What 's like to be gay and Qatari - Doha News | Qatar

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LGBT Rights Qatar: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more.



Gay Qataris have been promised safety om torture exchange for helpg to track down other LGBTQ+ people, a proment Qatari gay-rights mpaigner has said * gay au quatar *

Le Qatar d ouvrir grands s bras x supportrs du mon entier dans l'optique du Mondial-2022 dans l'émirat nservatr, mais certas rtent sceptiqu, dans un pays où l'homosexualé rte théoriquement passible la pee mort. Même si cune prve d'une volonté malveillante n'existe à ce jour, ce rsortissant philipp, fil l'échange, d notamment cradre que la police surveille l applitns renntr entre personn même sexe, et expulse l homosexuels. Contrairement à d'tr pays du Golfe, l applitns renntr homosexuell ne sont pas bloqué Qatar, mais l utilisatrs y affichent rarement lr Doha n'abre cun li ouvertement gay, une poignée bars sont nn pour accueillir une clientèle homosexuelle: personnel s pagni aérienn, employés l'hôtellerie et tr expatriés, dans un pays où la gran majoré la populatn t étrangère.

Récemment, l anisatrs du Mondial-2022 se sont rend en Gran-Bretagne pour renntrer s fans Liverpool, dont l Kop Outs, un groupe s supporters LGBT (Lbienn, gays, bisexuels et transgenr), ont diqué à l'AFP s personn rmé cette ré Amann, fondatr s Kop Outs, qui ptent 150 membr et s liers d'abonnés sur l résex socix, a ensue effectué une vise à Doha avec son mari, en novembre, à l'vatn c anisatrs. "Personne ne vra être détenu motif la personne qu'il aime", a souligné à l'AFP Ela Steerte, une spécialiste lettone s dros humas qui a pris part à cette qutn ava déjà abordée à l'ocsn du Mondial-2018 en Rsie, où l ants LGBT sont souvent l'objet d'hostilé et la pétn, le rése ternatnal FARE, qui lutte ntre l discrimatns dans le football, ava ouvert à Mosu une zone projectn matchs pour l fans football gays et s morés la Fédératn ternatnale football (Fifa), ni l anisatrs qataris n'ont annoncé lr tentn d'accepter tels événements lors du Mondial-2022. The World Cup will start jt two weeks' time, spe grave ncerns over Qatar's rerd on human rights, wh the Middle East untry ntug to persecute the LGBT+ munyA gay man has claimed he was hunted by police ahead of the upg World CupA gay man who has prevly livg Qatar has claimed he was 'hunted' by the untry's police force before beg gang-raped a hotel room.

Résultat, le journal t pa avec s pag blanch en li et place d’un article sur une filla mrtrière ntre un bar gay x États-Unis ou enre d’un papier à propos d’Elton John, fervent défensr s LGBT et crique l’anisatn la Coupe du mon Qatar.


gay life Qatar, homosexualy Qatar, LGBT Qatar, human rights Qatar, homophobia Qatar * gay au quatar *

Le Qatar assure que l LGBT seront en "sécuré" lors du mondial"J'rais pr jouer Qatar", a affirmé en novembre l'Atralien Josh Cavallo, le sl footballr profsnnel mon à avoir publiquement révélé son homosexualé. Gay Qataris have been promised safety om physil torture exchange for helpg the thori to track down other LGBTQ+ people the untry, a proment Qatari doctor and gay rights mpaigner has told the Nasser Mohamed, who liv the US but retas ntact wh hundreds of gay Qataris, said that some secret works had been promised after arrts by Qatar’s preventive secury partment. ”Last month Human Rights Watch reported that Qatar’s preventive secury partment forc had arbrarily arrted lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr people and subjected them to ill‑treatment tentn.


Qatar Preventive Secury Department forc have arbrarily arrted lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people and subjected them to ill-treatment tentn, Human Rights Watch said today. LGBT people terviewed said that their mistreatment took place as recently as September 2022, as Qatar prepared to host the 2022 FIFA Men’s World Cup November and even as the ernment me unr tense scty for s treatment of LGBT people. * gay au quatar *

Completely overlookg the social impact of such a huge ternatnal event such a ty Islamic place as Qatar FIFA got self to hot water om human rights anizatns as well as gay rights associatns. The UK gay football group, The Jt Campaign, as well as activist John Ameechi, said was eply ncerned: “spe their apparent mment to humanarian valu and the promotn of global solidary through football, FIFA is sendg out a msage loud and clear that the rights of the global LGBT muny do not even register on their agenda… Sport should never be allowed to tmp human rights.

) by subsequent ments by the FIFA Print Sepp Blatter who tried to mimize the ncerns of the gay football fans worldwi by sayg that gays, to avoid trouble, should simply not have sex while Qatar: “homosexual fans should rea om any sexual activi that are illegal Qatar”.

