Gay: Name Meang, Orig, Populary, & Inspiratn - FayEdutn

gay name origin

Last name meang Gay: This tertg name has two possible origs, both French, and both troduced by the Normans after the Conqut of 1066..." name="scriptn



Check out the Gay history and fay crt/at of arms. Free Search. Explore the Gay fay history for the English Orig. What is the orig of the name Gay? * gay name origin *

Analysis of immigratn rerds dit that some of the first North Amerin immigrants bore the name Gay or a variant listed above: Gay Settlers Uned Stat the 17th CenturyThomas Gay, who land Virgia 1622 [8]Jam Gay who settled Virgia 1623Jam Gay, who arrived Virgia 1623 [8]William Gay, who settled Virgia 1630William Gay, aged 20, who arrived Virgia 1635 [8]... [18]Gay Settlers Wt Indi the 17th CenturyWilliam Gay, who settled Barbados 1670John and Abell Gay, who settled Barbados 1685Richard Gay, who settled Jamai 1685 Contemporary Notabl of the name Gay (post 1700) +Noel Gay (1898-1954), born Regald Moxon Armage, English poser of popular mic the 1930s and 1940sGee Kirby Gay (1810-1882), English sailor and settler the Oregon Country, member of the Willamette Cattle Company that brought livtock to OregonMajor David William Mrice Gay MC (1920-2010), Brish Army officer, English cricketerGeofey Gay, English dtrialistJohn Gay (1924-2017), Amerin Amy Award nomated screenwrer, known for his work on Run Silent, Run Deep and Separate TablPeter Gay (1923-2015), born Peter Joachim Fröhlich, an Amerin tor and wrer, Sterlg Profsor of History Emer at Yale UniversyLouis Gay, French Brigadier General durg the French Revolutnary and Napoleonic Wars om 1789 to 1815 [19]Tyson Gay (b.

Gay, Brish settler travellg om London aboard the ship "Zealandia" arrivg Lyttelton, Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand 1869 [15]Gee Gay, aged 20, a garner, who arrived Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Berar" 1873 Gay migratn to Wt Indi +The Brish first settled the Brish Wt Indi around 1604. [16]Gay Settlers Wt Indi the 17th CenturyWilliam Gay, who settled Barbados 1670John and Abell Gay, who settled Barbados 1685Richard Gay, who settled Jamai 1685 Contemporary Notabl of the name Gay (post 1700) +Noel Gay (1898-1954), born Regald Moxon Armage, English poser of popular mic the 1930s and 1940sGee Kirby Gay (1810-1882), English sailor and settler the Oregon Country, member of the Willamette Cattle Company that brought livtock to OregonMajor David William Mrice Gay MC (1920-2010), Brish Army officer, English cricketerGeofey Gay, English dtrialistJohn Gay (1924-2017), Amerin Amy Award nomated screenwrer, known for his work on Run Silent, Run Deep and Separate TablPeter Gay (1923-2015), born Peter Joachim Fröhlich, an Amerin tor and wrer, Sterlg Profsor of History Emer at Yale UniversyLouis Gay, French Brigadier General durg the French Revolutnary and Napoleonic Wars om 1789 to 1815 [17]Tyson Gay (b. In "Soclogy and Social Rearch" (1932-33) a paragraph on the "gay t" phenomenon not, "Homosexual practic are more mon than rare this group, " and gey t "homosexual boy" is attted Noel Erske's 1933 dictnary of "Unrworld & Prison Slang" (gey is a Sttish variant of gay) "Dictnary of Amerin Slang" reports that gay (adj.


