Lightyear: Pixar rtor same-sex kiss followg ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill backlash | The Inpennt

gay kiss lightyear clip

After outrage over their tepid rponse to Florida's “Don't Say Gay” bills, the pany has offered this cmb.



Get our ee weekly email for all the latt cematic news om our film cric Clarisse LoughreyGet our The Life Cematic email for eePixar has reportedly rtored a same-sex kiss shared between two characters the forthg Lightyear, after staff released an open letter cricisg Disney’s rponse to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” new animated film featur Chris Evans as the voice of Buzz Lightyear and seeks to tell the orig story of the beloved Toy Story character and his journey to fy and an exclive report by Variety, a source close to the productn has nfirmed that a kiss between proment female character Hawthorne (voiced by Uzo Aduba) and her female partner was restated last week. While the nature of the characters’ relatnship hadn’t been qutned by productn, their kiss had reportedly been news follows the release of an open letter on 9 March by Pixar staff and LGBTQ alli cricisg Disney for havg same-sex reprentatn s films “shaved down to cmbs” the letter, staff further lled on Disney to “immediately whdraw all fancial support om the legislators behd the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill” a handful of LGBTQ characters have been rporated Pixar’s feature films. Notably, 2020 film Onward, the ma character Specter mak a reference to her film featur Chris Evans as the voice of Buzz Lightyear (YouTube)The same year, the stud released short film Out, about a closeted gay man’s stggle to e out to his rponse to the Pixar staff letter, Out director Steven Hunt told Variety: “I stand by my lleagu.

A first look at Disney and Pixar's "Lightyear" on Wednday nfirmed a same-sex kiss had been rtored followg recent kiss occurred the first 30 mut of the movie, which was shown to an dience Wednday at CemaCon, acrdg to kiss was reportedly removed and then restated after backlash over the lack of rponse om Disney over Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill. A first look at Disney Pixar's "Lightyear" nfirmed that a same-sex kiss scene had been rtored to the film followg ntroversy over Disney's lack of rponse to Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill.

The moment occurs between the character Alisha Hawthorne (Uzo Aduba) and her partner the animated 'S SHORT FILM ‘OUT’ FEATURES FIRST GAY MAIN CHARACTERThe "Lightyear" character isn't the first LGBTQ-oriented character a Pixar most proment character is a cyclops police officer named Specter featured the animated film "Onward. "CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT NEWSLETTER The move after a letter om Pixar employe acced Disney executiv of mandg cuts om "nearly every moment of overtly gay affectn, " acrdg to a letter sent to the pany by the employe.


(Getty Imag)The rtoratn of the same-sex kiss after employe at Pixar acced Disney of censorg same-sex affectn Pixar executiv have wanted to cut "nearly every moment of overtly gay affectn… regardls of when there is prott om both the creative teams and executive learship at Pixar, " acrdg to a letter om the employe sent to Disney and obtaed by Variety. : It was ially cut om the film, then rtored after ternal uproar when was revealed Disney had donated $200, 000 to Republin policians who supported Florida's “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which forbids discsns of sexual orientatn elementary school Chris Evans' Buzz is more fantastic than plastic Pixar's spiffy 'Lightyear'The iendship between Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Chris Evans) and his manr Alisha Hawthorne (Uzo Aduba) is at the heart of "Lightyear. ': Chris Evans on 'Lightyear, ' playg bad guys and beg 'a romantic person'In March, the kiss was rtored after Pixar animators spoke out agast Disney  an open letter obtaed by Variety, sayg executiv had mand cuts "om nearly every moment of overtly gay affectn.

Playg a character like Alisha a high-profile movie the wake of “Don’t Say Gay” and other siar legislatn “means everythg, ” Aduba adds.


Disney Will Rtore Gay Kiss to Lightyear Followg “Don’t Say Gay” Backlash | Them.