Más rmaciónLas palabras l portero l Bayern, mejor meta l mpeonato l mundo, hace dos años han hecho fuerte la ‘leyenda’ que Manuel Ner que dijo entonc fue: «quien sea gay bería cirlo. Lo dicho llevó a muchos a pensar que el ncerbero ttón homosexual, un mor muy extendido también en nutro paí embargo la realidad que el guardameta l Bayern tiene posa, una molo llamada Kathr Gilch n la que ntrajo matrimon en el año 2009.
But is he gay?
But the notn that this ma someone "homosexual" or "gay" was a relatively recent phenomenon human history. Prr to that, sexual activi between people of the same genr were often nsired sful or crimal, but they rarely nstuted what some the medil muny began to fe at end of the 1800s as a "third sex" or "tersex" or even "homosexual.
" The creatn of the tegory of sexual orientatn not only classified homosexual sex but also led to the ventn of the Uned Stat and many parts of Europe, the velopment of the tegori led to the broar cultural unrstandg that the sexual acts created unrstandg that sex had the power to fe inty led to the martn of homosexual and heterosexual people -- as well as the subsequent stigma that those who were marked as homosexual were aberrant, crimally viant, and socially the people who began to be intified as homosexual started to disagree wh the assertns and found promise this alternative inty. While the neighborhoods thrived, many people who were attracted to people of the same sex ntued to fear the repercsns of beg marked as homosexual.