GAY Meang: "full of joy, merry; light-hearted, reee;" also "wanton, lewd, lasciv" (late 12c. as a surname,… See orig and meang of gay. * gay name origin *

Read More About This Surname Gay Surname Distributn Map2014190118811880PlaceIncinceFrequencyRank AreaUned Stat42, 2441:8, 5801, 031South Sudan7, 3981:1, 543305England5, 3591:10, 3971, 536Hai4, 2431:2, 518363Atralia3, 4151:7, 9051, 180France3, 3031:20, 1102, 332Spa2, 6151:17, 8781, 998Argenta2, 4471:17, 4681, 512Swzerland1, 6331:5, 029745Italy1, 6231:37, 6816, 771Canada1, 6221:22, 7163, 092Philipp1, 5111:67, 00111, 469Rsia9731:148, 12217, 162Indonia8261:160, 10815, 625Sdi Arabia7951:38, 8125, 622Germany6041:133, 28716, 248Brazil5251:407, 76115, 502New Zealand4971:9, 1111, 572Wal4551:6, 801757Sri Lanka4391:47, 4005, 492Mexi4121:301, 2776, 788DR Congo3971:186, 09518, 831Tridad and Tobago3831:3, 561592Stland3651:14, 6681, 857Pakistan3471:514, 8248, 778Egypt3051:301, 42919, 796Thailand2611:270, 64546, 481Cuba2531:45, 5441, 930India2421:3, 169, 69293, 234South Ai2141:253, 16725, 671Bahamas1881:2, 084309Belgium1751:65, 69510, 538Moroc1701:202, 80134, 956Samoa1621:1, 196373Jamai1381:20, 7971, 794Barbados1241:2, 318401Japan1191:1, 074, 32220, 778Portugal1131:92, 1974, 545French Polynia1101:2, 553518Uguay971:35, 3794, 109Grenada931:1, 167218Liberia841:52, 4834, 660Malaysia801:368, 67819, 491Venezuela661:457, 6389, 047Chile631:279, 6278, 218Belas601:158, 35121, 538Northern Ireland531:34, 8123, 411New Caledonia521:5, 3121, 081Colombia501:955, 4819, 064Nigeria491:3, 615, 158105, 602Kuwa481:79, 1819, 331Sgapore431:128, 0865, 748Domin Republic391:267, 5119, 432Kazakhstan341:520, 07337, 773Netherlands331:511, 73348, 115Afghanistan311:1, 037, 1999, 747Uzbekistan271:1, 145, 52421, 534Guam251:6, 405908Cha221:62, 150, 9803, 380Hungary221:446, 19429, 593Poland211:1, 809, 94093, 678Norway191:270, 64728, 127Mrania181:227, 49210, 961Seychell181:5, 133784Israel171:503, 39037, 521Ireland161:294, 30910, 207Greece151:738, 65380, 079Hong Kong151:489, 0323, 321Jersey151:6, 6131, 336Swen151:656, 45048, 545Taiwan151:1, 562, 98310, 375Ivory Coast141:1, 647, 94532, 915Cyps131:68, 0677, 075Senegal131:1, 121, 4883, 334Armenia121:244, 1826, 167Slovakia121:444, 70454, 815Honduras111:801, 4954, 197Pe111:2, 889, 46628, 985Kyrgyzstan101:597, 26542, 601Papua New Guea101:815, 37288, 623Angola91:2, 998, 8024, 903Azerbaijan91:1, 072, 12515, 755Bahra91:149, 8455, 469Myanmar91:5, 770, 887975Niger91:2, 132, 44640, 124Denmark81:705, 58939, 626Estonia81:165, 22626, 217Vietnam71:13, 235, 1512, 948Ben61:1, 722, 60061, 769Cameroon61:3, 461, 511126, 814Qatar61:393, 00055, 922Uned Arab Emirat61:1, 527, 04651, 993Bermuda51:13, 0561, 849Mona51:7, 4131, 114Uganda51:7, 807, 856134, 263Geia41:936, 38624, 100Ghana41:6, 755, 17315, 406Iran41:19, 195, 631219, 601Malta41:107, 5681, 849Namibia41:602, 35012, 421Romania41:5, 019, 46862, 922Bulgaria31:2, 326, 30254, 089Czechia31:3, 544, 490144, 714Puerto Ri31:1, 183, 3805, 289South Korea31:17, 080, 0852, 793Uned Stat Virg Islands31:36, 7924, 502Andorra21:41, 9191, 654Burka Faso21:9, 176, 05023, 741Cambodia21:7, 743, 57311, 959Costa Ri21:2, 390, 03410, 