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class="ContentHearByle-kmPyCa emiglw"><div class="ContentHearByleContent-dpPmNn DRFq"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl ContentHearByl-cZqgyJ bHLeKI"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH iMWgyG byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span><a class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BaseLk-eNWuiM ByleLk-gEnFiw iUEiRd bbbwVd fNvcOK eErqIx byle__name-lk button" href="/ntributor/k-ci-williams">K-Ci Williams</a></span></span></p></div><time data-ttid="ContentHearPublishDate" dateTime="2021-12-16T07:00:00-05:00" class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ ContentHearPublishDate-eIBicG iUEiRd ekhvDV dQlcNj">December 16, 2021</time></div></div><div class="SocialInsWrapper-hKMEXV ffgPVr social-ins social-ins--standard 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Moon" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></picture></div></div></span><div class="CaptnWrapper-jSZdqE jCUnQr ptn ContentHearLeadAssetCaptn-hPWmSN eWQmYe"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ CaptnCred-ejegDm iUEiRd fEOCQm fNaHcW ptn__cred">Courty NADAO</span></div></div></figure></div></div><asi class="PersistentAsiWrapper-VGrR oEIBz persistent-asi persistent-asi--align-left" style="posn:absolute;top:to;height:to" data-ttid="PersistentAsiWrapper"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jNgrSF sticky-box ContentHearPersistentAsi-fsnAmQ dFzKzm"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="SocialInsWrapper-hKMEXV ffgPVr social-ins social-ins--has-background ContentHearSocialIns-jzJiyg sDfbk social-ins--share"><ul data-ttid="socialInslist" class="SocialInsList-cHVTIA ivmblD social-ins__list"></ul></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></asi></hear></div><div data-attribute-verso-pattern="article-body" class="ArticlePageContentBackGround-cNiFNN kJkLmH article-body__ntent"><div class="ArticlePageChunksContent-etcMtP bwyLBj"><div data-ttid="ArticlePageChunks" class="ArticlePageChunks-fLyCVG eSsnKa"><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p>Some of the bt <a href=">BL dramas</a> (shorthand for Boys’ Love) to date have ma global wav 2021, om untri such as Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Cha and the Philipp. This year’s BL dramas have ventured to uncharted terrory, showg aga and aga the value of nuanced, romantic queer storytellg.</p><p>K-pop group <a href=">A.C.E’s lear Jun told</a> <em>Teen Vogue</em> Augt that he hoped BL dramas like <em>Light on Me</em> and others uld “help break down prejudic and create a more equal world for all,” knowg back then that his forthg role <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><em>Tted Wh You</em></a> would do exactly that. <a href="><em>Light On Me</em> star Kang Yooseok</a> put like this to <em>Teen Vogue</em> earlier this year: “A person n fall love wh anybody, bee a person n love anyone.” That’s <a href=">the sence of BL</a> s most fundamental state.</p><div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--article-mid-ntent" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--article-mid-ntent nsumer-marketg-un__slot---ntent"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><p><strong>Related:</strong> <a href=">The 11 Bt BL Dramas of 2022</a></p><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad---ntent"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot---ntent" data-no-id="985umg"></div></div><p>Current seri <em>Bad Buddy</em> — will we ever tly move on om <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><em>that</em></a> scene? — will rg the new year, vyg for BL supremacy 2022 as we wa for dramas such as <em>To My Star 2</em>, PondPhuw’s <em>Never Let Me Go</em>, and <em>KnPorsche</em> <em>The Seri</em>. But for now, here are the 11 bt BL dramas om 2021 that serve your attentn.</p><h2><em>Lovely Wrer</em></h2><p>Step si the life of a fictn wrer as Gene (“Up” Poompat Iam-samang) overse his BL novel beg adapted to a drama and falls for the drama’s lead actor, Nubsib (“Kao” Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun), while his edor prsur him for the next btseller that’s more gay, more erotic, and more profable. This seri turned heads for explorg the unrbelly of Thailand’s BL dtry, where actors are marketed as a uple IRL, and sexual asslt is romanticized. <em>Lovely Wrer</em> sets out to make a statement <em>and</em> tell a good story, both of which achiev, if not wholly via the palpable chemistry between Up and Kao, then through s ensemble st. If you’re lookg for social mentary and <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><em>kilig</em></a> rolled to one, this is the show for you. (<a href=">YouTube</a>, Thailand)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>Gameboys: The Movie</em></h2><p>As the ntuatn of Gavreel and Cairo’s love story that unfold <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">season one</a>, this film ups the ante by brgg the drama out om behd social media screens and to vis-à-vis, as the love birds relish their newfound timacy whout panmic rtrictns. Kokoy Santos and Elijah Canlas m to their craft like their rent is due, brgg a vulnerabily and tth to the uple’s gay experience. It’s currently dog the ternatnal circu several film ftivals, so you’ll need to wa a while before ’s available to watch — might jt be <a href=">the future of queer storytellg</a>. (Philipp)</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="zvtwov"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>Light On Me</em></h2><p>Basilly has <a href=">all the bells and whistl of a K-drama, but make gay</a>. Taekyung, played by Lee Saeon, is a meek high school loner who cis he’d like to have iends. Enter Kang Yooseok as Shwoo and Choe Chanyi as Daon, his betifully flawed love terts, whose storyl engage wh their gayns a tangible way, not simply relegatg to the peripheral. Mix an OST om A.C.E, and you’ve got the seri