“Seventh-Gay Adventists” – Adventist Today

gay sda church



When I asked another gay former pastor, who had fled to the US after he was disvered and fired, about the impact of growg up as gay and lbian Adventists Uganda, he replied, “It is the most difficult thg you uld ever thk of — they tell you that you are already nmned, gog to hell.

In the first of this century, a Jamain member of the Metro New York Adventist Fom, who had been livg the US on a stunt visa while pletg his tn, appealed to be granted permanent rince on the grounds that he, as a gay man, would be ser personal danger if obliged to return to Jamai.


However, ntued to do next to nothg about the disease the Uned Stat bee started there as a gay disease — and ntu to reject both gay Adventists who put themselv at risk of ntractg AIDS and those who live mted relatnships as equally promiscuo bee the sex of both groups is not wh heterosexual marriage. Dpe the failure of the “change” program supported, and the sexual exploatn of young, agile unsele by s director, church lears helped rtore him to a place where he uld rume his activi, and they have ntued to sist that only homosexuals who stggle to change their orientatn or to be celibate will be accepted.


Kship is reachg out wh creasg effectivens to young Adventists who have qutns about their sexualy; no longer do need to send mailgs to Adventist mp, bee most young homosexuals fd easily on the web and most Amerin llege mp now have a Gay-Straight Alliance or an LGBT support group.

Homosexuals also fell to the send tegory: jt as an unmarried pregnant member was seen as shamg the church, when a gay or lbian was disvered among s members — and those days disvery was ually the rult of the publitn the prs of the nam of those arrted followg a police raid on a gay meetg place — this was seen as embarrassg, and that person was purged immediately.


This quickly garnered support om key anizatns: the Amerin Bar Associatn issued a ll for the crimalizatn of homosexual behavr between nsentg adults 1973, and the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn voted to remove homosexualy om s official list of mental disorrs the same year. For example, when, 1977, Ana Bryant succsfully took the lead the mpaign to reverse a civil rights ordance that had helped protect homosexuals agast discrimatn employment and hog Da County, Florida, her mpaign spawned bumper stickers that urged people to “Kill a gay for Christ.


Gay Activists The Church: Seventh-Day Adventist Kship Internatnal, Inc – Ronald L. Lawson Ph.D., Profsor Emer, Queens College, CUNY .