Gay Amerin history / Jonathan Katz - Amerin Archive of Public Broadstg

gay american history katz

Discsg the book, "Gay Amerin History: Lbians and Gay Men the U.S.A.: A Documentary," and terviewg s thor, Jonathan Katz.



Gay Amerin History by Jonathan Ned Katz, 1976, Crowell edn, English * gay american history katz *

A llectn of documents provis a ntuo chronicle of homosexualy Ameri, om lonial tim to the prent, and of the persecutn of gay mal and lbians throughout Amerin history.

California's olst and most wily heard gams rad show tonight through pants foc on Jonathan Katz thor of gay Amerin history.

When simply workg livg and lovg homosexuals have been nmned to visibily the prent documents of trouble dite that homosexuals like heterosexuals have sometim ma new 's of themselv. But unlike heterosexuals gay people have been burned by a pernic myth equatg homosexualy per se wh s most negative maniftatns. The documents of homosexuals trouble are those which have fed anti homosexual myth particular homosexuals and difficulty have been taken to reprent homosexuals general.


All about Gay Amerin History: Lbians and Gay Men the U.S.A. by Jonathan Ned Katz. LibraryThg is a talogg and social workg se for booklovers * gay american history katz *

Yet for history to ignore the plight of gay people trouble would be to ignore what n now be seen as a major aspect of homosexual opprsn. People had party background the learship there the first early stag and there the wch hunt perd you have hts that McCarthy was gay and that other people very closely associated wh him were gay which I'm que sure of.

She 's que ironic 's she says that she had never had any homosexual acts experience or known any homosexuals but she knew that she was one and had gone for psychiatric or.

gay men by psychiatrists and psychologists a history of horrors sexual surgery stratn crturs removal ovary removal are discsed I haven't been able to actually document them. This is a re Brish report datg to 1964 a versn treatment summarized simply by Weberg unveilg the biblgraphy on homosexualy. The particular form of aversn therapy volv creatn of noise by means of an emetic a chemil acpanied by talkg about his homosexualy.


Gay Amerin History by Jonathan Ned Katz, 1992, Meridian, Plume edn, English - Rev. ed. * gay american history katz *

I started out wh a medil journal article datg to eighteen eighty three I thk is or at 84 's the first reference to lbian ism a medil journal and and medil journal turned out to be ironilly wonrful source of attus towards homosexualy was one place where they were actually wrg about early and directly. Which is an observatn of homosexualy one among one particular tribe and the last document the book go to 1976 and the report of the formatn San Francis of the first group of Native Amerin gay Native Amerins. Native Amerins gay Amerins 15 28 to 1976 troductn the existence of homosexualy among the people who origally habed the Uned Stat will no doubt hold a certa special fascatn for those lbians and gay men who are today begng to reposss the natnal and world history of their people part of their stggle for social change and to w ntrol over their own liv.

civilizatn clud the attempt by the nquerors to elimate var tradnal forms of Indian homosexualy as part of their attempt to stroy that native culture which might fuel ristance a form of cultural genoci volvg both Native Amerins and to gay people.

The documents rerd their areas forms of homosexualy among different trib and material have to be worked on and analyzed I thk. Often the observatns by ary men missnari some explorers doctors say much more about the feelgs of the people themselv the observer than they do about the particular form of native homosexualy beg discsed 1889 a medil doctor wr of the.


Gay Amerin History by Jonathan Ned Katz, 1978, Avon Books edn, English * gay american history katz *

History n be fun you see the bear dash the cross-drsg Native Amerin and very often homosexual and the most often mented upon variety of native amerin homosexualy. It would be as if some stupid anthropologist me to Greenwich Village where I live and observ that you know all of the most obv Queens and said you know that was open homosexualy New York Cy.

There also 's tertg that 1964 one magaze om Los Angel was one of the few plac to rry an terview somebody actually thought of talkg to a Native Amerin homosexual that oh brilliant new ia. You were listeng to Free time gams rad tonight Jonathan Katz discs and reads excerpts om his new book gay Amerin history lbians and gay men the USA.

Amerin gay history clus a long and ltle known tradn of ristance this ristance has taken varied forms om the isolated acts of lone dividuals om the wrg of letters poems says books fendg homosexualy or novels prentg homosexuals as human begs to the nscly polil an anizg of a group uned for actn agast anti homosexual bigots and stutnalized persecutn. A history gog back far beyond the Stonewall Rebelln a Jew not thoand sixty ne when lbians and gay men New York actively fought police harassment. I trace the world Whman's fluence and direct important fluence on the too early English homo sexual emancipatn pneers Edward rpenter and John Addgton Symonds men who began the eighteen ne days to wre homosexual propaganda pamphlets and England then distribute them first privately among their iends and tellg them to be reful and don't let them get to the wrong hands and then actually publishg them.


Carpenter 1894 published his first homosexual pamphlet lled home agenda love that was his word for homosexualy and rpenter pecially terts me he was socialist and a femist and a gay liberatnist. And that person happened to have been a lover of someone who had been volved the first known gay liberatn anizatn Ameri the Chigo Society for Human Rights. And the letters that he wrote to one he says we had a charter om the state of Illois and we put out a newspaper lled Freedom iendship and eedom which was and the name of the anizatn and the paper were both named after German the homosexual emancipatn groups which had been ntact wh Germany durg World War One or before.

the German how the sexual emancipatn movement and the and the earlit attempt to form a gay group the Uned Stat they were all arrted by the way and put jail and Gerber gave up the attempt. He got the ia for a gay anizatn the first ia me to him at a gay party Los Angel at the Universy of Southern California Augt 1948. Th I feel that the latter is a fe elementary stunts step a rewardg directn another anonymo letter a hands ee nnect anti-homosexualy anti-femism 957.

In this kd of work there may be women to emerge who will be able to formulate a new and possible ncept that homosexual persecutn and nmnatn has at s roots not only social ignorance but a philosophilly active anti femist dogma. I don't know some of my gay tun told me somethg was missg and I thought what do I want to know that I'm not dog everythg. And she was one of the very early people Ameri who I thk she was basilly heterosexual to fend gays publicly and she wr about that she says she fend Osr Wil very early public her lectur and she says she was warned by her anarchist ras not to do don't you know that anarchism has a bad enough name already.


So and then 1915 on a speakg tour Portland Oregon she talks about talkg about homosexuals and she scrib how very movg was and how moved she was when lbians and gay men me up to her afterwards and said you know this is the first time we've ever heard anybody talk about public or even heard who we were intified at all. Wikipedia English (13)▾Book scriptnsThis book is a llectn of documents relatg to the treatment of gay men and lbians Ameri's history. HistorianJonathan Ned Katz, an pennt scholar and history activist, has published five books on the lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and heterosexual U.

Katz’s books have helped to create the field of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr history, and, more generally, of sexual and genr history. His publitns have received the hight scholarly aclas, and he has tght a sexual history class and curated a major historil exhib at Yale ("The Pk and the Blue: Lbian and Gay Life at Yale and Connecticut, 1642-2004"). This is an imprsive feat of rearch as well as an important story about an unsung and, until now, visible figure gay history.


Jonathan Katz discs his book "Gay Amerin History" | The WFMT Studs Terkel Rad Archive | A Livg Celebratn.