that kept BL Twter a chokehold for most of July and Augt. <em>Light On Me</em> left me wh butterfli my stomach, but more than that, remd me of the importance of iendship. We stan Namgoong. (<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Viki</a>, South Korea)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>A Tale of Thoand Stars</em></h2><p>When a young woman di a traffic accint, Tian (Sahaphap Wongratch aka Mix) receiv her transplanted heart. Learng about his donor’s life tak him to a village, where he meets Chief Phupha (Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, known as Earth), and his new heart grows fiant, beatg faster Phupha’s prence. I mean, who wouldn’t experience palpatns when faced wh a chiselled god like Earth, who brgs a quiet digny to the screen. Emotn spik every episo as Tian steps to his new sense of self (any chance to see Mix’s se). The village tale is about untg a thoand stars, and EarthMix, I’ve found two of the brightt. Stargazg has never been more thrillg than wh them. (<a href=">YouTube</a>, Thailand)</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="9jzsog"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>We Bt Love</em></h2><p>An unrivaled gem om this year and livered two parts; <em>No.1 For You</em> and <em>Fightg Mr 2nd</em>, this story will fashn knots your stomach and unravel them wh ecstatic joy one fell swoop. College stunt Zhou Shu Yi is an nscent talent, but he’s been bted at every turn by Gao Shi De, always first place, who begs an dac qut to w his heart. Sparks tly fly between idol actors YU and Sam L — pecially one impassned scene on a bridge — immortalizg this drama at the apex of BL non. Angst and plenty of heart? The cup nh over. (<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">WeTV</a>, Taiwan)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>Manner of Death</em></h2><p>Gone are the engeerg uniforms and universy mp of BL, this spenseful thriller that rn fan favore uplg “Max” Nattapol Diloknawar and “Tul” Pakorn Thanasrivanchai — MaxTul. Set the ral Viangpha Mork, a strg of murrs leads Dr Bunnak (Tul) and school teacher Tan (Max) to unver the terrible tth about their town. It’s rehg to see the leads love-locked ath-fyg pas agast rpt power, extendg what we would nsir as BL to a more crime genre-specific eratn. <em>Manner of Death</em> has a particular proclivy for keepg s dience on their to, matched only by MaxTul’s effable chemistry. (<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">WeTV</a>, Thailand)</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="qegwpa"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>Word of Honor</em></h2><p>Adapted om the <em>danmei</em>, Faraway Wanrers 天涯客, this <em>wuxia</em> drama entangl two soulmat on a path to seek peace and jtice amongst the chaos of martial arts sects and a valley of evil. As soulmat go, Zhou Zishu (Zhang Zhehan) and Wen Kexg (Gong Jun) are characters that, bis beg credibly easy on the ey, tapult every scene to another level wh their relentls banter. Heaven only knows how <em>Word of Honor</em> passed Cha’s strict censorship laws, but the takg is vast. One need only read the actor’s lips (different to the ADR dubbg) to see how queer the show was tend to be. It’s a boistero and gargantuan epic wh a gutsy endg worth stickg around for. (<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Viki</a>, Cha)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>Stuck On You</em></h2><p>Image visg a stranger’s hoe for a hookup durg panmic tim, only for to go horribly wrong — your cy go to lockdown and you wd up stuck quarante wh your failed hookup. That’s the hook here. The pilot episo — aptly tled “Mask for Mask” — sets the stage for a story that duc tears and lghs equal measure, posg the qutn: n nnectns formed a surreal realy like quarante ever bee anythg more than suatnships? We have an nate need to be forted and feel valued, sired even, and through s limed spe, <em>Stuck On You</em> is a perfect storm. (<a href=">YouTube</a>, Philipp)</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="3yk2d"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>My Love Mix-Up! (Kieta Hatsoi)</em></h2><p>Young love gets a shake-up this enarg and sweet high-school romance led by Japane idols Michieda Shunse as Aoki, and Meguro Ren as Ida. Aoki lik Hashimoto, a girl his class. He borrows her eraser and se Ida’s name wrten on . But Ida se , and thks Aoki has a csh on him — and so the fun begs. It’s enarg to wns them disverg what feels right, what’s acceptable, what mak them feel happy. And who wouldn’t have a soft spot for a protagonist that puts himself the trash bee he feels hopels? As the show fish up s fal episos, ’s well worth a bge. (<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Viki</a>, Japan)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>To My Star</em></h2><p>Once aga provg there’s more to gay fantasy than universy romanc, <em>To My Star</em> featur Son Woo-hyun as popular actor Kang Seo-joon, who is exiled om stardom amidst a media ntroversy. That’s when Kim Kang-m’s affable Han Ji-woo, an uber-talented chef, enters the picture. What follows is a lightful to-and-o as the pair make allowanc for each other’s divergent personali. “Everythg is solved wh a hug,” this seri proclaims. It’s a fair affirmatn, wh only ne episos at roughly fifteen mut each, feels like a hug — warm, long enough to stimulate seroton, but short enough to leave you wishg didn’t end so soon.