Defn of What "gay panic" means? Obvly not homophobic bee I see a lot of gay ppl g the word. But I still don't que unrstand the meang and ge of the word 's ually what gay people say on the ter when they fd someone very attractive|“gay panic” is a term that is ed to scribe someone’s “panic” (we’ll ll this person 1) around/to a person of the same sex (person 2) bee person 2 is attractive or person 1 is attracted to person 2! :) |The term origally meant "a legal fense that is ed urt to expla why you asslted or murred a gay person". Some people have succsfully argued urt that they should not be rponsible for their actns, bee a gay man flirtg wh them ed them so much panic and fear that they feared for their liv. Lately, on the ter the gay muny has started to e to mean "the feelg of embarrassment or nervons you get when you see a person you're attracted to".|@blh524 jimpjorps fns are rrect. Generally is younger people who e the 2nd fn, bee they might not be aware of the 1st fn. So some people might fd the e of the 2nd fn rather sensive or offensive, sce the phrase origally was homophobic.
* gay panic *
On January 21, New Jersey beme the nth state the natn to ban the gay panic fense, a strategy that the ernor said is “rooted homophobia. Carsten Andren, a crimal jtice scholar, has been buildg a database of murr s that e the gay panic fense. What is the gay panic fense?
The offenr the gay panic fense as an exce or jtifitn to try to eva punishment for the crime of murr.
In this stance, the gay panic fense was succsful.
Two events put me on a path to rearchg the gay panic fense. At the nference, my ey opened to the obstacl that the LGBTQ+ muny fac a state like Texas, where there is history of homophobia that ntu to the prent day.
A few days after his ath, I learned for the first time that he was gay, and realized that he had lived an almost pletely closeted life.