John Gay | Poetry Foundatn

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John Gay, English poet and dramatist, chiefly remembered as the thor of The Beggar’s Opera, a work distguished by good-humoured satire and technil assurance. A member of an ancient but impoverished Devonshire fay, Gay was ted at the ee grammar school Barnstaple. He was



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Poet and playwright John Gay was born Devon to an aristocratic though impoverished fay.

Unable to afford universy, Gay went to London to apprentice as a draper stead.


Poet and playwright John Gay was born Devon to an aristocratic though impoverished fay. Unable to afford universy, Gay went to London to… * john gay art *

By 1714, Gay had started rrpondg wh Alexanr Pope and bee a member of the Scribles Club, a group that clud Jonathan Swift, John Arbuthnot, Thomas Parnell, and Lord Oxford. Gay’s publitns datg om this time clu the poems Trivia: Or, the Art of Walkg the Streets of London (1716) and The Shepherd’s Week (1714). The Scribles Club fluenced Gay’s major plays of this perd, The What D’Ye Call It (1715) and Three Hours After Marriage (1717), which was equently lked to Pope.

Gay was more or ls pennt on patronage his whole life and lived var semi-employed stat wh a number of aristocrats.

Though relyg on the generosy of patrons such as the Duchs of Queensberry, Gay also earned money om his plays, pecially The Beggar’s Opera (1728), which enjoyed unprecented succs.


* john gay art *

Allegedly satirizg then-prime mister Sir Robert Walpole, Gay’s play gaed notoriety and ma stagg s sequel, Polly, impossible until 1777.


The Beggar’s Opera was some ways the culmatn of Gay’s reer.

Pope was a pallbearer and ntributed an epaph to Gay’s memorial. Above are Gay’s own words: “Life is a jt; and all thgs show / I thought so once; but now I know .


John Gay | Brish Poet, Playwright & Satirist | Branni .