</p><div class="Contaer-bkChBi byNLHx"></div><p>(<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Viki</a>, South Korea)</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="1fu7yh"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><h2><em>I Promised You The Moon</em></h2><p>Billk’s character Teh and PP Kr’s Oh-aew om <em>I Told Sunset About You</em> leave behd the safety of goln-hued Phet for universy life metropolan Bangkok. Rarely do a work of fictn <a href=">igne such passn me</a>, but Teh and Oh-aew are so dazzlgly drawn that ’s hard to not feel their plights tangibly, as if they are our own. <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Sewn together by a sre</a> that latch onto your heart before squeezg so hard you thk you’ll qu breathg, ’s a g of age story like no other. <em>I Promised You the Moon</em> traips through the highs and lows of youth, navigatg heartbreak and betrayal and growg up. It transcends BL. (Vimeo, Thailand)</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="67jza"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p><strong>Let sli to your DMs.</strong> <a href=">Sign up for the <em>Teen Vogue</em> daily email</a>.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-1 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p><strong>Want more om</strong> <em><strong>Teen Vogue</strong></em><strong>? Check this out:</strong> <a href=">On Boys’ Love Stori, Queer Fantasi, & Communi We Create</a></p><figure class="CneVioEmbedFigure-kCfJjN hdJOda e-vio-embed"><div data-ttid="script-ntaer"></div></figure></div></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 PaywallInleBarrierWhWrapperGrid-fyrGfS jyGBoi"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="body body__le-barrier article__body article__body--grid-margs"><div class="ntaer ntaer--body"><div class="ntaer--body-ner"><asi class="PaywallInleBarrierWrapper-iBnuqk lfXXa-D" data-ttid="PaywallInleBarrierWrapper"><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--paywall-le-barrier" role="prentatn" aria-live="pole" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--paywall-le-barrier"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></asi></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs 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class="SummaryItemAssetContaer-gwhFFH VOyg summary-em__asset-ntaer"><a class="SummaryItemImageLk-dshqxb cPpCwE summary-em__image-lk summary-em-trackg__image-lk" href=" aria-hidn="te" tabx="-1" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-image-1" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" target="_self"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kGxnNB rponsive-asset SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image"><div data-tt="aspect-rat-ntaer" class="AspectRatContaer-bJHpJz hlQxkn"><div class="aspect-rat--overlay-ntaer"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image rponsive-image"><noscript><source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><source media="(m-width: 768px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><img alt="HSMTMTS Is Over, But Its Legacy Is Dynamic Teen Relatnships" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></noscript></picture></div></div></span></a></div><div class="SummaryItemContent-eiDYMl clSLtF summary-em__ntent"><div class="RubricWrapper-dKmCNX fiYQJA bric bric--disvery SummaryItemRubric-dguGKN lapGFj summary-em__bric"><span class="RubricName-fVtemz cLxcNi">Culture</span></div><a class="SummaryItemHedLk-civM hlgoFI summary-em-trackg__hed-lk summary-em__hed-lk" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-hed-1" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" href=" target="_self"><div data-ttid="ClampWrapper" class="ClampWrapper-kZxfkB hTTNGO clamp SummaryItemHedBase-hiFYpQ fOAWJi summary-em__hed"><div class="ClampContent-hilPkr jVhSBH"><div class="SummaryItemHedTag-TWblf gxaOcP" data-ttid="SummaryItemHed">HSMTMTS Is Over, But Its Legacy Is Dynamic Teen Relatnships</div></div></div></a><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ SummaryItemDek-CRfsi iUEiRd eBANPJ iponZO summary-em__k">First lov, unrequed lov, iendship lov — the HSM seri lv to all.</div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi hYsZi summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>Rehana Nurmahi</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="SummaryItemWrapper-iwvBff jyvMGX summary-em summary-em--has-le summary-em--ARTICLE summary-em--no-in summary-em--text-align-left summary-em--layout-placement-text-below summary-em--layout-posn-image-left summary-em--layout-proportns-50-50 summary-em--si-by-si-align-center summary-em--si-by-si-image-right-mobile-false summary-em--standard SummaryCollectnGridSummaryItem-WColm hJWTlO" role="button" tabx="0"><div class="SummaryItemAssetContaer-gwhFFH VOyg summary-em__asset-ntaer"><a class="SummaryItemImageLk-dshqxb cPpCwE summary-em__image-lk summary-em-trackg__image-lk" href=" aria-hidn="te" tabx="-1" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-image-2" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" target="_self"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kGxnNB rponsive-asset SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image"><div data-tt="aspect-rat-ntaer" class="AspectRatContaer-bJHpJz hlQxkn"><div class="aspect-rat--overlay-ntaer"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image rponsive-image"><noscript><source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><source media="(m-width: 768px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><img alt="The Bt Back to School Movie Marathon to Get You Exced for a New School Year" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></noscript></picture></div></div></span></a></div><div class="SummaryItemContent-eiDYMl clSLtF summary-em__ntent"><div class="RubricWrapper-dKmCNX fiYQJA bric bric--disvery SummaryItemRubric-dguGKN lapGFj summary-em__bric"><span class="RubricName-fVtemz cLxcNi">Culture</span></div><a class="SummaryItemHedLk-civM hlgoFI summary-em-trackg__hed-lk summary-em__hed-lk" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-hed-2" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" href=" target="_self"><div data-ttid="ClampWrapper" class="ClampWrapper-kZxfkB hTTNGO clamp SummaryItemHedBase-hiFYpQ fOAWJi summary-em__hed"><div class="ClampContent-hilPkr jVhSBH"><div class="SummaryItemHedTag-TWblf gxaOcP" data-ttid="SummaryItemHed">The Bt Back to School Movie Marathon to Get You Exced for a New School Year</div></div></div></a><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ SummaryItemDek-CRfsi iUEiRd eBANPJ iponZO summary-em__k">The films are ol (for school).