'Was J Gay?’: The Class Unverg Hidn Queer Histori

gay history class

The 'gay agenda' will ver the Stonewall rts, the AIDS crisis and marriage equaly.



Startg next school year, lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr history will be tght Illois public schools. * gay history class *

" It stat that "the teachg of history the Uned Stat shall clu a study of the rol and ntributns of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people the history of this untry. Dpe this new wave of efforts to tegrate LGBT ntent to the classroom, six stat – Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carola and Texas – still have laws prohibg the "promotn of homosexualy. " The laws, also known as "no pro homo" laws, prohib schools om teachg lbian, gay or bisexual people or topics a posive light health or sexual tn class.

Christa B. Hanhardt Among the first lsons stctors teach lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr (LGBT) history class is about the changg fns and of the word queer. Up through the neteenth century the word was primarily ed to mark dividuals nsired odd or outsi social norms. Queer rried particular currency sndal om the * gay history class *

Alabama law, for example, stat that when discsg sexual health tn, "class mt emphasize, a factual manner and om a health perspective, that homosexualy is not a liftyle acceptable to the general public and that homosexual nduct is a crimal offense unr the laws of the state.

The activy rourc created by GLSEN, a natnal anizatn dited to ensurg that all lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and qutng (LGBTQ) stunts have accs to a safe and affirmg school environment where they n learn and grow. To learn more about the attempts to purge the US ary and feral ernment of gay and lbian employe durg the Cold War and s later, nsir showg the vio The Lavenr Sre: Gay and Lbian Life Post-World War II Ameri. This film ntas archival footage and news clips to pture the life and tim of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay person to w elected office California and was assassated a year after his electn.


'Was J Gay?’: The Class Unverg Hidn Queer Histori.