214 Gay Ave, Clayton, MO 63105 is for sale. View 34 photos of this 3 bed, 5 bath, 5224 sqft. sgle fay home wh a list price of $2349000.
- 159 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105159 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
- 159 GAY AVE UN 9, CLAYTON, MO 63105159 GAY AVE UN 9, CLAYTON, MO 63105
- 159 GAY AVE, SAT LOUIS, MO 63105
- 147 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
- 159 GAY AVESAT LOUIS, MO 63105
- 153 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105153 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
- 214 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
- 153 GAY AVE,CLAYTON, MO 63105
159 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105159 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
See sal history and home tails for 159 Gay Ave, Clayton, MO 63105, a 5 bed, 4 bath, 3,024 Sq. Ft. ndo townhome rowhome op home built 2005 that was last sold on 06/16/2015. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
Louis CountyClayton147 Gay AveBy Lisa Coulterwh Ja McAfee Real EstatePrented by: Lisa CoulterBrokered by: Ja McAfee Real EstateFor Sale$1, 799, 0004bed3. 159 Gay Ave, Sat Louis, MO 63105 is a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 4, 000 sqft ndo built 2003. 159 Gay Ave was last sold on Mar 6, 2023 for $1, 500, 000.
The current Tlia Estimate for 159 Gay Ave is $1, 525, 200. Louis CountyClayton214 Gay AveBy Elae Medvewh Dielmann Sotheby's Internatnal RealtyPrented by: Elae MedveBrokered by: Dielmann Sotheby's Internatnal RealtyFor Sale$2, 349, 0003bed4. 079Lot Size Source: County RerdsFancialTax Annual Amount: $12, 963Tax Year: 2021UtiliWater Source: PublicSewer: Public SewerLotnAssociatn Ameni: Private Lndry Hkup, Unrground UtiliAssociatn Fee: $1, 150Associatn Fee Frequency: MonthlyAssociatn Fee Inclus: Some Insurance, Matenance Grounds, Sewer, Snow Removal, WaterElementary School: Meramec Or Junr High School: Wydown MiddleHigh School: Clayton HighHigh School District: ClaytonDirectns: Ladue Road/Maryland Avenue, east of highway 170 to north on Gay Avenue to Of Uns In Communy: 9OtherBuyer Agency Compensatn: 2.
Transportatn near 153 Gay AveFlood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate wd risk rmatn for this sal (last 30 days)Condos/Co-ops trends 63105Median Sale Price# of Hom SoldMedian Days on MarketMedian Sale Price (Condos/Co-ops)$410, 000+12. Compare to nearby zip sWhat is 153 Gay Ave?
159 GAY AVE UN 9, CLAYTON, MO 63105159 GAY AVE UN 9, CLAYTON, MO 63105
View tailed rmatn about property 159 Gay Ave Un 9, Clayton, MO 63105 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
159 GAY AVE, SAT LOUIS, MO 63105
159 Gay Ave, Sat Louis, MO 63105 is currently not for sale. The 4,000 Square Feet ndo home is a 4 beds, 4 baths property. This home was built 2003 and last sold on 2023-03-06 for $--. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
147 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
147 Gay Ave, Clayton, MO 63105 is for sale. View 25 photos of this 4 bed, 4 bath, 4087 sqft. townhome wh a list price of $1799000. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
159 Gay Ave, Sat Louis, MO 63105 was recently sold on 03-06-2023 for $1,500,000. See home tails for 159 Gay Ave and fd siar hom for sale now Sat Louis, MO on Tlia. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
153 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105153 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
View 32 photos for 153 Gay Ave, Clayton, MO 63105, a 4 bed, 4 bath, 3,897 Sq. Ft. townhom home built 2003 that was last sold on 06/27/2022. * 159 gay avenue clayton mo *
214 GAY AVE, CLAYTON, MO 63105
* 159 gay avenue clayton mo *