</div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi hYsZi summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>De Elizabeth</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="SummaryItemWrapper-iwvBff jyvMGX summary-em summary-em--has-le summary-em--ARTICLE summary-em--no-in summary-em--text-align-left summary-em--layout-placement-text-below summary-em--layout-posn-image-left summary-em--layout-proportns-50-50 summary-em--si-by-si-align-center summary-em--si-by-si-image-right-mobile-false summary-em--standard SummaryCollectnGridSummaryItem-WColm hJWTlO" role="button" tabx="0"><div class="SummaryItemAssetContaer-gwhFFH VOyg summary-em__asset-ntaer"><a class="SummaryItemImageLk-dshqxb cPpCwE summary-em__image-lk summary-em-trackg__image-lk" href=" aria-hidn="te" tabx="-1" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-image-3" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" target="_self"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kGxnNB rponsive-asset SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image"><div data-tt="aspect-rat-ntaer" class="AspectRatContaer-bJHpJz hlQxkn"><div class="aspect-rat--overlay-ntaer"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image rponsive-image"><noscript><source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><source media="(m-width: 768px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><img alt="William Gao Miss His Long Hair as Tao Heartstopper Season 2" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></noscript></picture></div></div></span></a></div><div class="SummaryItemContent-eiDYMl clSLtF summary-em__ntent"><div class="RubricWrapper-dKmCNX fiYQJA bric bric--disvery SummaryItemRubric-dguGKN lapGFj summary-em__bric"><span class="RubricName-fVtemz cLxcNi">Culture</span></div><a class="SummaryItemHedLk-civM hlgoFI summary-em-trackg__hed-lk summary-em__hed-lk" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-hed-3" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" href=" target="_self"><div data-ttid="ClampWrapper" class="ClampWrapper-kZxfkB hTTNGO clamp SummaryItemHedBase-hiFYpQ fOAWJi summary-em__hed"><div class="ClampContent-hilPkr jVhSBH"><div class="SummaryItemHedTag-TWblf gxaOcP" data-ttid="SummaryItemHed">William Gao Miss His Long Hair as Tao <em>Heartstopper</em> Season 2</div></div></div></a><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ SummaryItemDek-CRfsi iUEiRd eBANPJ iponZO summary-em__k">Tao has ls hair, but more vulnerabily this season, says Gao.</div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi hYsZi summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>K-Ci Williams</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ SummaryCollectnGridSummaryItem-WColm hJWTlO ad ad--read-more"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--read-more" data-no-id="iksptk"></div></div><div class="SummaryItemWrapper-iwvBff jyvMGX summary-em summary-em--has-le summary-em--ARTICLE summary-em--no-in summary-em--text-align-left summary-em--layout-placement-text-below summary-em--layout-posn-image-left summary-em--layout-proportns-50-50 summary-em--si-by-si-align-center summary-em--si-by-si-image-right-mobile-false summary-em--standard SummaryCollectnGridSummaryItem-WColm hJWTlO" role="button" tabx="0"><div class="SummaryItemAssetContaer-gwhFFH VOyg summary-em__asset-ntaer"><a class="SummaryItemImageLk-dshqxb cPpCwE summary-em__image-lk summary-em-trackg__image-lk" href=" aria-hidn="te" tabx="-1" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-image-4" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" target="_self"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kGxnNB rponsive-asset SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image"><div data-tt="aspect-rat-ntaer" class="AspectRatContaer-bJHpJz hlQxkn"><div class="aspect-rat--overlay-ntaer"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa SummaryItemRponsiveAsset-hjGIGg bDvSkO summary-em__image rponsive-image"><noscript><source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><source media="(m-width: 768px)" srcSet="" siz="100vw"/><img alt="Heartstopper's Yasm Fney Lov That Elle and Tao Get to "Jt Be Love"" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></noscript></picture></div></div></span></a></div><div class="SummaryItemContent-eiDYMl clSLtF summary-em__ntent"><div class="RubricWrapper-dKmCNX fiYQJA bric bric--disvery SummaryItemRubric-dguGKN lapGFj summary-em__bric"><span class="RubricName-fVtemz cLxcNi">Culture</span></div><a class="SummaryItemHedLk-civM hlgoFI summary-em-trackg__hed-lk summary-em__hed-lk" data-ponent-type="recirc-river" data-recirc-id="em-hed-4" data-recirc-pattern="summary-em" href=" target="_self"><div data-ttid="ClampWrapper" class="ClampWrapper-kZxfkB hTTNGO clamp SummaryItemHedBase-hiFYpQ fOAWJi summary-em__hed"><div class="ClampContent-hilPkr jVhSBH"><div class="SummaryItemHedTag-TWblf gxaOcP" data-ttid="SummaryItemHed">Heartstopper's Yasm Fney Lov That Elle and Tao Get to "Jt Be Love"</div></div></div></a><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ SummaryItemDek-CRfsi iUEiRd eBANPJ iponZO summary-em__k">Season 2 furthers the romance between Fney's Elle and Will Gao's character Tao.</div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi hYsZi summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>K-Ci Williams</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="SummaryCollectnGridToActnWrapper-gnReGN eGayfk"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan"><div class="TaboolaWrapper-hMVdpE iYfBhy"><div class="TaboolaWidgetWrapper-egPIjc hkSrgt TaboolaWidget-eUSdED hQCCRa" data-ttid="TaboolaWidgetWrapper"><div class="TaboolaWidgetContent-iBEQTO eXroXG TABOOLA" 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gay drama list

