Tw Ci Gay Pri 2024 attractg more than 400,000 visors to the cy durg the week long seri of events and the Pri Para
* twin cities gay pride 2023 *
June 16 & 17: Tw Ci Gay Men's ChosWhen: June 16 at 7:30 p. Now wrappg up s 40th season, the Mnota Freedom Band is a Tw Ci-based non-prof muny band prised of Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, Transgenr, and Allied (GLBTA) more rmatn, click 23-25: Tw Ci Pri FtivalWhen: June 23-25Lotn: Lorg Park and Para Park, MneapolisThe Tw Ci' preement pri celebratn will feature "lol BIPOC and LGBTQ+ vendors, food urts, a beer garn, and mic stag, " anizers said. The MARCH/PARADE starts at 3rd & Hennep and proceeds down Hennep to Spce then to Lorg more rmatn, click events around MnotaTw CiPri – 6/3 @ 1 – 4 PM (Vista View Park, Burnsville)Speed Drag Bgo – 6/3 @ 12:15 – 2 PM (Sociable Cir Werks, Mneapolis)Youth Pri – 6/3 @ 5 – 11 PM (1151 Como Ave)Draggy Divas – 6/3 @ 7-10 PM (Levee Park, Hastgs)Pri Ftival Hastg – 6/3 - 6/4 (Levee Park)Loud & Proud – 6/3 - 6/4 (56 Brewg, MPLS)Pri Bird Walk at Wakan Tipi – 6/4 @ 9:30 – 11 AM (Bce Vento Nature Sanctuary, St Pl)Pri Pat Party – 6/8 @ 4 – 6:55 PM (The Coven Mneapolis)Saturday Vibe: Pri Storytime – 6/10 @ 11 AM (Gee Latimer Central Library, St Pl)Goln Valley Pri Ftival – 6/10 @ 12-6 PM (Brookview Park)Pri Market Seri – 6/10 @ 12 – PM (Lak & Legends Brewg)Pri BBQ + Drag Tale Tim – 6/10 @ 12 – 4 PM (Maplewood, MN)Pri or Die – 6/10 @ 2-7 PM (Modist Brewg Co, MPLS)The Say Gay All Day Pri Cabaret – 6/11 @ 4 – 5:30 PM (Crooners Supper Club, MPLS)Rabows, Dreams, and Prom Scen Pri Camp – 6/12 @ 12 PM (Sprg Dance and Theatre Amy, MPLS)TCGMC 2023 Pri Concert – 6/16 @ 7:30 – 9:30 (Ted Mann Concert Hall)Pri Bnch – 6/17 @ 9 AM (Stanley's Northeast Barroom)Celebratg Pri – 6/17 @ 1 PM (Hidn Falls Regnal Park, St Pl)90s Pri Drag Bnch – 6/17 @ 3 PM (Unn Rooftop, MPLS)Chaska Pri Piic – 6/17 @ 3 – 6 PM (McKnight Park)Macrame Rabow Class – 6/17 @ 10 – 12 PM (Rumriver Art Center)Pri Story Stroll – 6/17 @ 3 – 9 PM (4955 W Lake Nokomis Pkwy)Di Pri Para – 6/17 @ 11 AM (Sewa-Aifw, Brooklyn Center)North Loop Pri Piic – 6/18 @ 1 – 7 PM (Graze)Pri Fay Fun Day 2023 – 6/18 @ 4 – 7 PM (1151 Como Ave)-ING: a night for celebratg queer rilience and bety – 6/18 @ 6-9 PM (Stud Apparat, St Pl)Celebratg Pri wh Thomas Sonrgard – 6/20 @ 11 AM (Mnota Orchtra)Pri Block Party – 6/22 @ 3 – 9 PM (Red Rabb MPLS)Prbyterian Pri – 6/22 @ 6 – 8 PM (Wtmster Prbyterian Church, MPLS)Sober Pri Mnota – 6/23 @ 6:30 (Hennep Avenue Uned Methodist Church)Grrrl Sut – 6/23 (Hook and Ladr Theater & Lounge)Pri Beer Dabbler – 6/23 @ 6 – 8 PM (Mneapolis Sculpture Garn)Pla Glter Pri Dance Party w/ Ara – 6/23 @ 10:30 PM – 2 AM (Unn Rooftop)Tw Ci Pri – 6/23 - 6/25 (Lorg Park)Pri Dance – 6/23 - 6/24 @ 6:30 – 1:00 AM (The Woman's Club of Mneapolis)2023 Pri Comedy Show – 6/23 + 6/24 @ 9:10:30 PM (Sisyph Brewg)Party for Pri – 6/24 @ 8:30 AM – 12:00 (Starg Lake Park, En Prairie)Pri Drag Bnch – 6/24 @ 10 AM – 5 PM (Crave, MPLS)Uned Methodist Pri Para – 6/24 @ 10 AM (Mneapolis)Pri Rooftop Drag + Burlque Bnch – 6/24 @ 12 – 2:30 PM (Uptown Ti, MPLS)Empire Pri Ftival – 6/24 @ 7-10:30 (The Garage, Burnsville)Pri Pole Dance Pop Up – 6/24 @ 12:30 - 1:45 PM (Villay Alternative Dance and Pole Stud)Flip Phone XXL Pri Edn – 6/24-6/25 (First Avenue)Pri Dis Block Party + Drag Show – 6/25 @ 10 AM (The Butcher's Tale, MPLS)Pri the Sky: Rooftop Dance Part – 6/25 @ 9 - 3 PM (Crave MPLS)Rabow Run 5k – 6/25 @ 9-11 AM (Boom Island Park)Arise + She TC Pri March Viewg Party – 6/25 @ 10 AM – 2 PM (The Hennep)Pri – 6/28 @ 7:30 – 10 PM (Parkway Theater, MPLS)Other Events Around MnotaEast Central Mnota Pri – 6/3 @ 12 PM (Robson Park, Pe Cy)Northfield Pri In The Park – 6/3 (Central Park)Pri After Party Drag Show – 6/3 (Imment Brewg, Northfield)Full Moon Rabow Readg Bonfire – 6/3 @ 5:30 – 7 PM (Dry Lane Books, Grand Marais)Donatn Based Pri Yoga – 6/3 @ 9:30 – 10:30 AM (Notice Wellns, Nisswa)Pri Walks – 6/7 @ 11:30 AM –12:30 (Bois Forte Department of Natural Rourc, Nett Lake)Marshall Pri – 6/9 - 6/11 (Inpennce Park, Marshall)Passport to Pri March – 6/10 @ 11 AM (Smokey Bear Park, Internatnal Falls)Hudson Pri Drag Show Kick Off – 6/10 @ 11 – 1 PM (Rtic Roots Wery, Sndia)Cook County Pri – 6/10 (Grand Marais)St Cloud Pri Drag Bnch – 6/11 @ 10 AM – 2 PM (Bt Wtern Pl Kelly Inn, St Cloud)Pri & Paws – 6/14 @ 5-7 PM (Pet Expo Distributors, Mankato)Ferg Pri – 6/15-6/18 (Ferg Falls)Red Wg Pri Celebratn – 6/17 @ 1 – 5 PM (Red Wg Arts Clay and Creative Center)Pri Ftival – 6/17 @ 9 – 4 PM (Central Park, Albert Lea)Hopks Pri – 6/17 @ 11 – 7 PM (Downtown Hopks)Lak Area Pri – 6/17 (Lake Brophy Park Visors Center, Alexandria)Pri Roll to Support Misf Brazilian Jiu Jsu – 6/17 @ 5 – 7 PM (Oak Park Heights)Pri Piic Food (RSVP) - 6/21 - 6/22 (Washgton Park, Detro Lak)Pe & Fire at Ely Pri, 6/25 @ 6 PM (Semer's Beach Park, Ely)Maple Grove Pri Para – 6/25 @ 3 – 5 PM (Downtown Maple Grove)Craft wh Pri for LGBTQIA+ Teens 13+ - 6/28 @ 5 – 7 PM (St Peter Library, St Peter)Do you have an event you'd like to add to this list?
