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A bunch of moved om all over- Me om DC, Dan om Chigo. Smty om Philly, Fes and Dave om Boston, PFT om….somewhere, etc etc. We all joed up to beg this new journey together on the 3rd floor of an office buildg above a Chipotle. There were 15 or so of  on the ntent si, many of whom had never met before. I had never met Riggs, who was now stg across om me. Caleb was to my right. Keh was over at his rner sk, probably already judgg . I thk we were all pretty nervo- this was a huge life move. We knew Barstool was popular, and we knew the Chern Group was vtg a bunch of money to make to somethg bigger. And that’s about . 15 people had one, 5,000 square foot floor leased for the next 5 years to build an empire to the moon. And now, e May 6th, 150+ employe across the most jam packed 2 floors the history of office buildgs, we are packg up and movg to an absolutely geo new HQ3.</p><p>Will I miss workg here? Absolutely not. This place is ty, crowd, loud, and pretty much the worst work environment possible. But that’s what mak . That’s what Barstool was built on- chaos. And man, we had CHAOS. So much chaos over the last 31 months that we all hold near and ar to our hearts. 15 of me to this office, mostly as strangers, and we will leave for HQ3 as iends, ready to ntue our missn towards the moon. We might be leavg the grounds, but the memori will always be remembered.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p>I’ve ma a list of the top 126 moments, and power ranked the top 13. So the first 113 moments are unranked, and the orr is when they me to my md, so that’s why you’ll see some siar thgs cltered together. After parts 1-4 of the top 113 moments (broken up bee our back end n’t handle , I didn’t want your phon crashg nstantly), I ranked my top 13 favor. And hontly, there are probably still a bunch of great moments missg. So whout further ado, here is the brief history of our stupid, wonrful, amazg time at 15 W 27th street:</p><p><strong>The One Man Thrill Ri Came Knock’</strong></p><p>Mmmmm POW! Thrilly Dilly me to HQ and took no prisoners before his RnR fight. Great on mera, nict guy off mera.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:660px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%;paddg-top:206px"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Soulja Boy Viss HQ</strong></p><p>When Soulja Boy to your work, you stop and watch. And he didn’t disappot. And then on the way out he hand out tographed pictur of himself om 2004. Legend.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>The Glenny Ball</strong></p><p>Our Glenny was turng 21 and wanted to have a party. And EVERYONE was ved. He went on the ma Twter acunt and DM’d every celebry possible and ved them to a hoe the Hamptons for a blow out bash. Dave found out and was none too pleased. Sorry to Mo Vghn who RSVP’d, maybe next time bro.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:57.7634%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Willie Blasts Through The Bathroom Door</strong></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p>Willie was locked the bathroom and had no time to wa to be let out, for his egg sandwich was gettg ld, so he took upon himself and blasted through the door like the Kool Aid Man.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1304962" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 5.41.00 PM" width="654" height="474"></p><p><strong>Gay Pat Gets Hired</strong></p><p>Monumental hire for Barstool. He quickly got a fd wh Baked Alaska for llg him a Nazi. Dave wasn’t thrilled out first, but then he turned out to be a Nazi. Sre one for Pat.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1304964" src=" alt="Patbarstool3" width="478" height="276"></p><p><strong>Ibiza Kayce</strong></p><p>Kayce was hired and had a podst wh Johnny Football, and then disappeared off to Ibiza when Johnny was signed to the CFL. Dave was perplexed that we uldn’t break the news about our own employee. Th, Ibiza Kayce was born.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:124.0695%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Basketball Is Francis’ 8th Bt Sport</strong></p><p>Oh man. Our stupid basketball team. The most annoyg thg we ever did. It was miserable. So much -fightg over basilly nothg. But the bt thg that me out of was Francis vs Caleb, wh Francis droppg the legendary statement that basketball is his “8th bt sport”. So good.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Dave Is Mean To Ria</strong></p><p>Not every moment is a bright spot. This certaly was not. Ria barged to rad and Dave was not gog to back down. Instead, he went over the top. An all time rad moment, for sure, but not one we hope happens aga.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1304980" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.07.41 PM" width="1020" height="384"></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:134.5533%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>I Talk Sh To Ryan Reav</strong></p><p>Everyone told me I wouldn’t “say to his face”. I said to his face. Wouldn’t have been surprised if he tossed me out of the 3rd floor wdow, but would have been worth .</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Mike The Bike vs Budha Ben</strong></p><p>One of the biggt rivalri all of Barstool Sports history that I have absolutely no real unrstandg of what was about, but there was a time Budha Ben was tryg to stroy a hard drive. Rone tried to expla the rivalry to me and there were so many twists and turns and somethg about eatg snacks.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:78.3085%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Conor Gillaspie Breaks KFC and Clem’s Hearts</strong></p><p>The first ever electric chair, endg Conor Gillaspie breakg Kev and Clem’s hearts and the all time reactn om Trent.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:55.0661%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Dr Phil Do BIC</strong></p><p>Not only was Dr. Phil the first ever celebry to do Ball Cup, but his toss to Trent got him spend om the league.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>I Got Served By A Fake Uber Driver</strong></p><p>Shout out M****** R*******! Remember when he worked here? Bad tim. But provid this great moment when a guy pretendg to be an Uber driver served me my lawsu papers. I wonr what’s even gog on wh that, by the way.