205Croatia21:2, 114, 30285, 143Fland21:2, 748, 35172, 663Jordan21:4, 421, 21822, 351Kenya21:23, 089, 95083, 168Niragua21:3, 010, 5457, 383Tanzania21:26, 470, 806111, 653Zambia21:7, 924, 96145, 994Abkhazia11:242, 8655, 354Albania11:2, 914, 05529, 474Algeria11:38, 631, 551130, 422Atria11:8, 515, 435118, 036Banglash11:159, 356, 77326, 077Bhutan11:616, 0391, 715Bolivia11:10, 616, 43417, 077Bnei11:418, 7313, 893Cayman Islands11:63, 8932, 384Chad11:13, 592, 19913, 092Ecuador11:15, 905, 84650, 210El Salvador11:6, 343, 8888, 415Guatemala11:16, 082, 66812, 169Guernsey11:64, 4392, 137Guyana11:762, 22114, 420Iceland11:380, 09011, 096Latvia11:2, 050, 04660, 295Lebanon11:5, 637, 08332, 436Libya11:6, 243, 9746, 186Luxembourg11:580, 54215, 155Mau11:601, 6301, 582Moldova11:3, 561, 36878, 271Mongolia11:2, 825, 28917, 010Mozambique11:27, 261, 5697, 432Nepal11:28, 480, 95622, 413Northern Mariana Islands11:54, 5801, 498Oman11:3, 687, 97114, 390Panama11:3, 912, 25817, 195Paraguay11:7, 236, 74616, 511Syria11:19, 301, 02222, 457Tajikistan11:8, 386, 69212, 859Transnistria11:474, 69917, 893Turkey11:77, 821, 422191, 047Turkmenistan11:5, 489, 11211, 427Yemen11:26, 425, 29455, 147PlaceIncinceFrequencyRank AreaIreland1131:39, 2023, 597PlaceIncinceFrequencyRank AreaEngland3, 3971:7, 1761, 116Stland3191:11, 7341, 432Wal2741:5, 724379Jersey91:5, 7651, 004PlaceIncinceFrequencyRank AreaUned Stat9, 1661:5, 479686The alternate forms: Gáy (4) & Gaÿ (1) are lculated.


The meang, orig and history of the given name Gay * gay name origin *

In The Uned Stat the share of the populatn wh the surname grew 461 percent between 1880 and 2014; England grew 158 percent between 1881 and 2014; Wal grew 166 percent between 1881 and 2014; Stland grew 114 percent between 1881 and 2014 and Ireland creased 86 percent between 1901 and Last Name Statistics mographyThe relig adherence of those bearg the surname is predomantly Catholic (78%) Ireland and Christian (100%) The Uned Stat those bearg the Gay surname are 10.


A history and genealogy of the Gay surname. Inclus a miscellany of Gay fay stori, nam and numbers around the world. * gay name origin *

Phoilly Siar NamSurnameSiaryWorldwi IncincePrevalencyGáy894/Gaÿ891/Gaye86197, 727/Gaya8629, 988/Gayo8612, 517/Ngay864, 926/Gayi863, 424/Gays86589/Gayu86555/Gayt86251/Ghay86106/Gayd8662/Gy8659/Gahy8648/Gayá8645/Gayà8622/Gayh8621/Gaiy8619/Gayé8618/Gaay8615/Gayz8611/Gajy866/Gayè862/Hgay861/Gayy861/Gayô861/Gayú861/Ggay861/Kgay861/Ay80132, 927/Ga80110, 240/Gy80741/Ngaya755, 586/Gayed755, 185/Gayas754, 612/Gay753, 185/Ngayo752, 206/Gajiy752, 169/Gayet751, 706/Ngaye751, 700/Ngahy751, 586/Ggayi75851/Gayap75848/Ghaya75673/Gayah75629/Ghaye75573/Gayou75564/Ghajy75561/Gayat75438/Gayee75422/Gayos75409/Gayot75405/Ngayu75299/Gayip75285/Gayod75283/Gayad75265/Gayud75229/Gahay75224/Gay75218/Gay75144/Gaydt75141/Gye75119/Gayst75100/Gayyi7594/Gayeh7589/Ghayi7571/Gyo7571/Gaiyo7566/Gayaz7562/Gayhe7562/Gya7560/Gaaya7550/Gayie7546/Nggay7544/Ghayo7544/Gayut7539/Kgaye7536/Gayoh7533/Gayuh7532/Gayts7530/Ghaiy7527/Gahya7524/Gaïya7522/Gaayi7522/Gayho7518/Gahyo7517/Goaya7514/Gaydh7514/Ghays7512/Gayid7510/Gayis758/N'Gay758/Gaaye757/Gayyp756/Gayuz755/Gayaa755/Ghayy755/Gayhi755/Gahiy754/Gayaâ754/Gayep754/Gahey753/Gaych753/Ga'ay753/Gayyo753/Gaysh752/Gayss752/Gayoz752/Gaytz752/Gay752/Gayuu752/Gaîya752/Gayez752/Gayop752/Qugay751/Gayii751/Gay751/Gayiy751/Ggaye751/Gajyo751/Ghgay751/Ghhay751/Gahyu751/Gaiyy751/Gayux751/Ghayz751/Hgaya751/Ngayh751/Ngayé751/Gayha751/Gayós751/Gayıp751/Gawyo751/Geaya751/Ggaya751/Gaays751/Gahye751/Gajyi751/Gaiyp751/Ghayt751/Nkgay751/Kgayi751/Ngajy751/Ghy751/Hghay751/Aye67936, 