Tw Ci Gay Pri 2024. Pl celebrate Gay Pri each June attractg more than 400, 000 visors to the cy durg the week long seri of events.
Deadle: June 02, 2023 - 2023 Booth Vendor - Pri Ftival - All Applitns ma on or after 3/15/23 will be walisted. WE ARE AT CAPACITY FOR ALL AVAILABLE SPACES AT THIS TIME. If applyg after 3/12 you may be walisted until we have time to verify space the park after the wter thaw April or May. We are leavg the applitn open for vendors that want to be on the wag list. Please Expand the Show More below to see more tails The followg applitn is for BOOTH (Merchandise and Informatn) vendors ONLY. durg Tw Ci Pri 23-25, 2023 (3 days) Para Park (wh the Beer and We Dabbler) andJune 24-25, 2023 (2 days) Lorg Park. If you have qutns about this applitn or procs please review the FAQ sectn of the TC Pri Webse, here rerdgs of the Informatn Ssns we have hosted and a list of Frequently Asked Qutns about registratn. Map of available spac see the end of this applitn (scroll down) or go to you are havg problems wh errors submtg your applitn ntact , or e the ntact form at Tw Ci Pri Tw Ci Pri is the 501c3 charable nonprof anizatn that produc the annual LGBTQ+ Pri Ftival, March, and other events. In addn, Pri sponsors other LGBTQ+ nonprofs cludg but not limed to the MN Deaf Queers, MN POC Pri, and other Pris around the Ci Pri is n primarily wh volunteers and a few full-time employe. In 2023, the Tw Ci Pri Ftival is timated to brgs roughly 400,000 to 500,000 atten. We have approximately 450-490 merchandise and rmatn vendors and exhibors and anticipate 60 food booths (wh some vendors have 2 lotns). If you're part of a pany/group/anizatn that has actively worked agast or physilly harmed ANY members of the LGBTQ+ muny then Pri is not the space for you. We seek volvement om vendors who affirm and support our missn and the history of and purpose holdg a pri ftival: Tw Ci Pri seeks to empower every LGBTQ+ person to live as their te self and to create a future where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated for who they Pri celebratn memorat and ntu the fight agast discrimatn and the stggle for equaly, for lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer persons and their fai. Havg LGBT employe isn't enough to qualify as support for the muny. If you are a pany/group/anizatn that has had past Anti-LGBTQ+ missns/activi the past 5 years and are workg to be more clive, please reach out to Andi Otto, Executive Director, before fillg out the applitn so that we n discs the bt steps. He n be reached at ; APPLICATION PROCESSThe applitn will be submted wh a cred rd or ACH and only the applitn fee and three-percent payment procsg fee will be charged at that time. This applitn fee is non-refundable for any reason. Each applitn will be Juried on a first-e first-serve basis while givg nsiratn to the type of vendor, products and the experience that we seek to provi to the ftival atten. Acceptance to Tw Ci Pri clus, but is not limed to, the followg creria: Proposed product & servic (service to the muny, qualy, pricg, uniquens) Past Tw Ci Pri experience Commment to and support of the LGBTQ+ muny Staabily PracticOther outdoor event experience Booth size and power requirementsLevel of profsnalism Agreement to nform to tablished procr Submtg an applitn and receivg a nfirmatn email after you’ve pleted the applitn DOES NOT mean you have been accepted, jt that your applitn has been received. Applitns will be approved, rejected or walisted wh 2 weeks of applitn submissn. If approved as a booth vendor you will be tomatilly charged the remag fe associated wh the selectns you ma durg the applitn procs along wh a three-percent payment procsg fee. Once approved you will have 2 weeks to provi the Tax