Fixed versn of origal Gay Marriage modAll creds to thor
Not this you add homophobia or polygamy? Gay Marriage Fix.
PrtError(Strg error, Strg stackTrace, UInt64 bugFilter)at (Strg error, Strg stackTrace, UInt64 bugFilter)at GayMarriageMod. GayMarriageSubModule.
This isn't based 2020, gay relatnships were not shared or displayed so I do not know why people keep brgg this up. Origally posted by GL Friendly Steve:This isn't based 2020, gay relatnships were not shared or displayed so I do not know why people keep brgg this up.
In the time perd this is based on, gay people certaly existed but were closeted due to prejudice (and the need to produce an heir as said above).
No Fdalistic Society dited to Lords & possibly even religns ran by humans would really practice homosexualy. Homosexualy really jt wouldn't make sense.
Origally posted by Hagrid Glodson:Origally posted by GL Friendly Steve:This isn't based 2020, gay relatnships were not shared or displayed so I do not know why people keep brgg this up. You're a programmer by choice, beg gay isn't a choice.