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class="_7Zy6X E7Lj8 _3OUqK _1YDDU"><div class="giMna empty-state-tle">TweenSpeedoBoy is not a Group Adm yet</div><div class="_3mnPH">Groups they adm or create will appear here</div><div class="hq3ts"></div></div></div></sectn></div></div></div><div class="_2Q3jU"><div><div class="_30GtD _23FTs b2l8h"><sectn class="_3ntv0 _1hCfW" data-role="widget" data-moduleid="1742794481" data-erid="47846881"><div class="_3z-jh"><h2 class="_3sXDp" data-hook="widget-hear"><a href=">About TweenSpeedoBoy</a></h2><div class="_2WIwE"><a class="_1-Wh7 _3drpd _1aj3v _hZXS xSB8L" href=" data-role="see-all-lk"><span class="_3Mfsx">See all</span></a></div></div><div class="_2QawT"><div class="_2vziw uaTRv"><span class="sk-sendary"><div class="_3rCfZ"></div><div class="_3rCfZ"><div class="dw_VT"><ul class="_3rpUj"><li class="dCqyC"><span class="n_Vkl" aria-hidn="te"><span class="z8jNZ _2X9dx"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><g><path d="M12 9V8h1v1h4a1 1 0 0 1 1 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years</span></li><li class="dCqyC"><span class="_2cHeo">He / Him</span></li></ul></div></div><div class="_3rCfZ"><div class="_2ITft">My B</div><div class="_1-OP8"><div class="_1oi83"><div class="_1BhCO" style="max-height:360px"><div><div class="_3l8QO"><div><div class="legacy-journal py0Gw maturefilter">im a gay boy jt startg puberty</div></div></div><hr class="_1aKSo _24ABD"/><div class=""><div class="_2Ukk3"><div class="_22PS6">Favoure Bands / Mil Artists</div><div class="_2VtxP">ptbull, u2 </div></div><div class="_2Ukk3"><div class="_22PS6">Other Interts</div><div class="_2VtxP">im a swimmer</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></span></div></div></sectn></div></div><div><div class="_30GtD _23FTs b2l8h"></div><div class="_30GtD _23FTs b2l8h"><sectn class="_3ntv0 _1hCfW" data-role="widget" data-hook="profile-ments-widget" data-moduleid="1742794480" data-erid="47846881"><div class="_3z-jh"><h2 class="_3sXDp" data-hook="widget-hear">Profile Comments<!-- --> <span 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gay dad album

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Sign up for Deezer for ee and listen to Gay Dad: disgraphy, top tracks and playlists. * gay dad album *

At least on the first one, 1996’s This World And Body, they had the upbeat and boistero Sleep, which is a Dad – To Earth Wh Love (om Leisure Noise, 1999)London’s Gay Dad had possibly the worst name 90’s mic, a that saw the emergence of Limp Bizk and Ned’s Atomic Dtb.


GAY DAD songs and albums, peak chart posns, reer stats, week-by-week chart ns and latt news. * gay dad album *

You n get away wh those sorts of nam if you make cent mic, Gay Dad did not. “First of all, I’m gay, ” he said, “and this movie is gog to be gay non.


Listen to mic om Gay Dad like Joy!, Oh Jim & more. Fd the latt tracks, albums, and imag om Gay Dad. * gay dad album *

"Alex AvilaAnd Gay Tim, a Brish LGBTQ news se, celebrated Friday, the day of the film’s official release, as “Barbie day“ and lled the world-renowned doll a “queer cultural phenomenon. PicturIn an terview wh Fandango, actor Kate McKnon, who is openly gay and plays “Weird Barbie” the film, said Barbie is about “imagatn.

Many also flagged the teased scene which Barbie, now the real world, exchang a longg look wh Ameri Ferrera’s Gloria character; though, the relatnship between the two turns out to be a tribute to motherhood and the tradnal, nuclear before the film’s release, Robbie all but squashed the mors that some or any of the Barbi and Kens would be gay, tellg the Brish LGBTQ magaze Attu: The dolls don’t “actually have sexual orientatns. There are brief appearanc by Earrg Magic Ken and Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken, both of which Mattel has always nied were tentnally gay-d.

”As far as the queer-d trailers and promotnal clips for the new “Barbie” film, Rand poted to a phenomenon known as “gay wdow advertisg, ” or the practice of advertisers gturg to queer dienc a way that will go over the heads of those who would disapprove.


Explore Gay Dad's disgraphy cludg top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about Gay Dad on AllMic. * gay dad album *

TransmissnStud album by Gay DadReleased24 September 2001Rerd2000–2001GenreGlam rock, electroniLength53:07LabelB-UniqueProducerBen Chapman, Gay DadGay Dad chronology. Transmissn is the send and fal stud album by London band Gay Dad, released via B-Unique on 24 September 2001. Gay Dad released their but stud album Leisure Noise June 1999.

