheerful) [+person, lour, stume] alegre; [+atmosphere, mic, lghter] alegre; ftivo Nancy liked their gay stum she was feelg wty and gay3 (reee) wh gay abandon spreocupadamente; alegremente He has splashed dollars around wh gay abandon she's livg the gay life Paris se da la gran vida en París; se pega la vida padre en París (rmal) I don't have the money to live the gay life gay [Paree] [Paris]noun (man) gay (m); homosexual (m); (woman) lbiana (f); homosexual (f);modifierthe gay liberatn movement gay lib (n) el movimiento liberación homosexualgay rights (n) rechos (m) los homosexual. Soy gay My parents know I'm gay, and they are very padr saben que soy gay, y me dan todo su apoyo.
* gay spanishdict *
Soy homosexual I'm gay, and I'm gog to marry the love of my homosexual y voy a sarme n el amor mi vida. Mache TranslatorsTranslate i'm gay g mache translatorsSee Mache TranslatnsRandom WordRoll the dice and learn a new word now!
El gay (m) means that a noun is mascule.
Translate Gay. See 5 thorative translatns of Gay Spanish wh example sentenc, phras and d pronunciatns. * gay spanishdict *
(M)I have a diverse group of iends - liberals, nservativ, Christians, atheists, lbians, gay guys, straight folk, and so un gpo diverso amigos - liberal, nservador, cristianos, ateos, lbianas, gays, heterosexual y más. El chi gay (m) means that a noun is mascule.
(M)In llege, I was love wh a gay guy.
Translate I'm gay. See 2 thorative translatns of I'm gay Spanish wh d pronunciatns. * gay spanishdict *
Needls to say, that relatnship didn't la universidad, taba enamorada un chi gay.
El muchacho gay (m) means that a noun is mascule.
Translate Gay guy. See 3 thorative translatns of Gay guy Spanish wh example sentenc and d pronunciatns. * gay spanishdict *
(M)Ten years ago, I was the only openly gay guy my diez años, era el úni muchacho abiertamente gay en mi pueblo. Mache TranslatorsTranslate gay guy g mache translatorsSee Mache TranslatnsRandom WordRoll the dice and learn a new word now! ADJECTIVE(related to sexual preference)-homosexualSynonyms for gayAntonyms for gayADJECTIVE(happy)-alegreSynonyms for gayAntonyms for gayRandom WordRoll the dice and learn a new word now!
Synonyms and Antonyms of Gay. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and oppos of Gay English wh Spanish translatns of every word. * gay spanishdict *