However, even if a gay person is most and discreet he (unlikely she) may be targeted by foul-md lol Qatari men for any number of reasons such as blackmail, money, sexual abe or relig enmy. Speakg here is a gay heart yearng to be ee yet tied to forbiddg circumstanc that are likely to nfe and fe his entire life cludg marriage to someone he n’t fully love, producg some offsprg and warg a mask behd a closed door to thentic love and timacy.


TIME speaks to Dr. Naser Mohamed, the first and currently only Qatari to publicly e out as gay, ahead of the World Cup. * gay au quatar *

To make this suatn even more bizarre, the prs quoted Dr Yuf al-Qaradawi, a Mlim fundamentalist scholar based Qatar, as sayg homosexual behavr is servg of rporal punishment cludg beg stoned to ath.


* gay au quatar *

Another dark si of hidn homosexualy Qatar is revealed recent reports of sex-traffickg of poor gay Kenyan male stunts who have been lured to Qatar wh the promise of good jobs only to fd they’ve bee entrapped by wealthy Qatar lols to e for their sexual pleasure. (Beit) – Qatar Preventive Secury Department forc have arbrarily arrted lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people and subjected them to ill-treatment tentn, Human Rights Watch said today.

One FIFA legate, Director of Football Agast Racism Piara Powar, stated  September that the anisatn would try to secure legislative change: “Qatar wants to host the tournament at the start of a new , they will want to prent an ternatnally welg face and wh FIFA’s help we are sure will be possible to w over the Qataris so that they e to le wh the rt of the world, cludg other untri the Gulf and Middle East and change the law on homosexualy”. ILGA’s State Sponsored Homophobia report observed that while “technilly is possible that Mlim men uld be put to ath for same-sex sexual behavurs… do not appear that any person has been executed for this reason or at all.


A group of Arab iends livg Qatar's pal Doha met up over cktails and snacks last week, exchangg opns as they flicked through profil of gay men on datg apps Tr and Grdr. * gay au quatar *

In November, the Atralian footballer Josh Cavallo, who had recently me out publicly as gay, said that the fact that Qatar matas the possibily of the ath penalty for same-sex sexual activy is somethg he’s “very sred of and [he] wouldn’t really want to go to Qatar for that”.

The band’s lead sger is openly gay, and they received signifint public attentn 2017 after their display of support for LGBT rights at a ncert Egypt led to a crackdown agast the LGBT muny.


Dr. Nasser “Nas” Mohamed is said to be the first gay Qatari to e out publicly. He did to raise awarens about the existence and mistreatment of LGBTQ people Qatar before the 2022 FIFA World Cup. “Our voic and our journeys matter,” he says. * gay au quatar *

In the months sce, Mohamed lnched the non-prof Alwan Foundatn to advance LGBTQ+ rights across the Middle East and pecially Qatar, where he says that secury operativ filtrate gay muni orr to torture and erce members to rm on others. The world’s only openly gay top‑flight men’s footballer says he would be “sred” to play at the World Cup tournament Qatar next year bee of the emirate’s harsh ban on homosexualy and legal penalti rangg om floggg to lengthy prison terms and Cavallo, 21, who plays for Alai Uned Atralia’s A-League, received a wave of support om football fans and current and former players last month after openg up about his sexualy a vio posted to the club’s social media feeds.


Adam Crafton went to report for The Athletic durg the World Cup Qatar. As a gay man, this was his experience * gay au quatar *

”The announcement ma Cavallo the only out gay player men’s profsnal football, his isolatn stark a sport whose admistrators have lnched high-profile public mpaigns recent years embracg LGBT fans and only a handful of male players have ever e out, ntrast to the women’s game, which has easily blown past the same barrier: more than 40 lbian or bisexual players took part the 2019 women’s World Cup France, acrdg to Fifa. Crics have raised the fact that Fifa ntu to award World Cups to untri such as Rsia – where homophobia has been lled a “state‑sponsored” project – and Qatar, where same-sex acts are illegal, as evince of the erng body’s patchy mment to if holdg the tournament a untry wh strict penalti for homosexualy sent the wrong msage to gay footballers and fans, Cavallo, who has played for Atralia’s unr-20s ternatnal si, told the Guardian’s daily news podst that he would be aaid for his safety if asked to participate the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

'I'm a footballer and I'm gay': A-League player Josh Cavallo talks about his sexualy – vio“I read somethg along the l of that [they] give the ath penalty for gay people Qatar, so ’s somethg I’m very sred [of] and wouldn’t really want to go to Qatar for that, ” he said. At the end of the day the World Cup is Qatar and one of the greatt achievements as a profsnal footballer is to play for your untry, and to know that this is a untry that don’t support gay people and puts at risk of our own life, that do sre me and mak me re-evaluate – is my life more important than dog somethg really good my reer? Mlims the untry n be subject to Sharia law that bans any sexual activy outsi marriage wh punishments rangg up to the ath penalty, meang homosexual acts n technilly rult executn, though several human rights reports have said there is no evince any gay people have been executed for the offence.

