Gay datg apps briefly flourished Cha. But many have been shut down, eher for fancial or polil reasons. Let's have a look at some of the most fluential on.
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Cha's burgeong LGBT-rights movement has been given a boost thanks to a proliferatn of social workg apps targetg homosexuals backed by big tech are an timated 70 ln gays and lbians Cha, and a growg ph to legalise same-sex marriage.
Seekg a lbian wife: prsured Che gays turn to onle datg for ‘operative marriage’SCMP staff reporters have examed this growg market and selected some of the most popular LGBT apps. LParkReleased last year, this lbian datg app allows women to work based on their lotn, siar to US app Grdr, which targets gay men.
BluedOne of Cha's most succsful LGBT apps, this gay datg service has attracted more than 15 ln ers worldwi sce s foundg 2012. Blued raised more than US$30 ln fundg October 2014, shortly after Apple chief executive Tim Cook himself me out as gay. ZankFound 2013, this gay social workg app has more than 10 ln ers maland Cha alone.
Beg Asian Amerin and LGBTQ+ n feel lonely, wh stutns such as ethnic church often disavowg non-heterosexual relatnships while tradnal LGBTQ+ spac such as gay bars n be unwelg. * gay chinese app *
Today, the globally popular gay datg app Grdr and the all-clive datg app Tr have a massive number of ers Cha.
Origally lnched 2012, Blued is not only the largt datg app for gay men Cha, but also the world. The founr of the app, Mǎ Bǎolì 马保力, a gay man himself, prevly worked as a policeman when he first started the gay social workg webse (淡蓝网 dàn lán wǎng, a name lerally meang “light blue”) 2000, which later beme the foundatn for Blued. Fka, now the send-largt datg app for gay men Cha, origally me out 2014 unr the name Aloha.
“Most of the profil I saw on Fda looked young, well-ted, who love postg photos and selfi of travels and workout, ” Tāo 涛, a 31-year-old gay man who recently immigrated to Canada, told The Cha Project. The Protol article also lks LESDO’s termatn to the challeng faced by lbian datg apps Cha, where queer women — pared to gay men — are ls terted fdg hookups on sex-oriented apps and more terted seekg mted relatnships and nnectns, a need that n be fulfilled outsi lbian-only platforms, such as LGBTQ groups on social media se Douban.