form - ST19, and proof of Liabily Insurance or your stat as approved will be CANCELLED and NO REFUND will be provid. You may also ncel your registratn durg this time and receive a refund of the remag fe (ls any payment procsg fe). If walisted - you may ncel your applitn or rema walisted the event that we have space open up for you as a vendor. If space be available, we will reach out to you to fd out if you still want to be a vendor and would like to take the available space. By submtg an applitn, you agree to abi by the polici and procr outled now and durg the ftival by Tw Ci Pri. In addn to booth/space fe, all booth vendors sellg merchandise are required to pay a $150 Sellg Surcharge to Pri, as we mt pay the Mneapolis Park Board this fee for all sal occurrg durg the Ftival. Please NoteWe DO not guarantee placement any particular lotn and rerve the right to move vendors up to the start of the ftival. We will lim the number vendors who have siar products & Booth Vendor will be limed to a maximum of 2 lotns. No Portable Generators will be allowed eher park. Portable Generators will only be ed by TC Pri for Operatns & Sponsors when tappg to larger electril systems are not available. Vendors who do not ply wh onse logistics and regulatns will not be allowed to open for bs and may be asked to leave the park, forfeg the abily to participate any way the ftival, and no refunds will be provid.Styrofoam products are not allowed at Tw Ci Pri. Vendors are rponsible for takg trash to dumpsters. Before startg this applitn, please have the followg electronic documents available: Photograph of your booth/tck/trailer, and surroundg area cludg your electril nnectn if requtg Level 3 Power, Imag and list of your products cludg pric. Dcriptn of how you plan to engage and teract wh the ftival atten, as well as, any rmatn you plan to pass out at your booth. Tax Form - ST19, and any Perms or Licens required. FEES, LOCATIONS, SETUP INFORMATION & HOURSWhile we have overnight secury, they n’t be everywhere at once. Please do not leave valuabl overnight. Once your food tck/booth/space is set up, is not allowed to be removed until Sunday night. All Booth Vendor booth space fe are based on the annual revenue of the anizatn. All Bs/Organizatns (based on total gross annual revenue) Bs Level 0 Unr $150,000 $350Bs Level 1 Unr $150,000 - $500,000 $625Bs Level 2 $500,000 – $1,000,000 $1,125Bs Level 3 $1,000,000 – $5,000,000 $1,875Bs Level4 $5,000,000 -$15,000,000 $2,500Bs Level 5 $15,000,000 + $3,750 Non-Profs / Government Agency (based on total gross annual revenue) Nonprof Level 1 Unr $100,000 $190Nonprof Level 2 $100,000 – $1,000,000 $625Nonprof Level 3 $1,000,000 – $5,000,000 $1,125Nonprof Level 4 $5,000,000 + $1,875 *A limed number of scholarships are available to small nonprofs and muny groups wh revenue unr $100,000. You will have the abily to requt a scholarship the applitn procs if approved the scholarship will be award before you are approved as a vendor.** Ftival Sponsorships start at $7,500 cludg a booth space and other regnn. PARADE PARK (Mneapolis Sculpture Garn) SETUP - Set-up Begs Thursday at 1:30 PM, or hand rried on Friday startg at 9 AM. No Setup allowed before the tim, overnight secury will be provid. FRIDAY 23rd - The ftival & Beer Dabbler 5 PM - 9PMSATURDAY 24th - The ftival & Beer Tck 9 AM - 7 PMSUNDAY 25th - The ftival and We Dabbler / Beer Tck 10 AM - 6 PMSpecial Requirement for vendors Para Park: to qualify as a vendor Para Park vendors mt be Artist or Culture Bearers, rint of MN, LGBTQ or BIPOC, and are a creative worker who practic a skilled tra or craftsperson who creat unique functnal or rative ems produced limed quanty through their own personal effort. We expect that at least 70% of your