658/Gai67366, 958/Gad67170, 699/Hay67130, 160/Guy67110, 005/Ayo6794, 329/G6782, 928/Gyi6768, 081/Nga6761, 620/Aya6750, 440/Gea6749, 209/Ayu6745, 498/Ayi6722, 534/Gat6721, 793/Goy6710, 657/Gas6710, 351/Gah678, 258/Ghayad677, 912/Gaj677, 908/Goa677, 604/Gaa676, 704/Gha676, 336/Ghayas675, 895/Gey675, 561/Gaz674, 726/Gae674, 170/Ghayed672, 052/Ays671, 496/Ajy671, 231/Gys671, 178/Ghayat671, 040/Gayova67903/Gap67842/Ayd67769/Ayt67757/Aay67474/Aiy67290/Gaş67185/Ngayou67182/Ayh67176/Ahy67156/Ayy67156/Ng'ayu67154/Ng'ayo67120/Gyat67104/Gaï67101/Gayout6774/Ghayaz6768/Nghaya6768/Ng'aya6760/Gaš6755/Gga6754/Guhaya6750/Gahayu6749/Gayash6746/Ayz6746/Gayd6743/Ghayee6738/Ayp6738/Auy6734/Gaľ6733/Ghayeh6732/Ayé6731/N'Gaye6726/Gahaye6724/Gaś6722/Géa6721/Cga6720/Gayosh6719/Gayt6719/Giy6719/Kga6717/Gayowa6717/Gyt6716/Hga6715/Gyß6715/Ghayud6714/Ghy6714/Kgy6713/Gayott6711/Ggy6711/Gayh6710/Gays6710/Gayich679/Gayo679/Gaî679/Gayová679/Ngahyi679/Ghayet678/Ayj678/Gahaya678/Gać678/Hgy678/Cgy678/Gyp677/Gač677/Goyaya677/Nghayo677/Gayass676/Gayaya676/Gyz676/Ghaiyo676/Ghajiy676/Gayoux676/Gayaja675/Ghayou675/N'Gayo675/Gajaya674/Gyet674/Gyh674/Ghay674/Ghayid673/Nghaye673/Gêa673/Gyy673/Ghayoo673/Ngayeh673/Gyd673/Gays672/Ayà672/Ayè672/Ayó672/Ghaych672/Ghayez672/Ghaysh672/Ngaiyi672/Ngayih672/N'Gaya672/Qga672/Kghayi671/Nggajy671/Geegay671/Gayach671/Gayapp671/Gaye671/Gayh671/Gayhee671/Gyad671/Gyas671/Gyop671/Ghayod671/Gujaya671/Gyot671/Ghayis671/Ngayuo671/Gayoch671/Gayaph671/Győ671/Gùy671/Güy671/Ghaaye671/Ghayyi671/D'Ghay671/Aïy671/Ayò671/Nga'yo671/Gayadh671/Qgy671/Gayuoh671/Gayatt670/Gayett670/Gaye670/ Gay Name TransleratnsTransleratnICU LatPercentage of IncinceGay the Bengali languageগয়gaya-Gay the Marathi languageगायgaya75. Gay FayTree DNA Project - A scriptn of a group rearchg the paternal l of men who bear the surname wh the help of DNA name statistics are still velopment, sign up for rmatn on more maps and dataFootnotSurnam are taken as the first part of an person's hered fay name, ste, clan name or some s patronymicDcriptns may nta tails on the name's etymology, orig, ethnicy and history. Clickg on selected untri will show mappg at a regnal levelRank: Name are ranked by cince g the ordal rankg method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur ls equently receive an cremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of tim they are assigned the same rank and succsive rank is cremented by the total preceedg namEthnic group nnot necsarily be termed by geographic occurrenceSiar: Nam listed the "Siar" sectn are phoilly siar and may not have any relatn to GayTo fd out more about this surname's fay history, lookup rerds on Fay​Search, My​Herage, FdMyPast and Anctry.

