Rue Gay Lsac, Commune Bevais

6 rue gay lussac 60000 beauvais

Tout sur RUE GAY LUSSAC, 60000 BEAUVAIS : Tout l entrepris domicilié RUE GAY LUSSAC, 60000 BEAUVAIS.



* 6 rue gay lussac 60000 beauvais *

Pièc to service PAS6 Rue Gay Lsac, 60000 BevaisInditns pour se rendre garage: Le garage se trouve à té Pgeot ABCIS, sur la départementale en face du lycée Pl Langev avant d'arriver sur Allonne. 16 entrepris sont domicilié RUE GAY LUSSAC à BEAUVAIS. 16 entrepris sont sué RUE GAY LUSSAC à BEAUVAIS.


Carte Rue Gay Lsac, Commune Bevais. Répertoire s servic proch Rue Gay Lsac: merc, rtrants, stallatns loisirs et sport, hôpx, statns-service et tr lix d’térêt. * 6 rue gay lussac 60000 beauvais *




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d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span></span></li><li><span class="sm-font-size">Conseils</span><span class="stars medium-font-size"><span class="sre-before-stars">4,6</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star Half</tle><path d="M480 208H308L256 48l-52 160H32l140 96-54 160 138-100 138 100-54-160z" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lejo="round" stroke-width="32"></path><path d="M256 48v316L118 464l54-160-140-96h172l52-160z"></path></svg></span></span></span></li><li><span class="sm-font-size">Délai rtutn</span><span class="stars medium-font-size"><span class="sre-before-stars">4,8</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span></span></li><li><span class="sm-font-size">Propreté du vehicule</span><span class="stars medium-font-size"><span class="sre-before-stars">4,7</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star Half</tle><path d="M480 208H308L256 48l-52 160H32l140 96-54 160 138-100 138 100-54-160z" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lejo="round" stroke-width="32"></path><path d="M256 48v316L118 464l54-160-140-96h172l52-160z"></path></svg></span></span></span></li></ul></div><div class="workshop-page__review"><div class="workshop-page__review ment"><div><hear class="ment-hear mb-2"><div class="er-ratg"><div class="d-flex align-ems-center"><span class="name mr-4 mr-lg-4">Guy L.</span><span class="stars"><span class="sre-before-stars">4,8</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span></span></div></div><div class="d-flex jtify-ntent-between"><div class="sm-font-size">Renlt Cl 4,<!-- --> <!-- -->K Courroie Distributn (changement), Vidange + Filtre à Huile</div><div class="date sm-font-size ci">17 juillet 2023</div></div></hear><div class="ment-ntent px-2"><em>« <!-- -->Bon rapport qualé prix<!-- --> »</em></div></div></div><div class="workshop-page__review ment"><div><hear class="ment-hear mb-2"><div class="er-ratg"><div class="d-flex align-ems-center"><span class="name mr-4 mr-lg-4">Nathalie C.</span><span class="stars"><span class="sre-before-stars">4,4</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star Half</tle><path d="M480 208H308L256 48l-52 160H32l140 96-54 160 138-100 138 100-54-160z" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lejo="round" stroke-width="32"></path><path d="M256 48v316L118 464l54-160-140-96h172l52-160z"></path></svg></span></span></span></div></div><div class="d-flex jtify-ntent-between"><div class="sm-font-size">Opel Zafira B,<!-- --> <!-- -->Vidange + Filtre à Huile</div><div class="date sm-font-size ci">15 juillet 2023</div></div></hear><div class="ment-ntent px-2"><em>« <!-- -->Rpect s délais et du renz vo<!-- --> »</em></div></div></div><div class="workshop-page__review ment"><div><hear class="ment-hear mb-2"><div class="er-ratg"><div class="d-flex align-ems-center"><span class="name mr-4 mr-lg-4">sylvie l.</span><span class="stars"><span class="sre-before-stars">5</span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span><span class="star"><span class="svg-in svg-in--basele h e"><svg height="1em" width="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Star</tle><path d="M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z"></path></svg></span></span></span></div></div><div class="d-flex jtify-ntent-between"><div class="sm-font-size">Renlt Laguna 2,<!-- --> <!-- -->Vidange + 3 Filtr</div><div class="date sm-font-size ci">08 juillet 2023</div></div></hear><div class="ment-ntent px-2"><em>« <!-- -->C t la 2 fois que je vais à cz garage et pas déçue rapport qualé prix top<!-- --> »</em></div></div></div></div><div class="lendar-more-slots mt-4"><span>Voir pl d’avis</span></div></div></div><div id="tails"><div class="cg ch"><div class="workshop-page__plan"><span class="tle5 bz">Comment s’y rendre ?</span><div><h2 class="cj ag ck cl">Pièc to service PAS</h2><p>6 Rue Gay Lsac<!-- -->, <!-- -->60000<!-- --> <!-- -->Bevais</p></div><p><strong>Inditns pour se rendre garage :</strong> <!-- -->Le garage se trouve à té Pgeot ABCIS, sur la départementale en face du lycée Pl Langev avant d'arriver sur Allonne.</p><div class="workshop-page__google-map"><iame tle="Plan d’accès du garage Pièc to service PAS" height="400" width="1231" src=" ameBorr="0" style="borr:0;width:100%"></iame></div><hr/></div><div class="workshop-page__sectn cm bk f "><div class="workshop-page__openg-hours"><h3 class="tle5 cp">Horair d’ouverture</h3><div class="full-width "><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Mo 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Mo 14:00-18:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Tu 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Tu 14:00-18:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="We 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="We 14:00-18:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Th 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Th 14:00-18:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Fr 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Fr 14:00-18:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Sa 09:00-13:00"/><meta emProp="opengHours" ntent="Sa 14:00-18:00"/><ul class="openg-hours"><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">lundi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">mardi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">mercredi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">jdi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">vendredi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li><li class="openg-hours__weekday"><div class="openg-hours__weekday__name">samedi</div><div class="openg-hours__weekday__hours">09h00–13h00 / 14h00–18h00</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="workshop-page__ntact"><h3 class="tle5 cp">Contacter par téléphone</h3><p>Pièc to service PAS t actuellement <strong>fermé</strong>.</p><div class="cq"><a href="tel:" emProp="telephone" class="btn btn-lg btn-sendary btn-spner "><div class="cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy t cz da db"></div> <span class="dc">Chargement</span></a></div></div></div></div></div><div id="about"><div class="cg ch"><sectn class="workshop-page__sectn pt-0 pb-4"><h2 class="tle5 mb-4">Servic proposés par le Garage Pièc Auto Service Pas à Bevais 60000</h2><ul class="list-unstyled servic borr-bottom-0 pb-"><li><span class="svg-in dd svg-in--basele d e"><svg height="1.2em" width="1.2em" fill="#2BB2B6" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><tle>Cash .