Top 16 Bt BL Korean Dramas To Watch (Gay Romance)

gay k drama series

Currently airg, upg and fished BL/Gay themed dramas and movi of 2020 and 2021.(Cha--Maland Cha + Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.) UPDATE: List was created early 2020, so  I was ponrg on whether to spl this list two, but cid not to, sce que…" name="scriptn



BL/Gay them movi, dramas and short movi om South Korea. For a prehensive list of Asian BL ntag the tl om this list + Cha (cludg Maland Cha, Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan and Thailand; see my huge list for Asian BL/Gay movi and dramas. (793 tl and untg.)…" name="scriptn * gay k drama series *

Reprentatn K-dramas is startg to get a lot better, and the bt gay Korean dramas have some of the most heartwarmg storyl — here are the bt K-dramas wh LGBTQ+ reprentatn. In fact, there's now even several K-dramas dited to a gay love story that's changg the game and helpg the rise of the new "Boy’s Love (BL)" genre.


Here are some of the remend BL Kdramas you should watch if you're terted gay romance. The boys' love dramas are the bt. * gay k drama series *

While there's still a long way to go, there are a handful of gay Korean dramas that break the mold and feature LGBTQ+ characters.

The K-Drama Secret Garn is one of the first shows Korea to feature LGBTQ+ narrativ and remas one of the bt gay Korean dramas.


45 tl for Gay Film Korea: The Lover, Where Your Ey Lger (Movie), The Poet and The Boy, Seoul Mat, Bungee Jumpg of Their Own, Hello My Love, Goodbye Day, Like a Virg, Night Flight and Black Stone" name="scriptn * gay k drama series *

His life is given purpose when he meets Han Tae-Sun (Lee Jong-S), who is a gay mil prodigy. One of the bt gay Korean dramas follows five high school stunts who form a tective club. The gay Korean drama is unapologetic when to featurg s gay characters and their romance.

The show also promently foc on the brother of one of the characters who is openly gay and is a lovg and stable relatnship. While not herently a gay Korean drama, Be Melodramatic is a show that will tug at the heartstrgs of viewers thanks to s three-dimensnal portrayal of s characters, as well as s relatable narrative. The gay Korean drama Lily Fever featur a romance between two women.

One of the bt gay Korean dramas, the story revolv around an app that lets people know whether someone one's radi is love wh them.


* gay k drama series *

Some of this drama surrounds a supportg character, Oh-Je (Moon B), makg one of the bt gay Korean dramas.


!!**My list of BL/Gay tl not listed here on MDL**!!There are a few tl listed here, that are not actually nsired eher bl or gay, but I've chosen to clu them.  I'll try to note why, or how they differ.  Feel ee to send me a qutn if you have one about any of the tl.…" name="scriptn * gay k drama series *

Oh-Je is athletic, built, and handsome, and another girl's csh, and episo 13, 's revealed that he's gay.

The gay Korean drama's storyle asi, the seri as a whole beme popular for s dream-worthy romance and there's one scene that ptured the dience's attentn. Hello Dracula was only a short drama wh two episos, but one of the bt gay Korean dramas left a lastg impact as revolved around three women. The 2010 K-drama had a subplot revolvg around a gay relatnship, makg one of the bt gay Korean dramas.


My addictn wh BL genre has started October 2016 (I did watch lots of Hong Kong, Che, Amerin, European gay themed movi before) and then I started watchg anim, readg mangas and totally beme obssed. :Pp.s. This list clus everythg, all LGBT themed movi and dramas…" name="scriptn * gay k drama series *

But the sequel had somethg the first didn't - a small subplot volvg LGBTQ+ reprentatn, makg one of the better gay Korean dramas. He's gay and is love wh Yoon-Jae (Seo In-Go), Shi-Won's childhood bt iend.

K-dramas might be featurg more gay characters – jt watch Where Your Ey Lger or To My Star – but South Korea’s showbiz still has a way to go * gay k drama series *

On the 4-Thgs Show, he explaed that many people qutned his sexualy jt bee he played a gay character on screen.

BL/Gay them movi, dramas and short movi om South Korea. For a prehensive list of Asian BL ntag the tl om this list + Cha (cludg Maland Cha, Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan and Thailand; see my huge list for Asian BL/Gay movi and dramas. (793 tl and untg.)…" name="scriptn * gay k drama series *

Some gay Korean dramas are all about love, romance, and cute upl. Ho-Dol is g to terms wh his sexualy and soon meets bartenr, Won-s, at a gay bar.

The Netflix K-drama Itaewon Class quickly beme one of 2020's h shows the genre, and s one of the bt gay Korean dramas thanks to one specific character. Heart was a short K-drama 2020 that was a follow-up project to Where Your Ey Lger, and 's one of the bt gay Korean dramas.

Where Your Ey Lger stirred the pot for beg a BL drama, but s one of the bt gay Korean dramas. But for now, here are the 11 bt BL dramas om 2021 that serve your WrerStep si the life of a fictn wrer as Gene (“Up” Poompat Iam-samang) overse his BL novel beg adapted to a drama and falls for the drama’s lead actor, Nubsib (“Kao” Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun), while his edor prsur him for the next btseller that’s more gay, more erotic, and more profable. Kokoy Santos and Elijah Canlas m to their craft like their rent is due, brgg a vulnerabily and tth to the uple’s gay experience.


Gay Film Korea (45 shows) - MyDramaList .