Gay Forename Distributn2014PlaceGenrIncinceFrequencyRank AreaUned Stat100%30, 4521:11, 9051, 196Philipp90%6, 0871:17, 4161, 921South Sudan100%3, 3561:3, 442464England96%1, 7041:32, 6311, 783Atralia-1, 6171:8, 446864New Zealand-1, 3471:3, 368560Canada100%1, 1431:28, 9882, 338Sgapore75%1, 0401:6, 0451, 032Sdi Arabia-7581:40, 6504, 986Ireland97%6721:6, 910588Hong Kong-6181:12, 5451, 179South Ai91%5831:93, 5387, 772India75%4391:2, 767, 376129, 569Rsia92%3721:387, 7254, 665Zimbabwe80%2661:57, 9844, 835Cha-2241:6, 098, 46355, 977Malaysia55%2141:142, 2899, 072DR Congo96%1711:431, 74015, 753Argenta62%1201:356, 4443, 176Domin Republic-1171:89, 1564, 839Chile56%1071:164, 5533, 315Italy50%1001:610, 6216, 148Barbados-951:3, 050579Pe92%771:412, 8767, 935Stland100%751:71, 3381, 928Swen93%711:138, 8445, 450Armenia94%701:41, 6961, 683Wal95%681:45, 5051, 661Indonia-671:3, 850, 204164, 688Thailand50%671:1, 045, 75837, 455Hai100%531:202, 3959, 037Zambia-491:323, 5679, 092Portugal-461:226, 3234, 580Ivory Coast89%451:512, 79918, 942Jamai-431:67, 0523, 397Papua New Guea59%411:198, 83716, 978Liberia79%361:122, 5574, 984Germany70%291:3, 333, 72015, 797Niragua70%271:222, 9015, 415Bnei-251:16, 7831, 060Venezuela90%231:1, 313, 12626, 144Brazil-221:9, 738, 007121, 504France-211:3, 165, 25415, 580Mexi64%211:5, 911, 63922, 154Qatar89%201:118, 48012, 874Taiwan100%181:1, 320, 53843, 414Afghanistan86%171:1, 919, 03017, 461Belize75%161:22, 1442, 400Botswana100%161:136, 52810, 720Bhutan67%151:54, 9951, 683Congo100%151:333, 9476, 940Fland57%151:365, 5464, 839Uganda58%151:2, 730, 46131, 621Colombia100%141:3, 412, 78022, 545Belas100%131:729, 4144, 213Bulgaria100%131:537, 7228, 096Honduras-131:678, 2678, 995Niger71%131:1, 475, 69220, 181Norway100%121:427, 6948, 125Cayman Islands-101:6, 130975Jersey-101:9, 998868Nigeria100%91:19, 729, 373174, 791Spa-91:5, 169, 99615, 759Tridad and Tobago100%91:151, 2699, 102Panama-81:488, 32013, 543Hungary50%71:1, 398, 8243, 444Solomon Islands-71:82, 9944, 768Bermuda-61:10, 8041, 174Ecuador-61:2, 954, 48613, 743Japan-61:21, 331, 01046, 700Swzerland90%61:1, 368, 91614, 223Uned Arab Emirat-61:1, 191, 99940, 353Netherlands68%51:3, 380, 41728, 284Northern Ireland100%41:460, 7862, 461Egypt-41:22, 975, 23627, 891Ethpia100%41:24, 390, 03319, 296Geia67%41:934, 61613, 351Guyana-41:190, 81611, 826Israel99%41:2, 