Enola Gay fn, the name of the Amerin B-29 bomber, piloted by Colonel Pl Tibbets, Jr., that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on Augt 6, 1945. See more." name="scriptn
On the 6th of Augt 1945, 8.15 a.m. the morng, a Boeg B-29 Superfortrs named “Enola Gay” dropped on 50 kilo ton atomic bomb over the Japane cy of Hiroshima. Beg the first plane to drop an atomic bomb. The pilot of the “Enola Gay” is General Pl Tibbets, lear of the 509th Compose Group. The “Enola Gay” today is loted at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Centre." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * enola gay vikipedi *
The morng, a Boeg B-29 Superfortrs named “Enola Gay” dropped on 50 kilo ton atomic bomb over the Japane cy of Hiroshima.
The pilot of the “Enola Gay” is General Pl Tibbets, lear of the 509th Compose Group. The “Enola Gay” today is loted at the Steven F.
* enola gay vikipedi *
Udvar-Hazy the Enola Gay mug.
Dpe the rellectn of "blah", the 'Enola Gay' was the b-29 super-fortrs, which dropped the uranium bomb tled 'ltle boy' over Hiroshima, japan.
The send bomb, which was a plutonium vice tled 'fat man' was dropped on Nagasaki, japan by 'Bock's Car' ptaed by Charl the enola gay bomber that dropped the first two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Augt 6, 1945 and Augt 9, 1945, rpectively. "Enola" backwards is "alone, " which means "alone gay" or "alone happy.
"by blah March 8, 2004Get the enola gay mug. To tly nvey the extent of how much the bomb was gonna stroy and otherwise fuck up was named the gay so they would know that they got boned the ass. A stupid nickname for one who drops vastatg jok whenever the enola gay Gay.
Ah-ha Enola Gay.
Condns normal, and you're g homeEnola Gay.