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Gay men who were recently surveyed about their failure to e ndoms durg anal sex repeatedly told rearchers that current AIDS preventn msag do not feel relevant to them and do not nvey an urgency about why ndom e is important (Halkis, Parsons, & Wilton, 2003; Carballo-Dieguez & L, 2003; Mor et al., 2003). As psychologist and former rearcher at the CDC Ron Stall was quoted as sayg an article the Manhattan gay newspaper Gay Cy News, "There are studi that monstrate a variety of psychosocial health issu, cludg prsn, antigay vlence, childhood sexual abe, or substance abe, n lead gay men to have unsafe sex" (Stall, quoted Osborne, 2002, p. This is where astute diagnostic skills and cultural sensivy to particular reali the liv of gay men are required orr to not appropriately pathologize men who are behavg a manner that the society or clician is unfortable wh or se as appropriate, whout nyg the possibily that for some gay men their sexual risk-takg may be part of a nstellatn of symptoms that jtifi a psychiatric diagnosis.

In discsg the multiple meangs and implitns of sex, Frost (1994) expands upon Carballo-Dieguez's fdgs, statg, "For many gay men, sexual behavr is a statement of their sense of beg gay, an affirmatn of their right to be gay, an exprsn of love, a vehicle through which to achieve timacy, and a repudiatn of the felt prohibn by the greater society. Speakg specifilly about gay men, Yep, Lovaas, and Pagonis (2002) suggt that for many gay men the ternnectn between the sexual and emotnal or psychologil aspects of their psych speaks not only to the realy that some gay men e sex as an attempted "panacea" for their problems but also ntribut to active ristance to changg risky sexual behavr. In today's world where the polil foc of much of the gay liberatn movement has bee gay marriage, gays servg openly the ary, and gay parenthood, the goals of anizatns fightg for gay rights have shifted om gay men radilly transformg Amerin society to now assiatg to nservative and heteronormative ways.


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Crossley's observatn is keepg wh the pots ma by Crimp (1989), Rof (1996), and Moore (2004) about how the vibrant and creative sexual culture created by gay men the 1970s still exerts a powerful pull on the gay psyche and is a highly valued aspect of gay munal memory and history that ntribut to why some men bareback. I am the stunt uncil advisorat Dert Oasis High school district is very tolerantand our kids jt unrstand that's jt not acceptable to talk about peoplebased on factors they n't chango gay, straight, you know, know, and I thk the reasonthis story is so amazg is beethey were beg jt didn't thk was a big al, where the rt of the world is sayg you are so 's sayg I don't even get really tly didn't even get see my kids really brg about some chang jt, jt warms my some people 's jt really hard to grasp that the future's like turng around, like I get mak me happy knowg that I am fortable enoughto take a guy to the he's not even gay, he's jt mak me really happy'e if you would've told me that at eleven years old, I would've told you you're lyg to to have fun tonight.

'Authentilly myself'Ray said he had also stggled growg up gay the 1970s and 80s England, which was "tough" said his relig school "dmmed to you, 'you are gog to hell'" Adam returned home to Sdi Arabia, spe beg more than 3, 000 apart and later rtricted by the Covid-19 panmic, they kept touch daily and the romance years ago, Ray proposed on a vio ll and after succsfully applyg for a UK fiancé visa, Adam moved to Manchter December 2022. Adam said he had been aaid to even wear lours his home untry so the first thg he did when he moved was start to "grow my mullet, got my ears pierced and booked appotments for tattoos" relled how, ntrast, one of his gay iends Sdi had been forced to marry a woman, addg: "It has ed not only his life but the life of his wife.


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Worst of all, though, the shame attached to the memori of those first tim marred how I would approach sex for was listeng to Years & Years’ new song “Sanctify, ” and seeg the band’s out gay sger Olly Alexanr talk about how the song was spired his sexual trysts wh straight men, that I realized that the feelgs are way more mon than people let on.