100, 73020, 870Poland100%41:9, 506, 7785, 827Senegal75%41:3, 645, 33917, 621Tanzania75%41:13, 197, 08050, 227Tunisia-41:169, 2267, 289Mrania67%31:1, 365, 08016, 011Bahamas-21:199, 6852, 758Kazakhstan100%21:8, 873, 42235, 327Kenya100%21:23, 153, 55556, 680Lebanon-21:2, 813, 78613, 895Moldova-21:1, 780, 5707, 407N100%21:5, 964459Sat Vcent and the Grenad100%21:55, 7904, 636Abkhazia-11:243, 4223, 525Algeria-11:38, 176, 72032, 669Antigua and Barbuda-11:99, 3953, 544Atria-11:8, 514, 20119, 377Belgium-11:11, 490, 04143, 727Ben-11:10, 575, 84390, 010Bolivia-11:10, 601, 4049, 299Cameroon100%11:21, 610, 503119, 836Curaçao-11:155, 8031, 239Cyps100%11:871, 0765, 368Denmark-11:5, 649, 49828, 429Djibouti-11:915, 6642, 132Fiji-11:892, 3783, 968Greece-11:10, 934, 54822, 228Greenland-11:56, 3711, 395Iran-11:78, 496, 86865, 150Isle of Man-11:85, 023723Jordan-11:8, 826, 77411, 126Kuwa-11:3, 785, 26415, 388Kyrgyzstan-11:5, 973, 27746, 622Lhuania-11:2, 951, 8825, 377Mau-11:608, 2092, 350Malawi-11:17, 112, 31024, 110Mona-11:38, 4662, 379Montenegro-11:634, 5764, 914Moroc-11:34, 348, 63618, 260Namibia-11:2, 404, 17916, 970Pakistan100%11:194, 357, 680303, 535Sat Helena, Ascensn and Tristan da Cunha-11:5, 829386Sat Lucia100%11:177, 8158, 104Seychell-11:92, 6701, 891South Korea-11:5, 544, 42137, 250Sri Lanka-11:20, 799, 08716, 824Sudan100%11:37, 806, 97510, 689Swaziland-11:1, 300, 1773, 374Tajikistan100%11:8, 374, 9227, 831Transnistria-11:475, 6382, 115Turkey100%11:77, 801, 70991, 051Turks and Cais Islands-11:34, 7071, 398Uguay-11:3, 427, 63713, 958Uzbekistan-11:30, 786, 44017, 476Vietnam-11:92, 623, 11310, 484Gay. — Dictnary of Given Nam wh Origs and Meangs (1934) by Flora Ha LougheadGay Forename PopularyGay DemographicsPhoilly Siar NamForenameSiaryWorldwi IncincePrevalencyGaya86129, 059/Gaye8638, 390/Gayi862, 480/Ngay861, 884/Gayu861, 180/Gayo861, 121/Ghay86125/Gays8634/Gaiy8629/Gaay8622/Gayt8619/Gayd8619/Gahy8617/Gajy8610/Gy868/Gayh865/Gayé864/Gayz863/Cgay862/Gayj862/Gayy862/Gayp862/Ggay861/Hgay861/Ga8054, 972/Ay8026, 689/Gy80780/Gayas754, 979/Gayah754, 023/Gay753, 267/Gayaz752, 008/Gayuh751, 313/Gajiy751, 