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>The Mooch!</strong></p><p>The Mooch! One of the weirr thgs that happened- when the Mooch was whe hot, one of the most famo people Ameri, he me to Barstool HQ and sang Bohemian Rhapsody wh the entire office.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>2nd Floor Kelly Vapg</strong></p><p>Shout out 2nd floor Kelly. Always vapg.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1304996" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.22.18 PM" width="1024" height="917"></p><p><strong>Tyler O’Day Sgs On The Rundown</strong></p><p>Why did this happen? We may never know.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1305003" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.27.00 PM" width="770" height="526"></p><p><strong>Carribis Yells At Us From The Set Of Startg 9</strong></p><p>Jared ed to do the Startg 9 Facebook show om the middle of the office. We were all big fans. Maybe too big. I n’t fd a clip of this on the Inter but he got big mad one time was very funny and I wanted to clu .</p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1305008" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.31.32 PM" width="912" height="620"></p><p><strong> Mara Inducted Into Team Portnoy</strong></p><p>Love a good nice, heart warmg moment. Dave ductg Mara to team Portnoy was somethg we all uld be proud of.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>The Cheteak Challenge/Puttg Crab Meat On My Cheteak/The Birth of “Really Hope Solo This Sh Up”</strong></p><p>Me and Smty had a cheteak okoff challenge. He ma his Philly style, I ma me wh peppers, onns, and lumbo jump crab meat aka Maryland style. I swear by and promise you ’s lic. He also ed the phrase “Really Hope Solo this sh up”. I haven’t looked at a cheteak the same sce.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1305016" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.51.12 PM" width="1024" height="512"></p><p><strong>The Rocket Mak A Dnk Call Into Rad</strong></p><p>The Red Sox won the World Seri. Jared was dnk on a Duck Boat. He lled to CCK and hilary ensued.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Kate Wh An All Time Classic Le</strong></p><p>All time classic.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Chaps Blacks Out </strong></p><p>A memorable first vis to HQ om our beloved Chaps, who had a uple too many durg a…printial electn bate.</p><p><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1305021" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 6.56.04 PM" width="1024" height="597"></p><p><strong>Kate Hir Santa Strippers</strong></p><p>One of the more weird thgs to ever happen HQ, Kate brought a Santa stripper. He had a boner. Not much more needs to be said.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>The Hank vs Tex Prs Conference for RnR 1</strong></p><p>The bizarro world of Barstool Sports personified. Jump sus, pimps, and pure chaos all around. This sort of thg would have gone down whether meras were rollg or not. Jt absolute bchery.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div style="max-width:1316px"><div style="left:0;width:100%;height:0;posn:relative;paddg-bottom:57.0125%"><iame src=" style="borr:0;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;posn:absolute" allowfullscreen scrollg="no" allow="toplay; encrypted-media"></iame></div></div></div><p><strong>Jake Pl Dabs Wh Dave </strong></p><p>As I said, not everythg is a highlight.</p><p><vio toplay loop muted playsle alt="fff" tle="unfed"><source src=" type="vio/mp4"><source src=" type="image/eg"></vio></p><p><strong>SCUBA</strong></p><p>Some nsir this one of the funnit moments Barstool history, thanks for Devl’s fantastic adpan. While I’m woke to Tex’s entire act, he was still a great character Barstool history for moments like this. But if you really thk he thought that’s actually what SCUBA stood for, well then, jt be smarter than that.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Smty Gets Tasered</strong></p><p>This looks ls than fun, to be hont.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><strong>Michigan Man</strong></p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p>This guy is what we refer to the biz as a “crazy person”. I thk he meant well, but boy, he was nuts! He had/forced a sdown meetg wh the CEO while petg to possibly get a job here. And then he jt *poof* qu and was never seen aga. Come back, Michigan Man, you were one of a kid.</p><p><strong>The Rone Curse/Le the Sand</strong></p><p>I n’t remember the entire Rone Curse storyle, but the “le the sand” rad segment when they lerally drew a le the sand and Philly realized they shouldn’t be -fightg was a big w agast Dave.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><div class="oembed__wrapper"><div class="iamely-embed" style="max-width:550px"><div class="iamely-rponsive" style="paddg-bottom:100%"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a></div></div><p><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></p></div><p><a href=">Click For Part 2</a></p></div><div class="jsx-2462984785 bs-muteMediaAd"><br/></div><div class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTags"><a class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTag" href="/topics/126-bt-moments-at-barstool-hq">126 bt moments at barstool hq</a><a class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTag storyTag--toggle">+ <!-- -->2<!-- --> Tags</a></div></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta storyMeta--bottom "><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__left"><a class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__thor storyMeta__thor--active"><img alt="Nate" src=" class="jsx-1453688072 avatar"/><div class="jsx-1453688072 byle"><span class="jsx-1453688072 thorName">Nate</span><span class="jsx-1453688072 timtamp">5/03/2019 3:00 PM</span></div></a></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__right"><div class="jsx-1495522993 block-wrapper"><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks "><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks__social "><a class="jsx-1495522993 shargLk shargLk--facebook"><svg viewBox="0 0 15 33" class="svgIn socialIn inFacebook" style="width:to;height:1rem;fill:#FFF"><tle>Facebook