101 tl for gay/bl (Taiwan): It Seems to Ra, Eternal Summer, Pair of Love, Crystal Boys, Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Sodom's Cat, Love to Our Youth: He Falls Love wh Him, HIStory1: My Hero, HIStory1: Stay Away From Me and HIStory1: Obssed" name="scriptn



Currently airg, upg and fished BL/Gay themed dramas and movi of 2020 and 2021.(Cha--Maland Cha + Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.) UPDATE: List was created early 2020, so  I was ponrg on whether to spl this list two, but cid not to, sce que…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

However, I wonr how 'll turn out due to the Che media ban on LGBTQ is a reason for most Che BL/Gay themed stuff beg produced Taiwan... 5/10anger sle: 4/10 cw: transphobia, ath of a (mor) trans character, suici, sual homophobia, sual biphobia, gang vlence, rape, attempted rape, domtic abe, murr, nsfw, cheatg, nudyma me cry? While i nt remend to everyone ( gets pretty heavy) i thk if you n al wh the cws above i thk you will love this transphobia, rape, homophobia, domtic abe, etc.

's about as good as you image based on the hype and maybe more they censored the non gay element but the subtext is so obv youd have to be like, Really straight to not pick up on you n tell that they love each other, even if they dont kiss onscreen or get married for realand the appeal of the show don't end at the relatnship between the leads. No, 's an trigug story about fay (cludg found fay), murr mysteri, moraly, what means to be good or evil, and marxism cw: murr, homophobia, homophobic bullyg, gang vlencema me cry? I was close thoughsrstory: 7/10characters: 9/10pairgs: 8/10 (brought down by lacklter sendary pair)anger sle: 2/10worthy of beg nsired one of the bt cw (spoiler ee): homophobia, parental abe, animal ath, fay ath, suici, some nsfw at the startma me cry?