ems are hand-ma . LORING PARK SETUP - Booths Set-up Begs FRIDAY at 9 AM, No Setup allowed before this time and ENDS by 5 PM. You will be asked to select a 2 hour wdow for your booth check- and setup on the will be permted to drive to and out of the park durg set-up. All vehicl MUST BE OUT OF THE PARK BY 5:00 PM FRIDAY, as cement barriers will be placed at all entranc/exs at this time.SATURDAY 24th - The ftival & Beer Garn 9 AM - 7 PMSUNDAY 25th - The ftival and Beer Garn 10 AM - 6 PM Mnota Tax Form ST-19ALL exhibors/food vendors (whether sellg or not) MUST subm a pleted Mnota Revenue Form ST-19. BOOTH (Tck/Trailer/Booth) SPACE & OPERATIONS: You will be asked for your top 3 preferred booth lotns; please note we do not guarantee you will receive one of your requted booth lotns. Booth Space is sold uns of one 10'x10' space and clus one 8' table. You are rponsible for providg your own tent and chairs. You may rent them om Après Party & Tent Rental. You n ntact by email or by phone at 952-942-3399, they will set up and take the tent down for you - this is the only optn to setup the tent for you. If you rent om Après, please send your nfirmatn or orr number to ; You may also rent a pop-up tent om TC Pri for $300. You are rponsible for setup and securg the tent wh weights that you provi. All materials, storage, and operatns (cludg prep, cleanup and back of hoe) mt occur wh the booth space. Do NOT assume you are able to e space bi or behd your booth. If you need addnal space you will need to purchase 2 Booth spac. You will be asked to provi the size of your booth area please note any addnal space requirements. Your tent size is required to f your booth lotn size. For example, a 10 by 10 booth space will not be able to e a 10 by 20 tent. Closer to the event, more rmatn regardg lotn, set-up and operatg procr will be provid. You are rponsible for the removal of surpl products, booth parts, trash, etc. Failure to do so will rult addnal fe beg asssed and may prevent you om beg accepted aga the future. USE OF SOUNDPrr approval will be need for any booths planng on playg mic or any other sound. No amplified sound is allowed, excludg the Pri Ftival stag. The maximum for vendor booth sound is 65 cibels at 50 feet wh PRIOR approval om Ftival Staff. CONSUMABLE PRODUCT No products, outsi of food that is sold by a food vendor wh a food perm, that are beg sold the park should be nsumed the park. BEVERAGES No vendor may sell or give away beverag, cludg soda, water, or alholic beverag. Specialty beverage vendors are the ONLY exceptn. Soda and water sal are done solely by Tw Ci Pri as a fundraiser for The Arise Project to support homels LGBTQ youth. POWER / ELECTRICITY Vendors g electricy mt provi accurate rmatn about ALL equipment to be powered their applitn. Tw Ci Pri will not be rponsible for loss of power durg ftival operatn due to ovese of generator. You are required to provi an appropriate nnectn rd. We are providg 3 Levels of Power Optns for Rent: Level 1 Battery Power Pack Rental - $210 rental fee (per lotn)Laptop 10 Hrs, USB Fan(5w) 30 Hrs, Phone 16 Charg Equipped wh AC Outlet, DC Carport, USB-A and USB-C chargg 2 Battery Power Pack Rental - $420 rental fee (per lotn)TV (60w) 4.5 Hrs, Laptop 4 Charg, Fan (20w) 15 Hrs, Mi Cooler (60w) 5 Hrs, Phone 30 Charg Equipped wh AC Outlet, DC Carport, USB-A and USB-C chargg 3 Electril Power via Generator - $650 service fee (per lotn)We have limed Booths near the Food Courts (Stonewall - Purple, P2P - Blue, and Lorg - Yellow) where Electric service n be provid. Please pick a booth near the lotns if this level of power is required. The service fee will provi you wh eher standard plug- receptacl or a 50-amp trailer nnectn per lotn, and you will need to brg your own