gay pat barstool

Listen to 227 episos of Out & About on Podbay - the bt podst player on the web. Jo Barstool Sports' Pat McAuliffe and Joey Camasta for nversatns on gay culture, trendg topics and everythg between. Headphon...



Hello Stooli. My name is Pat and I’m Barstool’s rint gay blogger. Don’t be aaid, everythg’s gog to be jt fe. A ltle about me: I grew up outsi of Boston and went to UMass Amherst wh... * gay pat barstool *

My name is Pat and I’m Barstool’s rint gay blogger.


Get all of the latt Gay Pat blogs, vios and podsts. * gay pat barstool *

Turns out TV a “straight guy’” se, Barstool blogs a spicly large number of gay stori.

I’m verg everythg om that queen Aaron Hernanz to the fely not gay Mike Pence and everythg between. Bis, ’s all good fun and when the boss man says “jump, ” I say “how gay, sir!? ”Before I get to the rankgs, let me jt say that there have been some doubts regardg my gayns around the office, some more scere than others.

You’d thk showg -workers pictur of other guys nghty parts would settle any uncertaty regards to on gayns, not to mentn be owned upon an office environment.


Explore gay Mosw wh Mr Hudson. The bt of Mosw for the discerng gay man. Where to sleep, eat, drk, shop and play. * gay pat barstool *

5., he’s not gay, he jt drs like . I would be dog a disservice to gay guys everywhere not mentng . Gay Pat.

Introducg the first (openly) gay barstool blogger. Gay Pat was blocked om gog to the gay awards.


Gay Mosw Cy Gui for gay travelers. Review of the cy, gay scene, how to get there, travel tips, popular tourist attractns Mosw. * gay pat barstool *

What did Gay Pat/Barstool get sued for? A gay dus take on hot sports stuff? Obvly Prez has talked loudly about wantg a gay blogger, but where do you see Pat ftg bt on Barstool?

