Israel's ernment is backg a public-relatns mpaign stylg the untry as a haven for the gay muny. Israel offers many legal protectns to gays a regn that is typilly hostile to them. But activists say the progrs me spe of — not bee of — the ernment
LGBT Rights Israel: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * lgbt em israel *
“The majory of the gay muny Israel is feelg very unsafe, ” said Hila Peer, the chairwoman of Aguda-The Associatn for LGBTQ Equaly Israel. Netanyahu and others his aln say they are mted to protectg gay rights, but the volatile polil suatn means the future is hard to predict. Israel is known as a gay haven the Middle East, and Tel Aviv is equently ced as one of the most gay-iendly ci the world, wh a Pri para that draws hundreds of thoands of revelers om Israel and abroad.
A rarely enforced ban on homosexual relatns was taken off the books 1988, and the army began allowg openly gay service members 1993 — the same year the U.