Gay Arabic – mhli (مثلي) – How to say Homosexual

gay arabic slang

Vis our Arabic Gay Dictnary to learn how to say gay Arabic. It is part of our LGBT dictnary wh more than 1600 entri om 68 languag.



EnciclopædiaHow to say gay ArabicBelow are the words of our Arabic Gay Dictnary that we will expand new edns.

Dpe beg nsired a crime and many s wh the ath penalty, some studi affirm that the separatn of sex and the srce heterosexual eedom, outsi of marriage and prostutn, greater homosexual dictnary clus posive neologisms ed at the end of the 20th century by profsnals psychology, soclogy, and journalists sce until that date there were only pejorative words.


+JuniJuni, like Misli el js, is a posive neologism whose translatn to the English language would be a homosexual man. +Juniya MisliyaThe Arabic language did not have non-rogative exprsns to talk about sexual diversy, but at the end of the 20th-century profsnals om psychology, soclogy and journalists began g the exprsn Juniya Misliya as the Arabic equivalent of the word homosexualy, created a century earlier. ·Hawiya juniya: homosexual inty.

·Hawiya misliya: gay inty. +LoowatLoowatt is a ntemptuo exprsn to refer to gay sex clear reference to the biblil passage of Sodom and Lot. +ManyakFaggot, but top gay sex, perhaps wh the same meang as the term of the Spanish Pe, Mostacero.


+MibounMiboun is the name given to a homosexual man the same way that a prostute is a mibona, but the remblance do not end here sce, the untri where homosexualy is not accepted, heterosexual men are allowed to be the top part sex wh another man, bee he is almost like a prostute. +Misli (مثلي)Misli (مثلي), also wrten as Mhlyy, is the Arabic equivalent of the word Gay. The words that pose are Misliya (مثلية), Misli (مثلي), Mozdawij (مزودج), and Moghayir (مغير), that is, Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr.

+ZamelFaggot, but bottom gay sex, maybe Manyak partner.

(I am the Arab world a lot however and learng more each trip) Perhaps after the a iend, Foued Mokrani, speaks Arabic jt fe -- and reported on his Facebook page the followg after watchg a film durg a flight to Paris:I watched the movie The Bt Exotic Marigold Hotel and noticed they translate the word ''gay" to ''pervert" the Arabic subtl!! They should sue the exchange trigued me -- and obvly raised the qutn of what the right word Arabic might be for "gay" and my own experience wh the language whether there was such a word at all.


Another menter on Mokrani's page wrote:Maybe "homosexual" Arabic tak too many letters.

Mokrani rpond:Somehow there is no cent word to say homosexual Arabic..

Started recently g a word for but still very unfaiar I wrote to Mokrani about this, trigued that a language as distguished, betiful and storied as Arabic would not have been mornized to clu "homosexual" s basic vobulary, he wrote this to me:In Arabic, there is no exact word to say "homosexual.


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