Milary ws Ig Nobel peace prize for 'gay bomb' | New Scientist

us army gay bomb

This article is about the chemil weapon. For the war photograph, see Fag bomb. The "halosis bomb" and "gay bomb" are rmal nam for two theoretil non-lethal chemil weapons that a Uned Stat Air Force rearch laboratory speculated about producg; the theori volve dischargg...



The ia of a gay bomb me om a sire to bilate enemi but not necsarily kill them. The proposed bomb would nta strong aphrodisiacs and make soldiers "sexually irristible" to each other. * us army gay bomb *

The ia of a gay bomb me om a sire to bilate and distract their opponents but not necsarily kill them.

Wikimedia CommonsThe gay bomb was a theoretil cloud of gas that would turn enemy soldiers gay. The ncept of a “gay bomb” sounds like somethg out of a bad science fictn movie. The gay bomb would be a cloud of gas that would be discharged over enemy mps “that ntaed a chemil that would e enemy soldiers to bee gay, and to have their uns break down bee all their soldiers beme irristibly attractive to one another.


After beg oted om the U.S. ary for beg gay, she beme an early fighter for gay rights and a proment figure the nascent L.G.B.T.Q. rights movement. * us army gay bomb *

The scientists ntued to suggt addns to the gay bomb, cludg aphrodisiacs, and other scents. Thankfully, the gay bomb was only ever theoretil and never put to motn. Like the gay bomb, the creative chemil ias also never me to un.

Dpe the drawbacks, for their work such an novative field, the rearchers who nceptualized the gay bomb were award the Ig Nobel Prize, a parody award which celebrat unual scientific achievements that “first make people lgh, and then make them thk. After readg about the theoretil gay bomb, check out the super real Bat Bomb.


After the Enola Gay beme the first plane to drop an atomic bomb — on Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945 — the B-29 bomber stayed airborne. * us army gay bomb *

The US ary vtigated buildg a "gay bomb", which would make enemy soldiers "sexually irristible" to each other, ernment papers say. The plan for a so-lled "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemil that would provoke wispread homosexual behavur among troops, g what the ary lled a "distasteful but pletely non-lethal" blow to morale.

The 1994 project that sought to weaponise fabulonsPhoto by Brett Sayl om PexelsThe US ary has a long and storied history wh homosexualy. The earlit exampl of someone beg expelled om the ary for homosexual behavur e om Febary 1778. He was expelled om the Contental Army by orr of none other than Gee Washgton ’s no surprise to fd rampant homophobia even at the natn’s ceptn, beg gay was not actually a crime the US ary until much later than many would assume.


While plenty of men were dishonourably discharged for beg gay throughout the 19th century, wouldn’t be until 1916 that ‘asslt wh the tent to m sodomy’ was listed as a crime. In 1920, this would be revised to any homosexual punishment for homosexual behavur was up to five years ary prison, the forfe of all pay and allowanc, and a dishonourable discharge, which n and of self lead to difficulti securg work, ary benefs, and even a WW1 homosexual acts were illegal unr martial law, but there was no outright ban on beg gay exactly.

That all changed 1982 and simply beg gay the ary was illegal. As the Department of Defence stated: ‘homosexualy was patible wh ary service’.


While beg gay was no longer illegal, tellg people you were gay, aternisatn and homosexual behavur would all get you dishonourably discharged.

1994 & Weaponisg FabulonsDon’t Ask Don’t Tell — Milary guidance posterDurg shortag of personnel, pecially WW2, the US ary would relax s screeng procs, allowg gay people back to ary service, but only for a time. "One distasteful but non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, pecially if the chemil also ed homosexual behavur, " says the proposal om the Air Force's Wright Laboratory Dayton, Pentagon did not ny that the proposal had been ma: "The partment of fence is mted to intifyg, rearchg and velopg non-lethal weapons that will support our men and women uniform. "Aaron Belk, director of the Universy of California's Michael Palm Centre, which studi the issue of gays the ary, said: "The ia that you uld subm someone to some aerosol spray and change their sexual behavur is ludicro.

The Ig Nobel peace prize went to the US Air Force’s Wright Laboratory Oh for s 1994 plan to velop a weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irristible to one another, an ia later dubbed the “gay bomb”. Details of the scheme were unvered a classified document (pdf) that suggts a strong aphrodisiac would be “pletely non-lethal” but uld be serly disptive “pecially if the chemil also ed homosexual behavur.