Through this reflectn, I arrive at the ncln that the time was right for an agg twk performer to be hened-up by a transn to bareback—siar transns of which have bee wispread across the gay porn landspe the terveng years between the 2015 Johnny Rapid Go Bareback event and the prent day, thanks no small part to advancements HIV preventn technologi. Keywords: Agg, Bareback, Cultural studi, Gay-for-pay, Gay pornography, Johnny RapidIntroductnJohnny Rapid began his porn reer at the start of the 2010s as a h-faced 18-year-old, shootg scen wh Boys First Time and Bkake Boys before signg wh Men as an exclive and releasg his first scene November 2011. Through reflectn, I arrive at the ncln that the time was right for an agg twk performer to be hened-up by a transn to bareback; siar transns of which have bee wispread across the gay porn landspe the years that have ticked over sce the 2015 Johnny Rapid Go Bareback event and our prent day (see Brennan, 2020a)—due to the wispread mastreamg of bareback mercial gay porn, which has been buoyed no small part by advancements HIV preventn Rapid Go BarebackJohnny Rapid’s bareback but served as the lnch event for Bromo; a se that shared a parent pany (MdGeek) wh Sean Cody and Men, the latter two s that 2018 held the distctn of beg the first and send most equented sourc of gay porn on the web, rpectively (Brennan, 2018).

Especially as this trend relat to the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback Barebackg CoupAnalysis of viewer receptivens to the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback mpaign offers particular sights to the functn of ‘bareback event marketg, ’ and wh the impact that the movement towards a “state of ndomlsns” (Brennan, 2020a, 131) gay porn has had on dience expectatns around what nstut a newsworthy performance—together wh dience views on the ethics of ndomls promotn self.


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Jt as the 2010s hered the equent prentatns of acts that would have been nsired extreme pornography a earlier—such as anal creampi—on s that are generally nsired “vanilla” gay porn (Kiss Nielsen & Kiss, 2015, 132), Morris has himself been forced to gravate towards more extreme portrayals orr to mata his radil reputatn.


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’” (C55) The more plited of the two them that emerged the wake of the announcement is the healthism 2: As DangeroOf urse, bareback sex was once the norm gay pornography—before the HIV/AIDS era—, and was mpaigns of another kd—namely for safer sex—that have created the opportuni for harsh judgement, even censure, here and more broadly. It is a view that regniz the potential of the ter promotg certa sexual practic (see Rosenberger et al., 2011); but also, pots to the “risky bs” of a regrsive trajectory followg a perceived cle the threat of HIV—whereby “agast all good medil advice, ” the porn dtry is puttg profs ahead of muny health by “showg healthy lookg people engagg unhealthy behavr, ” and “sendg a bad msage, pecially to young gay men, ” for many of whom porn, is assumed, plays an important role their inty formatn. Not only do nfirm abundant e of pornography by gay men (also see Duggan & McCreary, 2004), but also, of the 20 participants who took part the study, three quarters of those terviewed attributed gay pornography as their primary means of learng about gay sex durg adolcence (Elr et al., 2015, 951) foregog viewer ment is ak to what Alex Carballo-Diéguez and José Bermeister (2004) found their paratively early ntent analysis of ments for and agast barebackg.


Hi Dr. Bob, I'm a young gay male (HIV- and very reful) and I'm more on the bottom si... My problem is, when I do have anal sex as the bottom, I never seem to enjoy as much wh a ndom. Even t * teen gay bareback *

Mercer mak the pot that while a theme of homophobia may be seen to unrsre certa scenars—such as sex prison (and perhaps hazg and gay-for-pay narrative settgs as well)—, to label such scenars as homophobic is “far too simplistic and rctive to acunt for the relatively plex range of disurs at play.


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Scene 3 b an alleged misogynist (Rapid) wh a perceived homophobe (Black) a pairg that those mentg regnize as a meetg of ntroversi:One asshole gettg FUCKED by another how origal (C20)The only upg scene I’d be terted watchg featurg Vadim Black (don’t that make him sound like some chey vampire? (C29)32In addn to offensive signifieds that adjo the performers’ off-screen liv, one mentator also labels the men as probable racists, prumably le wh the whe-washed nature of much of gay porn:33 “As much as I dislike both of their personali, and that they both might be potentially racist as well, I’m watchg this maly for Vadim. ” (C5) Yet the nsens seems to be that Rapid’s bareback but as an ‘event’ is the scene self together wh the promotnal imag that acpany are cricized as overly staged—“There’s some[thg] cidly unsexy about a group of guys stoppg to pose for the mera mid-fuck” (C14)—, unr erotic—“he’s the most borg and passnls gay porn performer I’ve ever seen, no matter how many dicks he n take at the same time.