hi im bisexual and this is all the gay dramas/movi or dramas/movi wh gay storyl that ive seen. sorted by how good i thk they are (not necsarily enjoyment, but obvly none of this will be objective)ratg reflects my personal enjoymentthe are all primarily mlm, but i do hope…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

There's like one or two jumpsr, the ma characters m suici cw: homophobic parents, ternalized homophobia, vlence, irl shippg (sort of)story: 8/10characters: 10/10pairg: 10/10anger sle: hhhhh/10 (5/10)you really have no exce not to watch this show.

Also hets:/anger sle: 2/10this is a show about rernatn and fated lovers, given that premise s no surprise that both of them m suici ep one (after beg nonted by their homophobic fathers) now they are rernated and get a new shot at love - on first imprsn this feels a ltle like a cheap exce to have them be head over heels for each other at first sight, but once their past liv' relatnship gets explored more flashbacks, and seeg how pharm's trma over havg seen his boyiend m suici a past life impacts him... S rehg okalso here's a sweet tail, somethg you jt dont see a lot thai bl: pharm and (pharm's past self) are both played by openly gay actors!!!

So yeahSPOILER: also turns out that m ed to date than's mom when he was still alive but i thk s handled appropriately (also they broke up bee he realized h gay)ma me cry? )characters: 6/10 (b weak unfortunately)pairgs: 7/10anger sle: 4/10 cw: homophobia, homophobic bullyg, homophobic parents, suici attempt, teacher/stunt relatnship (backstory, not the ma relatnship or much foc at all)srstory: 10/10characters: 7/10short but very nuanced, realistic and hopeful. A mt-watch cw: homophobia, homophobic bullyg, ternalized homophobia, abive father, nsfwi found this show by chance and almost didnt give a try bee seemed unremarkable but upon fally watchg i n safely say this is one of the bt gay dramas ive seen.


!!**My list of BL/Gay tl not listed here on MDL**!!There are a few tl listed here, that are not actually nsired eher bl or gay, but I've chosen to clu them.  I'll try to note why, or how they differ.  Feel ee to send me a qutn if you have one about any of the tl.…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

This show lets s characters talk about the gay experience, lets them e out, lets them have lovg parents, lets them stggle wh their inty relatable ways... And apparently helped make the untry take a step further towards gay acceptance which is huge - and opened up the possibily for future gay tv shows and movi (which are beg ma! I appreciate season 2 n die cw: homophobia, bullyg, attempted sexual harassment a betiful story about onid love, iendship, beg a gay adolcent teen...

