Last Call: behd the terrifyg untold story of New York's gay bar killer | Books | The Guardian

gay man killer

In a new book, journalist Elon Green explor the unr-reported stori of gay men btally murred by a killer who evad jtice for a



Richard Rogers, who would e to be known as the Last Call Killer, primarily targeted gay and bisexual men New York Cy the 1990s. * gay man killer *

In the HBO seri, “Last Call, ” the stori of the murred men are told poignant, tenr tail, unrsrg the strength of the gay muny of the era, and the btaly and vastatn bore for so many years. Directed by Anthony Caronna and executive produced by Howard Gertler om Elon Green’s 2021 nonfictn book, “Last Call” pulls back the curta on the killg spree of Richard Rogers, a male nurse who, as far back as the 1980s and until 2001 when he was eventually ught by thori, targeted gay men New York and New Jersey.

Beneath the grislier aspects tailed the seri — Rogers’ mod operandi volved dismemberment and strewg body parts around the Tri-State Area — is also an evotive snapshot of gay New York the early 1990s.

In the harrowg send episo of “Last Call, ” which is primarily foced on Marrero and the fallout wh the unrground gay muny of his murr, one of Rogers’ alleged attempted victims speaks anonymoly about his bsh wh someone whose MO sounds closely like the killer’s. The NYPD’s often futile pursu of him across the years turns the seri to a documentary thriller s fal stag — futile also bee of the police’s own seemgly homophobic refal to take the murrs more serly.


Sarah Gay is gog to prison for 10 years after LaQuenta Holey and Andrew Griff were killed a wrong-way crash on the North Freeway 2021. * gay man killer *

In a timely harkeng to recent ntroversi surroundg The New York Tim’ verage of trans people, “Last Call” touch on the bias at the Tim and other New York media outlets that emed Rogers (before his inty was known) as the “gay-slay” killer obvly bee had a tchy, if--bleeds--leads rhyme to . It turns out that the last place anyone saw Mulhy was an Upper East Si gay bar named The Townhoe, where olr, sophistited men met each other, or met younger men attracted to their type. Through extensive archival footage and terviews wh people who participated the AVP particular and New York’s gay scene general, we are remd of jt how dangero was for people who were jt beg themselv, ually via vlence perpetrated by people who ma a practice out of queer-bashg.

But the realy is brought home by the members of AVP and Edgar Rodriguez, a former NYPD sergeant and a member of the Gay Officers Actn League, who discsed the rampant and open homophobia the partment, which was so severe that Rodriguez knew was unsafe for him to e out while he was a p.


Poor ltle gays  - always whgg that they are victims. They make out they are nice flower-arrangg terr rators. But the ugly facts won't go away.  The six worst serial killers the annals of US crimal history were all homosexual. Donald Harvey, John Wayne Gacy, Patrick Kearney, Bce Davis... Let's start wh Donald Harvey, the… * gay man killer *

This is illtrated a really tellg scene durg the terview wh the two Pennsylvania State Police, when the director asks them if he missed anythg durg the terview and one of them potedly says, “Why is the emphasis [of the terview] on the gay part? PREVIOUS REPORT: 'I'll never get my baby back': Fay of woman killed crash on North Freeway angry over lossHoton police said Sarah Gay was toxited when she drove northbound the southbound lan of the I-45 North Freeway near the Whe Oak ex and h two rs. Diggg further police found that the hospals Harvey had worked at all had very high fataly rat and that some of his acquatanc and homosexual lovers had also perished sudnly.

A Louisiana man was sentenced to 45 years feral prison for kidnappg and attemptg to murr a gay teen as part of a broar hate crime scheme targetg men on an LGBTQ datg app, the Jtice Department announced Sene, 21, plead guilty September, admtg to kidnappg the teen whom he met on Grdr wh the tentn of killg him and dismemberg his body. His slong sentencg rted on a variety of factors, the Jtice Department revealed, cludg that Sene tentnally targeted the teen and other gay men bee of their sexual Sene.


A Louisiana man was sentenced to 45 years feral prison for kidnappg and attemptg to murr a gay teen as part of a broar hate crime scheme targetg men on an LGBTQ datg app, the Jtice Department announced Wednday. * gay man killer *

Lafayette Sheriff's Jtice Department said Sene spent months “signg a murr-kidnappg scheme that mirrored the murrs of gay men mted by the notor serial killer Jefey Dahmer. "The facts of this se are tly shockg, and the fendant’s cisn to specifilly target gay men is a disturbg remr of the unique prejudic and dangers facg the LGBTQ+ muny today, " Kristen Clarke, an assistant attorney general for the partment's civil rights divisn, said a statement. Courty Holn WheAfter his arrt, Sene also acknowledged that he tend to kill other gay men until he was eher ught or killed himself, the Jtice Department said Wednday.