Oh’s Tate vs Gay Pat. Jo Barstool Sports' Pat McAuliffe and Joey Camasta for nversatns on gay culture, trendg topics and everythg between.

Racist, homophobic, or otherwise abive submissns or ments will rult removal and potential ban.


Mosw Gay Bar Gui. Fd the bt gay bars Mosw, Rsia. Exclive reviews, photos, gay map and event rmatn. Updated for 2023. * gay pat barstool *

Durg the recent episo of Barstool vs Ameri Dana Beers cid to send home Gay Pat a move to shock everyone. That was a gay joke). Gay Pat vs Dana Beers uld shake the entire Barstool office.

Homosexualy is legal, although a vaguely-word 2013 law prohibs the promotn of ‘non-tradnal’ relatnships. As such, gay travellers are advised agast overt displays of their sexualy. That said, the vast majory of viss rema trouble-ee, even for visors who equent the cy’s ls-than-secret gay bar and club bt hotels MoswThe historic exterr of the Hotel Metropol, facg the ternatnally-celebrated Bolshoi Theatre and close to many of the other ma thgs to do Mosw, is nothg pared to s sumptuo terrs.


So I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I've been gettg the feelg that Pat and Joey might be gay. A lot of signs seem to be potg that way. And as a (straight) ally of the LGBTQ muny... * gay pat barstool *

The rpeted terrs give this stay a homely ambience, which marri well wh breakfast – which is served your CrewiRemend hotels Gay Mosw - Mosw. Moskva River & Grand Kreml PalaceGay Rights and the Suatn RsiaThe UK Foreign Office reports that "Homosexualy is legal Rsia, but there is still tolerance among some sectns of the populatn.

" (read more here)The bt advice is for gay travelers to act and drs nservatively at all tim.


For safety, gay upl should not brg attentn to their relatnship public, for example, by holdg hands, even tourist areas, hotels or aware that hookg up wh guys via datg apps has risks. There have been s of homophobic people g the apps to lure gay men to meetgs at which they are attacked and robbed. Basil Cathedral - Red SquareGay SceneUnrstandably, Rsia's gay scene is low profile and rather discreet.


Gay public displays of affectn is not very mon, but this smopolan Rsian pal cy may be gayer than you might thk. Although Mosw don't have a dited 'Gay District', the cy's gay nightlife has bee more visible recent years.


Many bars and rtrants host gay nights.

'Gay-popular' bars and dance clubs n be found all around the Kreml - Central Statn MSK beg the most notable one. Tverskoy is great for sightseeg, the theatr and gay latt hotel als Mosw are listed on the Gay Mosw Hotels to See & DoRed Square (Krasnaya Ploshchad) - the heart of Mosw and the cy’s most famo tourist Kreml (Moskovsky Kreml) - a huge se wh The Diamond llectn the Armoury and several amazg church. Mosw Gay BarsMONO BarMosw's popular nightclub & bar wh a great atmosphere, karaoke, live DJ playg hoe / electro dance mic.


MONO gets by after midnight and attracts a large gay party crowd on Friday nights. Featur:BarDancgKaraokeMicWeekday: 18:00 - 05:00Weekend: 18:00 - 06:00Last updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023НАШЕ Кафе (Nashe Cafe)Cosy gay fe bar Mosw sce 2010.

1 (Tsii)A day-time dg venue that turns to timate gay bar the eveng and a dance club wh drag shows on the weekend.

Neart statn: Phkskaya or TeatralnayaFeatur:BarCabaret ShowFree WiFiGoGo ShowKaraokeMicWeekday: 21:00 - 08:00Weekend: 21:00 - 08:00Last updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023ELFLong-nng gay fé bar & rtrant wh a iendly atmosphere. So I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I've been gettg the feelg that Pat and Joey might be gay. Out & AboutBarstool SportsJo Barstool Sports' Pat McAuliffe and Joey Camasta for nversatns on gay culture, trendg topics and everythg between.


Gay Pat | Blogs & Vios | Barstool Sports .