Cw: rape fakeout, "i'm not gay i only like you", rl shippgstory: 5/10characters: 9/10pairgs: 8/10anger sle: 4/10this is jt a sort of middle of the road bl story that is elevated by s stellar st and hilar jok. S about a fucked up relatnship between two fucked up people and their fucked up liv cw: homophobia, homophobic parents, fakg ser disease (ncer), cheatgthis is a mentary on the impact of a homophobic nservative society (like cha) on gay people, pecially relatn to their fai.


1,145 tl for BL/Gay Seri and Movi: The Love of Siam, Bad Romance, Bad Romance, Together wh Me, Together wh Me: The Next Chapter, Like Gras of Sand, Heavenly Touch, You Used To Se That Way, Tly Very Yours and Hook Up" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

But i really enjoyed , s awfully sweet, manag to avoid a lot of annoyg bl stereotyp, touch upon the homophobic society the mcs live ...

While the rporate drama gets a b dry, there is enough gratuo vlence to keep you entertaed if youre to thati thk to get anythg out of a gay way you really have to be to the dynamic between the two leads which i wasnt i dont know man. Personally i don't fd sarawat and te to be an engagg relatnship at all, which really puts me on the fence regards to this showalso, green served better cw: rape jok, cheatg, homophobia, rl shippgthis show is one of the Origal Thai Gay Shows, and for that 's genuely pretty good.


My addictn wh BL genre has started October 2016 (I did watch lots of Hong Kong, Che, Amerin, European gay themed movi before) and then I started watchg anim, readg mangas and totally beme obssed. :Pp.s. This list clus everythg, all LGBT themed movi and dramas…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

Gasp cw: rape jok, cheatg, homophobia, rl shippgthis show is one of the Origal Thai Gay Shows, and for that 's genuely pretty good. Attempted rape/sexual asslt (fighter -> tutor), rl shippg, rl fictn, ternalized homophobia, homophobic parentstory: 5/10characters: 7/10pairgs: 8/10anger sle: 7/10well, this show is a b of a ri. But if you're to that, this is the show for youthe most offensive part this show was when th*rnt*pe meo'd cw: qutnable handlg of the one mc's mental illns, ath of a fay member cw: sual homophobiathis really funny.

You gotta watch and see for yourself tbh cw: suici, ath of a parent, discsn of mental illns, homophobia (cludg e of homophobic slurs), domtic abe, abive parents (abe graphilly shown multiple tim), homophobic parents, parent wh alzheimer's, parents wh ser illns, alleged sexual asslt, stepbrother romance, cheatg, rl shippgthis show is.... But was hard to see how everyone lik him so muchi don't like how this show ends, but 's nohels still one of the better thai gay dramas i've seenp.


Japane movi, dramas, and drama specials wh Gay (M/M) them and characters. If you know of a tle that's missg om this list (even if 's not found on MyDramaList) please let me know, and I'll add ! Tl not listed at MDL: Nghty Boys / Uwaki na bokura (2001 movie) Zipper…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

The Lover Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episos cw: some nsfw, ternalized homophobiatakujae are jt really cute and inic cw: ternalized homophobiapick has an awful se of "im fely straight!

's pretty tratg cw: ternalized homophobia, emotnal manipulatnif you thought pick's nial was bad the first season, you jt magic of pickrome is that somehow their our skyy episo managed to save their relatnship, at least my ey cw: rape (played for lghs. ) (tum -> tar), bullyg, sual homophobia, homophobia, stepbrother romance, nonnsensual kissg, nsfwae's actor was 16/17 when this was filmed, which n be pretty unfortableaepete are cute and good, tn are the stars of the show. Beiend Taiwane Drama - 2018, 24 episos cw: nothg of noteSPOILER: they don't end up together unfortunately cw: attempted rape, homophobiathis movie is pretty fun for the most part!

For 's age holds up pretty well cw: attempted rape (waii -> apo), lbian character is implied to velop romantic feelgs for a guy, homophobia, ternalized homophobia (waii and kluay...