”Along wh the appallg ndns for migrant workers buildg the astcture for the tournament, the prospect of gay fans or players beg arrted Qatar has dogged Fifa sce the emirate was announced as host of the tournament 2010. The anisatn’s then print, Sepp Blatter, fuelled the ntroversy the same year when he was asked if he had any advice for gay people who wanted to travel to the Gulf state for the petn.


But they walk a fe le between acmodatg what are now mastream attus towards gay people much of the world and the untry’s own nservative relig the tournament has approached, Qatari officials have sought to reassure LGBT fans that they will be wele the untry and n exprs themselv – wh lims.

Homosexualy⚢✖ Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)Censorship✖ State-enforcedNon-bary genr regnn✖ Not legally regnizedDiscrimatn✖ No protectnsEmployment Discrimatn✖ No protectnsHog Discrimatn✖ No protectnsDonatg Blood✖ Banned (fe ferral)Conversn Therapy✖ Not banned. REUTERS/Fabriz Bensch/ Acquire Licensg RightsDOHA, Nov 19 (Rters) - A group of Arab iends livg Qatar's pal Doha met up over cktails and snacks last week, exchangg opns as they flicked through profil of gay men on datg apps Tr and phone of one flashed wh a msage om a suor around the rner.


The man his 20s leapt up om the table, leavg to meet his date iends, who met up days before the soccer World Cup kicks off Qatar on Sunday, are part of a Doha gay scene that's managg to fly unr the radar a natn where same-sex relatns are illegal and punishable by up to three years of jail-time. "Rters spoke to four gay men Doha - the Wterner, two Qataris pl an Arab om elsewhere the regn - who said they lived the untry, a mag for foreign workers, bee they had well-paid jobs, pl iends or fay four spoke on ndn of anonymy due to ncern over possible punishment om thori.

"It's not all sufferg, " said a 30-year-old gay Arab man who has lived and worked Doha for nearly 10 fact, the four exprsed worri about the wave of ternatnal cricism about gay rights Qatar brought by the World Cup, fearg they uld lose the eedoms they do enjoy should the opprobrium lead to a public backlash agast the LGBT+ muny once global attentn mov on. "The men prent jt one snapshot of life for gay people the Gulf natn - and the four regnise their relative eedoms are a product of privilege; they n afford to live alone, host parti and meet partners high-end rtrants or nightclubs, where the strict l of Qatari society are often more 's not like that for members of Qatar's LGBT muny have reported beg taed, some as recently as September, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said.

A Qatari official cricised the HRW report as ntag false rmatn and said the untry do not license or operate nversn Mohamed, a gay Qatari physician who has lived the Uned Stat for about a , weled the attentn the tournament has drawn to Qatar's rights rerd, sayg prompted him to speak out wily about his sexualy. 9 ln populatn, wh the rt foreign workers, rangg om low-e nstctn workers to high-powered four men terviewed by Rters said that there were strong fancial and reer centiv to ridg the untry, addg that life for gay people there was better than some other plac the Middle ced Sdi Arabia and Iran, where men have been sentenced to ath for beg gay..


"Qatari anisers of the World Cup have warned visors agast public displays of affectn but say that everyone, no matter their sexual orientatn or background, is wele at the the tournament, medil practners will not ask patients about their extramaral sex, relign or any other stat, acrdg to the Yoef Al Maslamani, the healthre spokperson for the FIFA World the 12 years sce Qatar was named host of the 2022 tournament, the untry has faced tensifyg cricism over s rights rerd on laborers, women and the LGBT furore has been fuelled by ments om public figur cludg former Qatar player and World Cup ambassador Khalid Salman who told a German broadster that homosexualy was "damage the md". It meant tailg and unrstandg how and why LGBT+ people — and that bloody armband — beme one of the them of the here is a gay guy’s acunt of the past month, reportg the World Cup Qatar.

Gianni Infanto speaks ntroversially ahead of the tournament (Photo: Christopher Lee/Getty Imag)Homosexual behavur is illegal Qatar, as is sex outsi of marriage, regardls of sexual orientatn, so some of what I am scribg may e as a surprise. The hostily is worse for those nsired feme, or trans, unrlg that so much about homophobia is unrpned by warped perceptns of the tournament, many Wtern journalists had obssed over whether men would be able to hold hands Doha. One said he was prepared to set asi his own happs bee he feared his father would be stigmatised by his fay if he was known to have a gay person shared so many of the same terts as me.


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