For Mark Kiss ( Nielsen & Kiss, 2015) the performance of “double anal peratns, ” and even “graphic cream pi, ” while once an ditor of “‘extreme’ gay pornography” and “relegated to shady, dim backrooms studs” such as TIM, “are now somewhat mon place; perhaps even yawn worthy to pecially jad gay porn nnoissrs. ” ( Nielsen & Kiss, 2015, 126) In other words, for many there is a sire for specific and personally-practised gay sex acts to be exaggerated follows that if bareback is sirable, or perhaps practised as part of a nsumer’s sex life—as recent advanc HIV preventative technologi have ma possible whout beg necsarily acts of ristance—then there is an expectatn that pornography will take this portrayal further.

In fact, Mercer (2017) nomat Rapid as one of three performers who typify “the specific physily and athetic of the boy-next-door and the sexy kid” (85) his monograph on gay porn, which serv to illtrate how Rapid, aged c25 at time of Mercer’s monograph, ntu to enjoy “kid”-oriented appreciatns, spe his age. I acknowledge that the reason Rapid’s reer survived while Lyons’ flounred and soon ceased is likely attributable to a number of factors—cludg a ntued fatuatn wh “straight-actg” performers over more gay-intifiable/effemate on such as Lyons and Lyons’ movement to watersports—erotic ure play—around the same time (an area of gay porn need of greater rearch). As another study of me—to the bareback transns of the most popular sourc of gay porn (see Brennan, 2020a, 131)—reveals, 2010 falls jt shy of a number of high profile bareback adoptns that would e between the Lyons and Rapid buts: late 2011 (Sean Cody and Corb Fisher) and late 2013 (Lus Entertament and Next Door Studs).


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Mowlaboc, for example, argued 2007—a time when risk bareback was perceived by gay men as much more real than is today—for the importance of a “fully ntextualized” (218) unrstandg of disurs on bareback—both the hedonistic eedoms felt by proponents and practners of , as well as the rhetoric of s tractors.

” (218)The succs—and srs—rema today  my native Atralia of other ‘event marketg’—the public service mpaigns particularly, such as the 1987 Natnal Advisory Commtee on AIDS’ Grim Reaper39—that, my readg, bled gay men-as-origal-disease-rriers wh reapers strikg at the heart of everyday cizens—children clud. Rapid’s ntued populary at time of wrg (and ls so, but still popular, at time of publitn) is signifint bee bucks received wisdom on the reer trajectory of bottom twks—who tend to retire or fa to obscury by their mid-twenti, pecially when they reprent a certa workg classns (as opposed to performers like Brent Corrigan, whose dtry savvy and nnectedns wh gay culture has assured his ntued relevance).


There's a way to burst through the shame gay men are ma to feel about homosexualy. * teen gay bareback *

As HIV and AIDS has bee more of a ‘chronic’ health ndn, and as meditns that seemgly prevent HIV have bee more available and popular, gay men may have re-claimed bareback sex as a sexual practice—certaly, gay pornography has [see, for example, my (Brennan, 2020a) discsn of the change-of-heart, return-to-beg-a-bareback-stud progrsn of dtry heavyweights like Michael Lus, of Lus Entertament (143–145)].


Lus Greenfield, 17, tells Brian Ross about his experience so-lled gay nversn mp. The full story on ABC News' 20/20 and on Friday night. * teen gay bareback *

Lookg beyond 2015, exampl of a revalized reer n be found Rapid’s leadg role ‘mastream’ gay porn parody films released the wake of his bareback turn—cludg parodi of Pokémon42 and Jt Bieber43 2016, and Pirat of the Caribbean44 and Jtice League45 2017, for example (for a readg of Rapid’s portrayal of the Flash the last of the parodi, see Brennan, 2020b, 279–281).