Air Force, produced a three page proposal for a “gay bomb”. It proposed a bomb “that ntaed a chemil that would e enemy soldiers to bee gay, and to have their uns break down bee all their soldiers beme irristibly attractive to one another”.

While the laboratory also me up wh siarly qutnable ias, such as bad-breath bombs, flatulence bombs and bombs signed to attract swarms of stgg sects to enemy batants, one has to adm that the gay bomb is certaly the most Pentagon matas that the love affair wh the gay bomb ia was brief.

When newly elected Print Bill Clton attempted to lift the ban on homosexuals the ary, there was a d of saber rattlg, pchfork sharpeng and moral hand-wrgg om the ary general nsens among many lears of the ary was touted by the Department of Defence, “Homosexualy is patible wh ary service.


” And that allowg gay people the ary would pose a secury risk and dispt the need orr for the ary to be rultg Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (later fully lled Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue, and Don’t Harass) promise, which has sce been stck down, was ls than thrillg for the Pentagon at such circumstanc, wh paranoia about gay people disptg ary disciple and morale, this project seems, notwhstandg s highly flawed premise, somewhat more unrstandable, at least terms of how they me up wh the to the science behd this ary farce, while var pani, peddlg scented sprays and b-ons, fd expedient to claim that their product ntas human pheromon which have an aphrodisiac effect, lab ttg has lagged behd somewhat actually nfirmg any of this. Admtedly, one sectn of the documents, entled “New Disveri Need” acknowledg that, th far, no such chemils have been found to the Gay Bomb project never beme perhaps more than a pie the sky dream of the Wright Lab, has gaed a send lease on life through news media, popular culture and even news of this proposed weapon of mass lov’ even spawned a mil, disappotgly entled “Gay Bomb – The Mil”. Why they chose this tle, as opposed to say “Brothers--Arms”, “Das Booty”, or “Savg Ryan’s Privat” is a mystery we may never solve…For the attempt at makg a gay bomb, the Wright Lab had the honor of wng the Ig Nobel Peace Prize 2007.

The levy of the event seemed lost on the gay bomb creators, however, who kept a straight face about the whole matter; they cled to attend the award ceremony to accept the prize personally. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy:When the Canadian Government Tried to Use “Gay Detectors” to Root Out Homosexual EmployeThe Only Major League Baseball Player to Openly Adm He was Gay Durg His Career Also is the Reason We Have the High FiveHow “Gay” Came to Mean “Homosexual”The Man Who Survived Two Nuclear Bomb AttacksBon Fact:One person, Sir Andre Geim, has actually won both an IG Nobel Prize ( 2000) and a real Nobel Prize ( 2010).


His actual Nobel Prize was won “for groundbreakg experiments regardg the two-dimensnal material graphene” Wright Lab was named after aviatn pneers Wilbur and Orville 1991, Dick Cheney, then the Secretary of Defense, dismissed the then mon ia that homosexuals the ary would somehow be disptive or pose a secury risk. Although many of the nspiraci are lghable, sometim the most ridiculo mors turn out to be te, cludg the real proposal of strange fensive tactics like a flatulence bomb and a "gay bomb.

Strangelove, but documents prove the ernment really did toy wh plans of a homosexual cendiary vice. Although the ia of a fense tool that aims to make enemy batants gay might have seemed appropriate the 1950s, when Amerins feared atomic vic, UFOs full of aliens, and nnabis-crazed teenagers, the proposal of the gay blz actually took place the 1990s.


By the mid-20th century, homosexualy had e to be viewed as a mental fect. Amid Fears of Homosexual Disptn, A US Air Force Lab Proposed The 'Harassg, Annoyg and "Bad Guy" Intifyg Chemils Project'.

One year after Clton iated the DADT policy, some members of the ernment clearly weren't over their unease wh homosexualy. The Project Also Proposed Weakeng Enemy Troops Wh A 'Gay Bomb'.