Gay Dad played their first show as a tr November 2000, followg the parture of Risebero.


Disver Transmissn by Gay Dad released 2001. Fd album reviews, track lists, creds, awards and more at AllMic. * gay dad album *

[26] Shortly afterwards, Gay Dad disband.


Gay Dad disgraphy and songs: Mic profile for Gay Dad, formed 1994. Genr: Brpop, Indie Rock, Post-Brpop. Albums clu Leisure Noise, The Br Box: U.K. Indie, Shoegaze, and Br-Pop Gems of the Last Millennium, and Transmissn. * gay dad album *

He add that if the band's Amerin label "works the hell out of this, jt might be a do-over for Gay Dad". He add that "[w]hatever Gay Dad was aimg for, Transmissn falls spairgly shy of the mark".

Gay Dad. Gay Dad – producer.

^ "Leisure Noise - Gay Dad | Release Info". ^ a b "Gay Dad | full Official Chart History".


Gay Dad bgraphy and history on AllMic cludg birthday, bt songs, existg and new album rmatn, and more. * gay dad album *

"Gay Dad, Black Box Rerr, Dot Allison Introduce Themselv To U. ^ a b "Gay Dad Troop On! ^ "Gay Dad Rocket Back to Actn".

^ a b c d e Gay Dad (2001). "Gay Dad Transmissn". "Transmissn - Gay Dad".


Transmissn, an Album by Gay Dad. Released 24 September 2001 on B-Unique (talog no. BUN010; CD). Genr: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Brpop. Featured peformers: Cliff Jon (wrer, guar), Crowe (wrer, dms), Nigel of Bermondsey (wrer, bass), Stephen Harris (mixer), Geoff Pche (masterg engeer), Ben Chapman (producer), Gay Dad (producer), Adam - (art directn, ver sign). * gay dad album *

^ "Bye Honey, I'm Homo". ^ Gay Dad (2001).

^ "Transmissn - Gay Dad | Release Info". "Gay Dad". "Gay Dad: Transmissn".

Composers: Cliff Jon - Crowe - Gay Dad - Hoyle - Jon - Jam Risebero - Nicholas Crowe - Nigel Hoyle - Risebero. Wrer: Crowe - Hoyle - Jon - Risebero / Composers: Cliff Jon - Crowe - Gay Dad - Hoyle - Jon - Jam Risebero - Nicholas Crowe - Nigel Hoyle - Risebero.


Gay Dad is a well known Madchter mic group om London, England, Uned Kgdom. Explore our llectn of Gay Dad song lyrics and albums. * gay dad album *

Composers: Cliff Jon - Crowe - Gay Dad - Hoyle - Irv - Jon - Jam Irv - Jam Risebero - Nicholas Crowe - Nigel Hoyle - Risebero. Composers: Crowe - Gay Dad - Hoyle - Jon - Jam Risebero - Nicholas Crowe - Nigel Hoyle - Risebero. GAY DAD Songs statsUK No.

1s0UK Top 10s1UK Top 40s2UK Top 75s5Weeks the Top 10Weeks the Top 101Weeks the Top 404Weeks the Top 7510GAY DAD Albums statsUK No. GAY DADPeak: 22, Weeks: 314 Aug 1999OH JIMGAY DADPeak: 47, Weeks: 231 Mar 200122 Sep 2001 Official Albums Chart19 Jun 1999 Official Physil Sgl Chart Official Sttish Albums Chart Official Physil Albums Chart Official Inpennt Albums Chart Official Inpennt Sgl Chart.

Not the nvoy of survivalist glam necsary to lure back the public the band annoyed after the disgntled and over-hyped Leisure Noise, Gay Dad's sophomore LP go for a lo-fi yet more sonilly plex approach and hs another brick wall of Queen-tailored rhetoric and pyrotechnic rock anthems.


A gui to Gay Dad: bgraphy, disgraphy, reviews, bt albums, ratgs * gay dad album *

Durg the two-year wa between albums, Gay Dad had pared self down to a three-piece, and the rult is a posive, more direct, and ragg jangle of '70s-fixated Brish pop. " So well fact that you almost fet Gay Dad's unpersuasive threads of extremist pop-metal ("Dosr") that populate the rt of the album.