078/Ngaye75871/Gayou75865/Ghaya75745/Gayad75731/Ngaya75539/Gayat75244/Ghaye75208/Ngayo75184/Gayee75107/Gayut75104/Gayos7588/Gay7587/Gayet7567/Gaïya7560/Gya7558/Gayip7555/Gayaa7550/Gaaya7550/Ghaiy7549/Gayie7547/Ghayu7545/Gay7543/Gayii7542/Ngayu7539/Gaiyo7534/Gayot7533/Gayed7531/Gahiy7525/Gayyi7524/Gayap7524/Ghays7521/Gahay7521/Gayis7519/Gayoz7517/Gahye7516/Ghajy7514/Gahey7514/Ghayi7514/Gayoh7512/Gaîya7511/Ggayi7511/Gaayi7511/Gayup7510/Ghayo7510/Gayyp759/Gayep758/Nggay757/Gayod756/Gayha756/Gaiiy756/Gaaye755/Goaya755/Kgaya755/Gys755/Geaya754/Gayeh754/Gajyi753/Gahya753/Gayiz753/Gyi753/Gay753/Gayss753/N'Gay752/Gye752/Gayid752/Gayoo752/Gaysh752/Ghayt752/Gahyo752/Gayih752/Ngaay752/Ghayd751/Ghayj751/Ghayy751/Ghy751/Gaiys751/Gaihy751/Ghy751/Gajyo751/Gaays751/Gayop751/Gayyo751/Gaych751/Gayds751/Gayhe751/Gayhi751/Gayho751/Gay751/Gayje751/Gyo751/Ggayo751/Cgaya751/Kgaye751/Qgayi751/Kgayi751/Qgayz751/Gayez751/Gayez751/Gyz751/Aya671, 315, 262/Guy671, 061, 446/Nga67961, 284/Aye67761, 526/Ayu67242, 324/Ayi6793, 945/Ayo6781, 095/Gai6771, 869/Hay6749, 378/Gad6743, 131/Gat6717, 566/G6716, 234/Aay6714, 859/Goa6712, 228/Gea6712, 002/Gyi678, 474/Gaj676, 750/Ghayas676, 137/Ayt675, 119/Ayh672, 704/Gha672, 692/Gae672, 677/Gas671, 851/Gaz671, 808/Gah671, 724/Ajy671, 491/Ays671, 169/Goy67732/Gey67692/Ahy67684/Gys67654/Gap67644/Gayash67593/Ghayeh67439/Gaa67432/Aiy67379/Ayd67324/Ghayad67273/Gaï67243/Ghy67189/Gayh67122/Ghayaz67109/Gajaya6797/Gujaya6791/Gayh6788/N'Gaye6777/Ayy6774/Ayz6767/Ghayat6766/Giy6761/Gahaye6760/Ghayed6759/Gayo6758/Gga6749/Kga6749/Gahayu6747/Gayaja6746/Ayj6743/Auy6742/Hga6739/Gyp6735/Gyd6735/Ghayah6734/Cga6731/Gyz6730/Gahaya6727/Géa6721/Ayp6718/Gyh6718/Gayass6716/Gayowa6716/Ayé6715/Gyy6715/Ggy6715/Hgy6715/N'Gaya6714/N'Gayo6712/Gyt6710/Ayş679/Ngayee678/Ghya678/Gaè678/Ghayiy677/Ghayet677/Ngahyo676/Ng'ayu675/Kgy675/Qga675/Ayï674/Gayosh674/Gahajy674/Ľga674/Åga674/Ghay674/Qgy674/Cgy674/Gjiy673/Gayadh673/Ghay673/Ghayss673/Gojaya673/G-Y673/Nghaye672/Ayô672/Gays672/Gayish672/Gayach672/Gaí672/Ghhaya672/Ghay672/Ghayou672/Nghayi672/Ghayuz672/Ghayis671/Gaë671/Ghayee671/Ghayez671/Ghayiz671/Ghayos671/Gúa671/Gïa671/Gahyah671/Gahyoe671/Gaiaya671/Gaihyo671/Ghye671/Gayoos671/Gayudh671/Gayuoe671/Gayadd671/Gayaya671/Gayech671/Gayehe671/Gayhee671/Gyaz671/Gyoh671/Gayadt671/Gayaph671/Gayapp671/Ghahiy671/Ghaiyy671/Ghajiy671/Gejaya671/Ayß671/Ayç671/Ayı671/D'gaye671/Cggaya671/Uangay671/Nggaya671/Ngay'u671/Ngayoo671/Nga'yo671/Ngahey671/Nkgaya671/Nkgaye671/Kgya671/Ghaysz671/Gèa671/ 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