Along wh proposals for distractg enemy troops wh flatulence and bad breath, scientists at Wright Laboratory also noted that "[o]ne distasteful but pletely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, pecially if the chemil also ed homosexual behavr;" other words, a "gay bomb. Perhaps a rult of the US ernment's ia that homosexualy spells disaster for troops, the project's creators believed the proposed vice "would be disptive to un morale and effectivens. After the Sunshe Project publicly revealed the "gay bomb" proposal, the Department of Defense (DOD) claimed they nsired the ias but never ma any attempt to put them to actn.


As huiatg as may be to the DOD, the award proved an appropriate fal chapter to the proposal for the homosexual cendiary vice. In 1994, an Air Force laboratory submted a three-page proposal to velop a hormone bomb that would turn enemy soldiers to homosexuals. "The Oh Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be veloped that ntaed a chemil that would e enemy soldiers to bee gay, and to have their uns break down bee all their soldiers beme irristibly attractive to one another, " reported Edward Hammond of bweapon activist group the Sunshe Project.

Asi om the "gay bomb, " the laboratory also clud siarly qutnable ias, such as bad breath bombs, flatulence bombs and bombs signed to attract stgg sects. This short vio monstrat how the 'gay bomb' would work real-life:. Ially, the three-page proposal suggted, the affected soldiers would fd their brothers--arms “sexually irristible” (per the BBC) and, per Fox News, noted that “[o]ne distasteful but pletely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, pecially if the chemil also ed homosexual behavr.


” The weapon lloquially took on the “gay bomb” moniker shortly after beg disvered by a ary spendg watchdog group via a Freedom of Informatn Act Laboratory (now funct, but not for the above) never received the fundg for further subscribe to Dan's daily email Now I Know, click here. In 1994, weapon velopers pched a "gay bomb" to the Uned Stat ary. " It was supposed to turn s victims homosexual, the assumptn beg that enemy soldiers' new and stantaneo attractn to one another would superse the importance of even the most heated battle.

You know those gays -- when any two meet, at any time, unr any circumstanc, they stantly start humpg, even if they're currently beg shot at.


The tle of the document proposg the "gay bomb, " amongst other thgs?

The Ig Nobel awards, given for science that “first mak you lgh, then mak you thk, ” were given to recipients om five ntents by six wners of the actual Nobel prize last week at Harvard unual weapon, nfirmed by Pentagon sourc, is a “gay bomb” (, 12 Jun, “Sunshe project unvers US ary ‘gay bomb'”). The project, which officials say has now been scrapped, was to e up wh a vice to release unspecified hormon that uld be absorbed through the sk or lungs, thereby pacatg soldiers who—acrdg to the plan—would be too by swoong over each other homosexual ecstasy to waste any time dashg about plantg roadsi Pentagon did not rpond to quiri om the BMJ about possible future plans for s “make love not war” Wbe, a nsultant radlogist om Gloucter, won this year's Ig Nobel medice prize for his article the BMJ, “Sword swallowg and s si effects” (BMJ 2006;333:1285-7, doi: 10. Ary for beg gay, she beme an early fighter for gay rights and a proment figure the nascent L.


Rights Vcenz rryg a plard prottg the ary’s ban on gay people while picketg the Pentagon July 1965.

Her discharge om the ary over her homosexualy had turned her to an Tob/The New York Public LibraryPublished July 19, 2023Updated July 23, 2023Lilli Vcenz, who beme a gay rights activist the hhed, reprsive era before the Stonewall rebelln of 1969, when such a ncept srcely existed, makg a mark as a newspaper edor, documentary filmmaker and psychotherapist voted to L. She was ath, at a re facily, was nfirmed by a niece, Julia Bo, who did not specify a Vcenz’s journey to promence the nascent gay rights movement of the mid-1960s began after a personal llisn wh tolerance.

In 1963, she was servg the Women’s Army Corps when a roommate outed her as gay, leadg to her discharge after only ne months took that rejectn as an opportuny to beg a fight agast jtice that would gui her for s. “After leavg the WAC, ” she said an terview wh the se Gay Today, “I actually felt ee to be me. Vicenz beme, by most acunts, the first lbian to picket the Whe Hoe support of equal rights for gay people as a member of the Mattache Society of Washgton, an early gay rights prott — the first of s kd, acrdg to the Library of Congrs — and others that followed were small but brought visibily to a movement s fancy.


The US Milary Once Consired Makg A 'Gay Bomb' | We Are The Mighty .