Helmut Fullbear is a gay character om Psychonts. Helmut was a travelg mician who performed a stage show lled "Helmuts Psychodyssey" who his psychic powers to project imag while sgg. Not many people me; his show was nceled. However, his show attracted Ford Cller, who...
Bob Zanotto is a gay character om Psychonts. Bob is a member of the Psychic Six, a Psychont, and a member of the Zanottos who herbaphony, the psychic abily to munite wh plants. In the past, he was raised by his mother, Tia, who was trmatized by her hband's ath. This... * psychonauts 2 gay couple *
Go to gaymers. Hey look, we got you gays! Not to mentn that them beg gay don't fe their character and they have their own unique personali and tras.
Bob Zanotto is a gay character om Psychonts.
* psychonauts 2 gay couple *
Bob's sexualy is nfirmed the non of Psychonts 2 to be gay.
Straight Gay.
Helmut Fullbear is a gay character om Psychonts.