HBO's new serial killer doceri "Last Call" re-exam New York Cy’s yearslong search for a murrer who targeted gay men the early 1990s. * gay man killer *

More than three s after a serial killer began preyg upon gay and bisexual men at bars New York Cy, the victims and their fai, as well as the activists who fought to brg the elive murrer to jtice, are the subjects of a four-part doceri that premier Sunday on HBO and Max. Rogers was acquted a nonjury trial a few months leadg their own vtigatn to the victims wh sensivy, the creative team wanted to “peel back the onn of homophobia” by creatg the faiar feelg of most te-crime documentari — and then addg a queer twist, Caronna said.

"By the time we get to 1973, I hope we set up enough so that the dience go, ‘Oh, my God, this is jt another example of extreme homophobia that allowed the murrs to keep happeng, ’” he said. Gertler said one of the big them of “Last Call” is “the way that stutnalized homophobia and transphobia works, and that was one of the most horrifyg thgs [they disvered] when we were dog our own diggg and reportg to the circumstanc around the 1973 murr and trial and the 1988 asslt and trial.

* The List of Homosexual Mass Murrers: First published a ago, and then updated and broadst aga 2019, this topic is self-censored by the media and wtern universi.


A gay man one of Mexi's famo rort towns was tortured, burned, and killed, allegedly for revealg to fellow revelers that he had HIV. * gay man killer *

Sadly, a far longer list, of more than 34, 400 terrorist killgs sce 9/11 mted by adherents to the relign of peace the name of Allah, is available over at and a shockg number of the high-profile crim that helped to tear Ameri apart were mted by potheads as documented at But here we prent KGOV's list of homosexual mass murrers. Gay Jefey Dahmer: raped, murred, and ate 17 young men and Adam Lanza: murred 28 cludg 20 Sandy Hook Elementary School Luis Garavo: rapist, torturer, and murrer of more than 147 of Columbia's young Omar Mateen: murred 49 Orlando wh terrible llateral John Wayne Gacy: Chigo, killed 33 boys and buried them his hoe and yard. He was charged wh six aths but is believed to have murred 60 Charl Manson: a prostute's illegimate son, spent most of his early life stutns for offenc cludg theft, pimpg, multiple homosexual offens while rcerated, and homosexual rape.


Gary Ray Bowl, a serial killer who murred six olr gay men an eight-month spree, was executed Florida on Thursday. * gay man killer *

Serial Killers, who molted and murred 27 young men and boys Nathaniel Bar-Jonah: homosexual nnibal Bar-Jonah sexually molted boys Massachetts and Montana and butchered at least one, a ten year old Great Falls named Zachary Corll, Henley & Brooks: Dean Arnold Corll's sex rg wh Elmer Wayne Henley and David Owen Brooks murred and tortured 29 men and boys Juan Corona: murred 25 migrant workers and even molted their Richard Speck: murred 8 nursg stunts, bragged about on viotape showg him havg sex wh an mate and braggg about the many mat he had sodomized.

Acrdg to transvte Ottis Toole, they were homosexual partners, as reported by Amerin Jtice, "Myth of a Serial killer: The Henry Lee Lus Story", episo Ottis Toole: a transvte acrdg to Amerin Jtice (episo 150) and he was a partner of Henry Lee Lus, and bragged about murrs terviews.


Matthew Shepard was abducted, beaten and killed 20 years ago bee he was gay. * gay man killer *

