Gay Pri | History, Flag, & Facts | Branni

month gay

Pri Month honors lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer people—and the history, culture, and ntributns of the people and their muni.



* month gay *

Ci celebrate Gay Pri Month.

The origal anizers chose this month to pay homage to the Stonewall uprisg June 1969 New York Cy, which helped spark the morn gay rights movement. LGBTQ is an acronym meang lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, police raid the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar New York’s Greenwich Village, and began hlg ctomers outsi.

New York’s gay muny, fed up after years of harassment by thori, broke out neighborhood rts that went on for three days.

Read about LGBT History Month USA 2023. An annual month-long observance of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. * month gay *

The uprisg beme a talyst for an emergg gay rights movement as anizatns such as the Gay Liberatn Front and the Gay Activists Alliance were formed, moled after the civil rights movement and the women’s rights movement.

A year after the Stonewall rts, the natn’s first Gay Pri march were held.


Gay Pri | History, Flag, & Facts | Branni.