Gayatri Mantra Detailed Word by Word MeangThe Gayatri Mantra nsists of twenty-four syllabl - three l of eight syllabl each. The first le (Aum Bhu…
There are numero Gayatri mantras but the ma one, of twenty-four syllabl, is sometim lled ‘Savri’. To chant the Gayatri properly the practner should be perfectly suated the qualy of goodns (sattva-guna). The Gayatri is said to have emanated om the mouth of Lord Brahma (the creator) as he heard the sound of Lord Krishna’s flute.
Gayatri is personified as a godss (Gayatri Ma), one of the nsorts of Lord Brahma. 2018-11-08 13:03:472018-11-08 13:03:47THE GAYATRI MANTRA.
The Gayatri Mantra nsists of twenty-four syllabl - three l of eight syllabl each.
The first le (Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah) is nsired an votn, and is not technilly a part of the origal Gayatri Mantra as appears the Upanishads. Gayatri is also referred to as a Vedic poetic meter of 24 syllabl or any hymn posed this meter.