Formed 1994 and largely active 1999-2001, Gay Dad tasted s succs wh a top 10 h, "To Earth Wh Love" and s followg sgle, "Joy! Br-pop phenoms Gay Dad were led by sger Cliff Jon, a oime mic journalist who first began nceivg the band durg the early 1990s. Inial tails are sketchy and the nascent group's le-up was fluid, although dmmer Nicholas "Baz" Crowe was a mastay om the outset; a 1994 mo rerd wh legendary Rollg Ston producer Andrew Loog Oldham proved so disastro railed Gay Dad's momentum for over a year, however, and they did not make their live but until 1995.


Leisure Noise, an Album by Gay Dad. Released 7 June 1999 on London (talog no. 556 103-2; CD). Genr: Brpop, Post-Brpop. Rated #514 the bt albums of 1999. Featured peformers: Cliff Jon (wrer, lead vols, guar), Jam Risebero (wrer, keyboard), Nicholas Crowe (wrer, dms), Nigel of Bermondsey (wrer, bass), Mark Frh (-producer), Gary Langan (rerdg engeer, mixer), Howie Weberg (masterg engeer), Howard Wakefield (graphic sign), Pl Hethergton (graphic sign), Peter Saville (graphic sign), Pl Barn (graphic sign). * gay dad album *

Early gigs were often a shambl, and by 1996 Jon -- who the terim had veloped a fascatn wh psychelia and glam-rock -- began to rethk the band's approach; a subsequent mo earned Gay Dad nsirable sir buzz, and the sprg of 1997 they signed to London Rerds.


Informatn on Gay Dad. Complete disgraphy, ratgs, reviews and more. * gay dad album *

Their but sgle, 1998's "To Earth wh Love, " beme a UK smash, and the band -- addn to Jon and Baz now prisg guarist Charley Stone, bassist Nigel Hoyle and keyboardist Jam Riseboro -- emerged as media darlgs; the full-length Leisure Noise followed mid-1999, wh Stone leavg Gay Dad soon after.

Gay Dad had a real thg for fly melodi a nifty sense for self exprsn, and certa style that ma them sound that they uld both be ser and have fun, an inic way.

My Bonnie I mentned before was a wner for how was a for rock n roll and here is a word for you who read this, those are easy mov you n act on to create flare even for a more morn day band release, pendg on how you fe morn but is obv that Gay Dad knew of how to do , twist beats and hand claps are all over the sgle ”Joy!


Transmissn is the send and fal stud album by London band Gay Dad, released via B-Unique on 24 September 2001. The mic is a drastilly changed om their glam rock, neo-psychelia, krtrock, and gospel and die pop style of prev album, to much more electronic style. The album self was met wh mixed reviews, and was not a mercial succs. * gay dad album *

But if you really like the splash of some subdued electroni and synth leangs on some of the songs, you should see to to get some time to listen to Supergrass Life on other Plas (2002), Y 2002 was the years that Gay Dad spl, but down you go on makg me feel like I am wrg Sob stori for you, but here are facts my ar rears. Who is Gay Dad? Gay Dad is a well known Madchter mic group om London, England, Uned Kgdom.

Acrdg to our rerds Gay Dad has rerd approximately 57 mic tracks and released 1 albums sce the begng of his mil rrier 1994.

Popular Gay Dad Songs. Gay Dad Albums. Gay Dad Songs.


Get all the lyrics to songs by Gay Dad and jo the Geni muny of mic scholars to learn the meang behd the lyrics. * gay dad album *

That's all the Gay Dad songs we got.


Leisure Noise is the first album by London band Gay Dad, released via London Rerds and Sire Rerds on 7 June 1999. The album is a blendg of glam rock, neo-psychelia, krtrock and gospel to die pop. Lyrilly is often about and nstcted of rock history. The track-listg was signed to mimic the tradnal two-sid vyl. Chris Hugh produced the album, except for "To Earth wh Love", which was produced by Tony Visnti and Mark Frh. Gary Langan handled rerdg and mixg; Howie Weberg mastered the album at Masterdisc New York Cy. In 2014, NME clud the album s list of "30 Glor Brpop Albums That Derve a Reissue Pronto," sayg "A mic journalist turned rock star? It’ll never tch on… Hmmm, back a sec… Anyway, Face scribe Cliff Jon might've cut a fatly ridiculo figure but he had the looks and – "Joy!" and "To Earth wh Love" – songs that uld light up any Cool Brannic die dancefloor. Jt image those brash cuts hly remastered." * gay dad album *

That's all the Gay Dad albums we got.

Gay Dad - Leisure Noise. Digned by Peter Saville of New Orr fame, Gay Dad’s Leisure Noise LP is so bad 's practilly tryg to n away om self.


Informatn on Gay Dad. Complete disgraphy, ratgs, reviews and more. * gay dad album *

Gay Dad - Leisure Noise album ver.

