2022 Gay (21 shows) - MyDramaList

asian gay drama list

Currently airg, upg and fished BL/Gay themed dramas and movi of 2020 and 2021.(Cha--Maland Cha + Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.) UPDATE: List was created early 2020, so  I was ponrg on whether to spl this list two, but cid not to, sce que…" name="scriptn



My addictn wh BL genre has started October 2016 (I did watch lots of Hong Kong, Che, Amerin, European gay themed movi before) and then I started watchg anim, readg mangas and totally beme obssed. :Pp.s. This list clus everythg, all LGBT themed movi and dramas…" name="scriptn * asian gay drama list *

However, I wonr how 'll turn out due to the Che media ban on LGBTQ is a reason for most Che BL/Gay themed stuff beg produced Taiwan... Followers Japane Drama - 2020, 9 episos Not BL - but has gay characters. Relatable to anyone who is, or once was, a teen--gay or straight.

)The whole crap wh the IRL homophobic behavur and ments om one of the lead actors as well as om people the productn, left one wh a very bad taste one's mouth. Not to mentn that the homophobia severely affects the end rult terms of chemistry.


* asian gay drama list *

If you don't scerely want to portray homosexual relatnships, but only thk "BL is trendg, let's release a BL tle" whout any sire to actually create a good piece, you won't be able to wre nor direct a way that actually creat a believable atmosphere or chemistry between the actors. Taiwan is supposedly makg a reboot, which ma the fans go ballistic, (pecially sce Taiwan are allowed to show actual gay ntent and therefore n clu at least some of the VERY graphic ntent om the novels) but turned out that the story is a ee adaptatn and do not clu the guys.

The major storyle beg straight, wh several si upl, of which one is gay--THE Thai (pretty much overall) BL uple, IMO.


BL/Gay them movi, dramas and short movi om South Korea. For a prehensive list of Asian BL ntag the tl om this list + Cha (cludg Maland Cha, Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan and Thailand; see my huge list for Asian BL/Gay movi and dramas. (793 tl and untg.)…" name="scriptn * asian gay drama list *

The story is que different om other Gay themed on, and that's one reason to appreciate , even if the thg as a whole is far om qualative. Be Me Thai Drama - 2021, 11 episos As far as I unrstand; no BL, but wh one of the MCs beg gay. Dom Korean Movie - 2017 Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films.


!!**My list of BL/Gay tl not listed here on MDL**!!There are a few tl listed here, that are not actually nsired eher bl or gay, but I've chosen to clu them.  I'll try to note why, or how they differ.  Feel ee to send me a qutn if you have one about any of the tl.…" name="scriptn * asian gay drama list *

FMSM Korean Movie - 2015 Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films.

Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films.

Supposedly has gay character(s?


hi im bisexual and this is all the gay dramas/movi or dramas/movi wh gay storyl that ive seen. sorted by how good i thk they are (not necsarily enjoyment, but obvly none of this will be objective)ratg reflects my personal enjoymentthe are all primarily mlm, but i do hope…" name="scriptn * asian gay drama list *

Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of shorts.

0 >>>This is neher a bl or a gay film, 's a transgenr film. 5/10anger sle: 4/10 cw: transphobia, ath of a (mor) trans character, suici, sual homophobia, sual biphobia, gang vlence, rape, attempted rape, domtic abe, murr, nsfw, cheatg, nudyma me cry? While i nt remend to everyone ( gets pretty heavy) i thk if you n al wh the cws above i thk you will love this transphobia, rape, homophobia, domtic abe, etc.


Che movi, dramas, and drama specials wh Gay (M/M) them and characters. If you know of a tle that's missg om this list (even if 's not found on MyDramaList) please let me know, and I'll add ! Tl not listed at MDL: The Night (2014 docudrama) Enter the Clowns / 丑角登场…" name="scriptn * asian gay drama list *

's about as good as you image based on the hype and maybe more they censored the non gay element but the subtext is so obv youd have to be like, Really straight to not pick up on you n tell that they love each other, even if they dont kiss onscreen or get married for realand the appeal of the show don't end at the relatnship between the leads. No, 's an trigug story about fay (cludg found fay), murr mysteri, moraly, what means to be good or evil, and marxism cw: murr, homophobia, homophobic bullyg, gang vlencema me cry? I was close thoughsrstory: 7/10characters: 9/10pairgs: 8/10 (brought down by lacklter sendary pair)anger sle: 2/10worthy of beg nsired one of the bt cw (spoiler ee): homophobia, parental abe, animal ath, fay ath, suici, some nsfw at the startma me cry?


There's like one or two jumpsr, the ma characters m suici cw: homophobic parents, ternalized homophobia, vlence, irl shippg (sort of)story: 8/10characters: 10/10pairg: 10/10anger sle: hhhhh/10 (5/10)you really have no exce not to watch this show. Also hets:/anger sle: 2/10this is a show about rernatn and fated lovers, given that premise s no surprise that both of them m suici ep one (after beg nonted by their homophobic fathers) now they are rernated and get a new shot at love - on first imprsn this feels a ltle like a cheap exce to have them be head over heels for each other at first sight, but once their past liv' relatnship gets explored more flashbacks, and seeg how pharm's trma over havg seen his boyiend m suici a past life impacts him...

S rehg okalso here's a sweet tail, somethg you jt dont see a lot thai bl: pharm and (pharm's past self) are both played by openly gay actors!!! So yeahSPOILER: also turns out that m ed to date than's mom when he was still alive but i thk s handled appropriately (also they broke up bee he realized h gay)ma me cry? )characters: 6/10 (b weak unfortunately)pairgs: 7/10anger sle: 4/10 cw: homophobia, homophobic bullyg, homophobic parents, suici attempt, teacher/stunt relatnship (backstory, not the ma relatnship or much foc at all)srstory: 10/10characters: 7/10short but very nuanced, realistic and hopeful.

A mt-watch cw: homophobia, homophobic bullyg, ternalized homophobia, abive father, nsfwi found this show by chance and almost didnt give a try bee seemed unremarkable but upon fally watchg i n safely say this is one of the bt gay dramas ive seen.

2022 GAY

Sh a light upon societal opprsn of gay people, pecially wh cha particular, wh tao ye beg a sad example... Please cw: dub nsent some scen volvg petekao, homophobia, vlence, attempted sexual asslt (handled appropriately)ma me cry?

This is gay reprentatn! This show lets s characters talk about the gay experience, lets them e out, lets them have lovg parents, lets them stggle wh their inty relatable ways...


BL / Gay - New Movi and Dramas 2020-2021 (261 shows) - MyDramaList .