2022 GAY

21 tl for 2022 Gay: KnPorsche, Bluemg, Old Fashn Cupke, 180 Degree Longu Pass Through Us, What Did You Eat Yterday?, Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virgy Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie, Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou, Weak Hero Class 1, Cupid's Last Wish and The Miracle…" name="scriptn * gay drama list *

), qutnable age difference (karn/ach), homophobic slurs, cheatg, bullygyou will probably be shocked to hear this but my favore part about this show are the hets. The ma uple), attempted rape/straight up rape (gu hai -> y zi), cheatg, stepbrother romance/ct (though i almost dont want to unt as such sce they dont fd out that they're each others stepbrothers until 10 episos to the show), ternalized homophobia, bullygankly, i didn't hate the experience of watchg this show as unfortable as some scen were.

Unls you really dont have anythg else to watch cw: transphobia, homophobia, stalkg, asslt, animal ath (a chicken), attempted surgery whout nsent (they tie him up and everythg, and then s played for lghs a b), probably the most misogynist show ive seen a whileok so this show..... 5 cw: nothg of note i believe*shgs* borg show cw: ntrollg fay member, ternalized homophobiaimportant: the fal episo has never been officially subbed or fansubbed as far as i show had potential to be somethg, but as stands don't even work as a nostalgia piece for love sick (which was apparently tend to be). The thai onecw: major character ath, homophobia, homophobic parents, r accint, major jurithis movie isnt the worst thg ever but s really then they retnned the whole ath thg a 5m special so they uld release a sequel 2020 *SIGH* cw: cheatg, qutnable age difference (farm and bright), nonnsensual kissg, sexual harassment this show ma me feel burng hatred and i do not like .

The ma uple Might be worth , but not really cw: ephebophifilic relatnship (sun bo is a high schooler around 17 and zhigang is his late twenti/early thirti), nsfw (cludg an explic sex scene between sun bo and zhigang),, MAJOR character ath/bury your gays, bad endg, r accint, bullygthis show is good, s great. S sensels, s all pure shock value and i loathe for that this is the worst show ever macw: eply homophobic lead (type), rape backstory (type, but also remember tar om love by chance - h this too), sexual asslt, pedophilia (type's backstory), nsfwas of episo 9:homophobe fds out that his roommate is gay and go ballistic and tri to get him out of the room by wagg war agast him but the gay roommate is (gasp) love wh him??? Culled om a longlist of hundreds, movi nsired for the list promently feature gay, lbian, trans, or queer characters; ncern self centrally wh LGBTQ+ them; prent s LGBTQ+ characters a fair and realistic light; and/or be seen as a touchpot the evolutn of queer cema.


And we regnize that some of the films the list will re-igne healthy bat that have been fixtur of discsn around LGBTQ+ films — straight actors playg gay characters, cis actors playg trans characters, and the historil domance of whe male perspectiv. For our most recent update to the list, we’ve add mastream edi Fire Island and Bros, thriller Knock at the Cab (featurg two pairs of hbands whose vatn is terpted by the potential apolypse), Disney feature Strange World (wh the stud’s first openly gay lead character), Blue Jean (a Brish drama set durg the Thatcher premiership), the extremely well-reviewed Girl Picture), France’s magil realist The Five Devils, and Cann 2023 buts Monster and Strange Way of Life. Crics Consens: We Were Here reviss the cris facg the gay muny the early 1980s -- and offers a powerful tribute to the spirg rolve shown at a time of turmoil.

Crics Consens: Anchored by Sean Penn's powerhoe performance, Milk is a triumphant acunt of Ameri's first openly gay man elected to public office. Synopsis: A recently married gay uple (John Lhgow, Aled Mola) are forced to move to separate hoeholds after they lose their... Synopsis: England, 1988 -- Margaret Thatcher's Conservative ernment is about to pass a law stigmatizg gays and lbians, forcg Jean, a...

Synopsis: Realizg that they share mon fo Margaret Thatcher, the police and the nservative prs, London-based gays and lbians lend... Synopsis: Substance abe and emotnal and physil distance threaten the relatnship between a gay filmmaker (Thure Ldhardt) and his longtime lover... Synopsis: Universal Pictur proudly prents the first romantic edy om a major stud about two gay men maybe, possibly, probably, stumblg...


2022 Gay (21 shows) - MyDramaList .