Listen to Leisure Noise (Collector's Edn) songs Onle on JSaavn. English mic album by Gay Dad 1. Dimstar - Gay Dad, 2. Joy ! - Gay Dad, 3. Oh Jim - Gay Dad, 4. My Son Mystic - Gay Dad, 5. Black Ghost - Gay Dad * gay dad album *

For a few weeks, Gay Dad, led by sger Cliff Jon, a former rock cric, were 1998's "next big thg" England. Per alcune settimane l 1998, i Gay Dad, panati dal ntante Cliff Jon, ex cri rock, furono la "next big thg" Inghilterra. Gay DadLeisure Noise (London) 1999 Transmissn (b-unique/Thirsty Ear) 2001.

Add another name to the list — oime Face/Mojo ntributor Cliff Jon, sger/guarist of England’s provotively named Gay Dad. Gay Dad’s cloaked motiv evintly got on people’s nerv — there was some talk at the outset that Jon was merely floatg a sardonic experiment jt to make a pot, another Bill Dmmond character thumbg his nose at the manipulable predictabily of Brish pop nsumers — but on Leisure Noise there’s no nyg the appeal of the surface beneath which they lurk. After two years of the obligatory personnel turmoil and trouble-lan US tour, Gay Dad returned 2001 wh Transmissn, a ls potent and purposeful album that cuts down on the wiseacre w, productn gloss, energy and stylistic diversy.

album by Gay Dad * gay dad album *

Gay Dad broke up whout makg another rerd. GntGaye Bikers on AcidRandom Entry All Reviews.

ArtistGay Dad. Leisure Noise has all the gredients to be somethg culturally signifint: a set of solid sgl wh hearty hooks; a boistero art directn urty of New Orr’s visual acplice Peter Saville; and a liberately tre band name aimed to stir up the prs… Yeah, for what ’s worth, worked a ltle—Gay Dad is the brachild of mic journalist Cliff Jon, whose articl are nsired the earlit to stamp “Brpop” atop Oasis’ reign on 90s die mic.

* gay dad album *

Wh a background like that, a band like this is doomed to fail—y, partly worked, havg sred one top ten h—but followg the album’s excs media hype, Gay Dad practilly fad to obscury, and we’re left wh this dated document. The neo-psychelic opener “Dimstar” is an attempt to tablish Gay Dad as somethg great, wh s grty edge and sense of urgency. Sci-Fi nods die rock may be cliché, but some of the song’s l are enarg—hearg ”Put the Kraftwerk on” drenched vor and followed by an apt synth jgle, sells me on the illn that Gay Dad were somethg big, like a te classic rock act.

Anywho, Gay Dad’s imagary grandsy is epomised “Oh Jim, ” which is tly a flash of geni. For a band named Gay Dad, wantg to stroke excement the prs, hdsight, they missed the mark—Leisure Noise is right, for how pestrian that excement across. Gay Dad has to be the only band om my llectn that was found by an tablished mic cric, and 's tertg to see how a former champn of the Brpop movement attempts to rekdle his favore style several years after s heyday.

So if you're an tablished Brpop fan who's lookg for some harmls fun, Gay Dad are a send tier Brpop outf that's well worth checkg out.

Kappalelista kanssa llun sanat of albumi TRANSMISSION [2001] of Gay Dad, maan lien suosuimmat kappaleet: Promise Of A Miracle - Dosr - ... * gay dad album *

Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep short by simply answerg the key qutns:Can you list the top facts and stats about Transmissn (Gay Dad album)? Summarize this article for a 10 years oldSHOW ALL QUESTIONSTransmissn is the send and fal stud album by London band Gay Dad, released via B-Unique on 24 September 2001. Summarize this article for a 10 years oldSHOW ALL QUESTIONSLeisure Noise is the first album by London band Gay Dad, released via London Rerds and Sire Rerds on 7 June 1999.

Listen to Leisure Noise songs Onle on JSaavn. English mic album by Gay Dad 1. Dimstar - Gay Dad, 2. Joy ! - Gay Dad, 3. Oh Jim - Gay Dad, 4. My Son Mystic - Gay Dad, 5. To Earth wh Love (Extend Versn) - Gay Dad * gay dad album *

By Gay DadAlbum · 0 Play · 19 Songs · 1:26:49℗ 1999 London Mic Stream Ltd. The songs were posed by Gay Dad, a talented mician. #bear, #beard, #beardad, #bearnudist, #bearspa, #daddy, #gaybear, #gaynudist, #gayspa, #ososspa, #picsofme, #ursahosen, #ursrsa.


Gay Dad Albums: songs, disgraphy, bgraphy, and listeng gui - Rate Your Mic .