nnector. Provi a photo of your 50-amp nnector plug. ADDITIONAL CHARGES and FEESVlatns of Tw Ci Pri l and regulatns cludg leavg your space clean may rult addnal fe beg charged, excln om participatn, both durg the event and followg years. We do not require a secury pos however the followg fe may be asssed A charge of $100 will be asssed if you do not check- upon arrivg at the park.A charge of $250 will be asssed if the trash is not removed om your area and taken to dumpsters. (large dumpsters NOT patron trash bs)A charge of $250 will be asssed if the power system or pop-up tent rental is not returned. SUSTANABILITY PRACTICES As we work toward beg a zero waste event, we will be requirg food vendors to e postable products. Booth vendor are asked to keep staabily md wh your booth activi and waste. You will be asked to provi rmatn about your staabily practic. NOTE: Styrofoam products are not allowed at Tw Ci Pri. LOAD-OUT PROCESS To ensure the safety of atten leavg the park, NO vehicl are allowed to enter the park before 7 PM Sunday. Food vendors, box tcks and oversized vehicl will NOT be allowed to enter OR ex the park until after 8pm Sunday. PROOF OF INSURANCE: ALL Vendors are REQUIRED to obta Liabily Insurance for both TC Pri and Fanfare Attractns. As we ntue to crease the accsibily, safety, and secury of atten, vendors, and staff; we mt ensure every vendor has submted a current Certifite of Liabily surance. Your verage mt be the amount of $1,000,000 (mimum) or more. Tw Ci Pri and Fanfare Attractns mt be named as addnal sured on the policy of the proof of surance (Certifite of Liabily Insurance). Addrs for your provirs:Tw Ci Pri, 1618 Harmon Place, Mneapolis, MN 55403.Fanfare Attractns, 1215 East 22nd St, Mneapolis, MN 55404. Required surance may be obtaed om your normal surance provir or Pam Petersen at A policy for $50 providg verage for a $1MM policy for five days is available om Pam. REFUND POLICY The applitn fee, charged when submtg the applitn, is nonrefundable for any reason. If you are not accepted as a vendor, you will not be charged the addnal fe for your applitn (booth, electril and other selectns). Once approved as a vendor, the applint has TWO weeks to Cancel to receive a refund of the addnal fe ls the payment procsg fe. If the ST-19 and proof of Liabily Insurance is not upload to your applitn wh two weeks of your approval. TC Pri will Cancel your approved stat and No Refund of any fe will be provid. The Applint unrstands that fe are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE outsi of the polici. If the circumstanc e the ftival to be layed, fe will transfer to the new date for the ftival. IF WE ARE NOT ABLE TO HAVE THE EVENT DUE TO THE PANDEMIC OR OTHER ACTS OF GOD, FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED. YOUR LISTING IN LAVENDER'S MAGAZINE PRIDE SECTIONTw Ci Pri is llaboratg wh Lavenr Magaze to create special 2023 Tw Ci Pri sectn Lavenr's June 15, 2023 issue. All Tw Ci Pri booth vendors, registered and approved before April 20th, will receive a plimentary listg this issue. The listgs will feature the name of the anizatn and bs vendors and will be tegorized alphabetilly by lor-d lotn wh the park.Towards the end of this applitn, you will also have the opportuny to exprs your tert purchasg an ad Lavenr’s June 1, 2023 and/or June 15, 2023 Pri issu. A portn of the ad sal will benef Tw Ci Pri. * twin cities gay pride 2023 *
For the perfect stay, nsir the downtown district, close to all the gay bars and clubs.
Lorg park is jt a 4 mute drive or 15 mute walk om the gay bars and btlg Hennep Avenue.
The Saloon Block Party is one of the biggt parti to take place durg the Mneapolis gay pri weekend. The entire block by the bar be the biggt gay playground the cy.