In nyg the creampie  2015, was Rapid effectively ristg the “ejaculative evince of the vlence enacted by the phall” (Semerene, 2021, 202); and wh a val—pecially gay—mment to kship and a return-to-bareback practice among gay men; somethg shown the disappotment of those viewg the seri when their hope of beg privy to an pecially timate event by, arguably, the bt-known performer at that time fell short? ”40See Fiske and Hartley, 1978, 176 for a discsn of exnomatn, the evacuatn of a privileged term om the bary system—admtedly, a loose f here, yet one that do help to expla how, through an obssive pursu of HIV (through health mpaigng, and both ternal to and as an opprsive force onto the gay muny) other health risks of ndomls anal sex between men uld be bbed out of nscns, and stay fad, even today.

A month later, I cid to no longer participate the mentorship program, and every time I was asked why, I ma exc about beg too time, I retreated to my fantasy world, where I was not sixteen and gay a homophobic environment, but a world where I was olr, the future, when I would arrive to a betiful home om a long day at work, and be weled by a hband who lov me and bears my burns on his shoulrs. Dpe s unprecented succs and acclaim, the play was not officially published until wh the but publitn of the script of the play, this edn clus a foreword by Jordan Schildcrout tled "Tubstrip and The Erotic Theatre of Gay Liberatn", which exam the signifince of the play as one of a wave of erotic gay plays (most of them fotten or lost) that emerged between 1969 and 1974.


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Nick Jonas was once one third of straight-laced Disney-ma boyband The Jonas his latt tactics for promotg a new sgle were far om their h-faced teenage days on Tuday night, when he performed a strip tease at BPM New York gay youngt band member, Nick, entertaed his gay fans wh solo track Jealo on the club's Gay College night before flashg his refed abs and flexg his mcl while standg on a podium. Scroll down for vio Stripped back: Gog solo, Nick Jonas performs his first sgle Jealo at BPM New York on Tuday night, performg entertag gay fans wh a strip teaseSandwiched between nearly-naked men wh dollar bills wedged their Y-onts, Nick ripped open his whe shirt, after sheddg his su jacket.


BEFORE COMMENTING READ THISABOUT ABE!! Abe posted his origal vio on July 7, 2009. This box last updated Feb 2013 KIDS: I don't know Abe and nnot put you touch wh him; if you are lookg to meet other kids there is a se that is pretty safe, lled the Queer Youth Communy, Open to 13-21 but the foms are open to kids as young as 11. But wh ANY se please e re! DON"T BOTHER POSTING IF YOU WANT TO SAY: - Gay is sful - Gay is a choice - He is sick - ‘faggot’ or siar ments - He is too young to know he is gay - Make ments not appropriate to a chld of 12 ======== FOR EVERYONE: Frequently Anticipated Qutns: How n I ntact him? – Origally on YouTube he is no longer there. I nnot lk you to him, ntact him, etc. I never had any DIRECT ntact wh him but he has given permissn for this to appear by passg a msage through a third party. He fely do not want people to ntact him. Please accept the gift of this vio om him and leave him be. If I gave his ntact the poor guy would have 50,000 people msagg him at least. Oh and I am pretty sure he says "I jt like the avert to the girls." I thk he means "avert" [uh-vurt] verb (ed wh object) to turn away or   anyway... a·vert asi: to avert one's ey. In this vio Abe is a cute kid, if you want to say that you n. Abe might seem sexy to you, but if you go beyond a general nocuo ment of that type I'm likely to block you. I make no judgments, if he's your cup of tea, if you'd like to sweep him off his feet, marry him, whatever, I don't re but DO NOT post your feelgs here!! Now if you are 11 or 12 and want to say he's hot, I n live wh that. I do not have that kd of channel and I don't want to have that kd of channel. I rpect gay kids and teens, and for that matter, men, women, and straight youth. Abe do not portray himself a sexualized way, and you should not e this blog to treat him as a sexualized adult/adolcent. Are we clear? Are we crystal clear? Is he really gay? --DId you watch?? Of COURSE he is! Y he STILL is. Isn't this jt a phase he's gog th? No. En Oh. He lik guys always he wanted to have a bf 4th gra. Would you ask that of a 12 yo boy who said he lik girls? NO, EN OH, NO! Oh his brac are off now * teen gay bareback *


A gay man fondly rells his first homosexual experience ral, wtern Kansas at five years old which end wh unhappy effects. * teen gay bareback *



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