" Of urse, homosexual men reproduce by moltg Stephen Port killed at least four young men rapg them as they were dyg and sexually asslted at least seven other Jürgen Bartsch: this German homosexual murred four boys between ag 8 and 13 and tried to kill Gary Ray Bowl: preyed on olr men and murred six, homosexuals like himself, and was executed Florida Robert Berlla: kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murred at least six men Kansas Cy, Randy Kraft: raped, tortured, mutilated and murred at least 16 young men, mostly Dennis Nilsen: Sttish serial killer and necrophiliac who murred at least 12 young men London, Stephen Port: Grdr homosexual app serial killer dgged and murred four young men Ronald Domique: raped and murred at least 23 men, many of whom he found Louisiana's "gay" Larry Eyler: murred 22 young men and boys cludg a 15-year-old whom he then Arthur Bishop: this child molter and nsumer of child pornography (the distributn of which the ACLU has supported) murred five young Daniel Conahan: this serial killer was nvicted of one and lked to more than a dozen murrs of homosexual Herb Bmeister: murred at least 20 men wh 11 of their rps found buried on his Indiana Joseph Dunn: nvicted of murrg five, nfsed to two others and to rapg many young Vghn Greenwood: this homosexual serial killer, known as the Skid Row Slasher, murred 11 William MacDonald: As Atralia's first serial killer and yet only one of the lns of homosexual Stockholm Syndrome sufferers who were kidnapped and raped to the liftyle, MacDonald murred five Michael Lupo: the sadistic Italian homosexual murred four men London and mutilated their David Villarreal: btally murred five men Texas om ag 18 to Carl Panzram: serial rapist executed at Leavenworth nfsed to sodomizg and murrg many boys and Aileen Wuornos: the prostute who murred seven Black Doodler: murred five and possibly 11 more, homosexuals he picked up San Francis John Joubert: former Boy Sut lear said he enjoyed the "power and domatn" of killg. That rearch-driven book provis extensive, refully documented evince om many primary sourc and mastream sendary historil sourc that many of those nng Nazi Germany, cludg Hler, were homosexuals. Instead, even though the German Natnal Socialists tried to take Christ out of Christmas, unbelievers who reject the Darwist and homosexual fluence on the NAZIs stead sist that they were Christians.


* gay man killer *

- Gay Aaron McKney was beg pimped alongsi Matthew Shephard, wh whom he ocsnally had unnatural physil relatns, before he and Rsell Henrson murred Shepherd over dgs, a crime that was not the homophobic attack that McKney played as and was then recklsly promoted worldwi by the media. - The Doodler: Five San Francis homosexuals were murred and others asslted 1974 by a man known as "The Doodler" who will, wh high likelihood, turn out to be himself a homosexual. Neher fornitors, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodom, nor thiev, nor veto [ltg for what you mt not have], nor dnkards, nor revilers, nor extortners...

" As naturally as uld be, this verse om the time of the begng of creatn very naturally affirms the two sex (male and female, father and mother) ditg that a man has both a mother and father, not two fathers or two mothers, providg the natural, healthy ntext for the Scripture's future disgt wh and nmnatn of homosexualy.

READ NEXTYouTube Chef Confs to Murr of Gay Lover‘RuPl’s Drag Race’ and ‘All Stars’ RenewedWhen a Library Refed to Carry LGBTQ Books, Willie Carver Started His Own‘And Jt Like That’ Renewed for Season 3. — Gary Ray Bowl, a serial killer who preyed on olr gay men durg an eight-month spree that left six ad, was executed by lethal jectn Thursday at Florida State sentence was rried out at 10:58 p. They pistol whipped him wh a gun then tied him to a fence eezg ndns and set fire to him before leavg him to attack beme a e célèbre: precipated a natnal backlash agast hyper-macho culture and tac tolerance of homophobia.

The fai of the four young gay men killed by Port have renewed accatns that police prejudice played a part officers' failure to listen to their ncerns and rulted missed opportuni to tch the killer. * gay man killer *

But the town also has a number of mobile home parks at the edg, some more ndown than the eveng of 6 October 1998, Matthew went to the Firi bar, a lol hangout that was purportedly gay-iendly. So why has he put such time and effort to attemptg to prove that Matthew’s murr was not a hate crime, pecially as has seen him acced of beg an ally to the rightwg Christian fundamentalists who ny the realy of homophobia?

”Wypijewski thks the reason some sectns of the gay muny are so angry about the Jimenez book is obv: “Jimenez has taken away their angel, and there is the reflexive sense that as a muny s sufferg was beg at last regnised. Photograph: Evan Agosti/Getty Imag Photograph: Evan Agosti/Getty ImagOn 16 September the Casper Star Tribune, the lol paper Matthew’s home town, published an edorial claimg that an award Jimenez had recently received for his book “serv rejectn”, sayg: “From the begng there have been those who want to ignore the sadistic homophobic motiv of Shepard’s attackers and stead sist the matter was a dg al gone bad. But the mystery remas – not so much why Matthew died, but why the gay muny, after almost five s of mpaigng for equal rights, reli so fundamentally on the image of the perfect martyr to reprent the e.

Twenty years ago, Matthew Shepard was a "smart, funny" 21-year-old, no different than any other young man that was an "ordary kid who wanted to make the world a better place, " his parents October 1998, that all changed, when the openly gay llege stunt was abducted, beaten and tied to a fence life end a few days later, and wh me a wispread awarens of the dangers that members of the LGBTQ muny face every day.


Serial killer doceri 'Last Call' reckons wh NYC's history of anti-gay vlence .