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gay liberation network

GLN - Gay Liberatn Network. Lookg for abbreviatns of GLN? It is Gay Liberatn Network. Gay Liberatn Network listed as GLN



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Some of the atten at Chigo’s hoe party fundraiser for Chelsea Manng Earlier this month the Gay Liberatn Network hosted a hoe party to raise money for Chelsea Manng’s legal Contue Readg →. The cynicism both stanc is que breath-takg, pecially when you nsir, for example, the Human Rights Campaign’swell-documented betrayal [2] of Transgenr employment rights unr the tutelage of gay Congrsman Barney Frank.


The current print of Gay Inc’s biggt and wealthit group, the Human Rights Campaign, Chad Griff, “got his start polics volunteerg for the Bill Clton printial mpaign, which led to a posn the Whe Hoe Prs Office at the age of 19.

Was loath to embarrass then-Print Clton for his support for the Defense of Marriage Act two years earlier, or the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ary employment ban three years before that, enablg the anti-gay hate that killed Shepard. Folks, as you n see om the graphic above, pied off the webse of the Chigo group Gay Liberatn Network (GLN), we jt received word that radil homosexual activists are aga planng to prott our annual banquet (this Saturday, Nov. (Intertg fact: AFTAH holds our annual event at CLA bee several years ago, when we ed to hold banquets hotels, the petty homo-fascists at GLN would harangue the hotel about hostg a “hate group.


(Of urse, I jt: “homophobe” is the smear-term of choice for “gay” activists and their elist fellow travelers on the Left – meant to ri and monize their (mostly Christian) opponents as irratnal, fearful bigots.

The bog Matt-Shepard-hate-crime story was also repackaged as a tennt play (The Laramie Project) that has been ed to propagandize hundreds of thoands of schoolchildren and young adults the same false “gay”-activist narrative. (In fact, Henrson’s girliend’s mother was a lbian relatnship and Rsell lived wh her for months and “there was no evince whatsoever of Aaron or Rsell exprsg anti-gay feelgs, ” Aaron’s father, Bill McKney, told Jimenez [p. ) Compare that to the liberal media/LGBT-promoted story le that McKney and Henrson – somehow fueled by Relig Right homophobia, which fostered a “climate of anti-gay hate” – murred Shepard “jt bee he was gay, ” after the latter ma a sexual pass at McKney.

Nobody his right md (pardon the pun) would suggt that liberal activists are so diabolil that they would plot to kill the young homosexual Shepard to create a “gay” martyr and th advance the LGBT agenda! But wh hours of the bloody asslt, as the Wyomg llege stunt was fightg for his life a hospal bed, the crime was quickly seized upon – first by close iends of Shepard, then by homosexual advot, then by the media – as an alleged crime of “anti-gay hate.


(Jimenez also reveals that even some Laramie police officials joed promotg the “anti-gay hate crime” theme, perhaps as opportunists ught up the gay-liberal media sp, or maybe to draw attentn away om Laramie’s crimal dg culture. Posted B - Ex-Homosexual Ttimoni, C - Hero for Tth, Extremism, Gay Liberatn Network, Gay Li about AFTAH, Gay Protts, Hate Crim Prosecutn, Left-wg activism, Liberal Groups' Misrmatn, Li by homosexual activists, Matthew Shepard Case, Moraly and Moral Judgments, News, Polil Correctns vs. Posted "Sexual Orientatn"/"Genr Inty" and the Law, A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, Amerins for Tth Hour, Asslts, C - Hero for Tth, Gay Liberatn Network, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual History, Moraly and Moral Judgments, News, The Bible, Church, & Homosexualy |.

Posted A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, Asslts, Christian Persecutn, Conservative Lears, Evangelils, Freedom Unr Fire, Gay Activist Hate Agast Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Liberatn Network, GLBTQ Lawsus & Retributn, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, The Bible, Church, & Homosexualy, YouTube vios |.


New York Cy homosexual activist blogger Jeremy Hooper (right) and his boyiend/"hband" n attend AFTAH's banquet Saturday, but they will not get our $50 Married Coupl Disunt, even though they went through a legal "marriage" ceremony Connecticut. Here’s what I fot to mentn the e-mail: our Married Coupl Disunt is available only to legimately married upl (one man, one woman) – not homosexual “upl” playg hoe and pretendg to be “married” as they practice a changeable and stctive liftyle that fi their lovg Creator and mocks the bedrock stutn that they’ve polilly appropriated the name of “equaly. Posted "Civil Unns" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unns" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientatn"/"Genr Inty" and the Law, A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, Biblil Tth, Chigo, Christian Persecutn, Freedom Unr Fire, Gay Liberatn Network, GLBTQ Lawsus & Retributn, Gospel evangelism, Government Promotn, Homosexual Parentg, Left-wg activism, Moraly and Moral Judgments, Natural Moral Law, News, The Bible, Church, & Homosexualy |.

Posted A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, Biblil Tth, Blood ban, C - Hero for Tth, Conservative Lears, Evangelils, Gay Liberatn Network, GLBTQ Targetg Youth and Schools, Government Promotn, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Physil Health, Polil Correctns vs. Posted A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, Amerins for Tth Hour, B - Ex-Homosexual Ttimoni, Biblil Tth, C - Hero for Tth, Gay Liberatn Network, Homosexual Hate, News, The Bible, Church, & Homosexualy, The Folly of PC, Tth Amy |.

Posted Activists, Chigo, Gay Liberatn Network, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quot, Illois, Left-wg activism, News, Polics of "Hate", State GLBTQ Activist Groups - Illois, Tolerance?, YouTube vios |. The Amerins for Tth Amy will be “probably one of the most prehensive pro-fay nferenc on homosexualy ever to occur the Uned Stat, ” acrdg to Peter LaBarbera, the anizatn’s founr and print.


“I have a ltle Irish blood but I’m also Italian, and when polil rrectns and the thought police tell you what not to do only mak me want to do more of , and so this se the gay thought police are basilly sayg the issue is over and there is no other si, and so I thought we have to start tg people on the agenda, ” said LaBarbera.

Posted "Sexual Orientatn"/"Genr Inty" and the Law, A - What do the Bible say about homosexualy?, B - Ex-Homosexual Ttimoni, Biblil Tth, Conservative Lears, Gay Liberatn Network, Homosexual Hate, News, The Bible, Church, & Homosexualy |. Lord and Amanda Foreman and the femist thors Roxane Gay (a ntributg Opn wrer) and Gloria Steem, wh each of offerg ntext and mentary on Barbie’s place the past, prent and future of women’s liv. Although members of the gay muny were divid their opns about the rt, hundreds of people returned to the scene for the next several nights, some to ntue vlent opposn to the police and others to exprs their sexualy public for the first time.


After Stonewall, however, a more radil polil nscns veloped that rulted om the formatn of many new groups, cludg the Gay Liberatn Front and Radilbians, whose members rejected the strategi and lled for a more ant rponse to homophobia. The papers clud sectns voted to muny updat, cultural events, and personal ads, but they also highlighted new polil ncerns, namely efforts to raise awarens about the problems of gay people prisons and ncerns about gay health.

Although many var relig stutns believed homosexualy was sful, some LGBTQ people did not believe that their fah and sexual orientatn were at odds and took shelter relig muni anized by gay people. Public health thori, journalists, doctors, and even many the gay muny blamed gay liberatn and the looseng of sexual rtrictns for the epimic, but no one the medil or scientific muny actually unrstood the behavr of the vis.


Gay Liberatn Network – A Lbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Direct Actn Organizatn .