Insanely fast, mobile-iendly meme generator. Make Kanye Gay Fish mem or upload your own imag to make ctom mem
* gay fish meme *
The joke is a set of qutns ed to make the dividual on the receivg end say what mak them sound like a gay fish, due to s play on words. A gay fish?!
Imag tagged "gay fish". Make your own imag wh our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Maker. * gay fish meme *
The only person the whole world who do not get the joke is rapper Kanye Wt, who believ that people are makg fun of his personaly and are spreadg mors about him beg a "gay fish". However, when Cartman nvc Jimmy that he has a msed up ego, Kanye thks that he is sufferg om the same problem, and embrac his sty as a leral gay fish. "Gay Fish" is a parody of the song "Heartls" by Kanye Wt, featured the Season Thirteen episo, "Fishsticks".
Cse I know that I'm a gay fish, gay fish.
(Gay fish, yo'). Motherfuckg gay fish, gay fish. Gog on a gay fish, gay fish.