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ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ret--dW0zZ">Brian Feldman</a></div></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-4--zeW5_"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__size-11--k1e8b ontend-pencraft-Text-module__le-height-20--p0dP8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__weight-medium--x7khA ontend-pencraft-Text-module__font-meta--U_nxy ontend-pencraft-Text-module__lor-pub-sendary-text--OzRTa ontend-pencraft-Text-module__transform-upperse--IDkUL ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ret--dW0zZ ontend-pencraft-Text-module__meta--jzHdd">May 7, 2021</div></div></div></div></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h 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class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h4><div><hr /></div><p>Judy Garland. Dianna Ross. Cher. Lady Gaga. To this day, the ncept of a “gay in” is still largely reprented by (often heterosexual) celebry women who embody elements of sexualy and selfhood that ronate wh at least some LGBTQ+ people. While the phrase “gay in” may nnote a diva worshipped by cis gay men, a wi range of celebri have bee objects of affectn by LGBTQ+ people.</p><p><span>As the ter opens up space for queer people to fawn over, stan, and shape their own narrativ about their ins, the parameters of what nstut one are expandg. In addn to the cln of a more diverse set of people, many of whom are themselv members of the LGBTQ+ muny, the nnon of queer inography on the ter has an even wir spe. It now clus the </span><a href=" rel>green and brown M&Ms</a><span>, Miss Piggy, iced ffee, the plant sectn at Lowe’s, and ogs.</span></p><p><a href=" rel>Plenty of</a><span> </span><a href=" rel>TikTok</a><span> vios list “thgs that aren’t gay/queer/LGBTQ+ but have gay/queer/LGBTQ+ energy.” They’re typilly prented whout explanatn, jt the statement that animate objects, straight celebri, stor, animals, movie villas, polil iologi, etc., have queer vib. Frogs are a recurrg em on the lists. </span></p><p><span>Over the past year or so, I’ve noticed a steady and growg stream of queer-related og ntent on the rners of the ter I hab. Exampl clu </span><a href=" rel>tweets about bisexuals lovg ogs</a><span>, og </span><a href=" rel>pri merch sold on Etsy</a><span>, </span><a href=" rel>lbian og mem</a><span>, and a </span><a href=" rel>build-a-LGBTQ-og Tumblr thread</a><span>. At first, I didn’t thk much of this bee jt ma sense to me — the morn ter is personalized to each er. As a queer person who vaguely lov ogs, I wasn’t particularly surprised to learn that there were other queer people out there who also love ogs. In early quarante, when I got ep to the og-centric part of TikTok known, predictably, as </span><a href=" rel>#FrogTok</a><span>, however, I realized that the narrative of og-lovg queer people was not jt a vague feelg, but an actual sort of LGBTQ+ ter fandom for the amphibian. </span></p><p><span>It’s worth notg that ogs are </span><a href=" rel>big on the ter general</a><span>. In addn to Pepe (the Matt Furie-created og -opted by the alt-right who is absent om most of the LGBTQ+ og mem I’ve enuntered), ogs n be found wearg </span><a href=" rel>wboy hats TikToks</a><span>, </span><a href=" rel>lerally jt vibg</a><span>, and a wi range of jok, image macros, and trends whout specific nnectns to LGBTQ+ culture.</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="639" height="639" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" fetchprry="high" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Courty of Tumblr er </span><a href=" rel>qualidyke</a></figptn></figure></div><p>As to possible origs of the rise of ogs as a queer mast, there are three major recurrg them. </p><p><strong>1. “Turn The Frick’ Frogs Gay”</strong></p><p><span>In one of his better-known unhged rants: the 2015 “gay bomb” speech, Alex Jon famoly told the</span><em> InfoWars </em><span>dience about chemils add to water “turng the ick’ ogs gay.” In the origal clip, which, along wh the rt of the </span><em>InfoWars</em><span> library has been banned om YouTube, Jon mentns the gay ogs as evince that the Uned Stat ernment has been addg the herbici Atraze to tap water as part of a plot to spread homosexualy, emasculatg men and rcg populatn growth. </span></p><p>The actual mentn of gay ogs is brief, but his livery is memorable. After sayg “what do you thk tap water is? It’s a gay bomb, baby,” Jon attempts to expla that he isn’t shocked by gay sex before sharply shiftg to yellg “I DON’T LIKE ‘EM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT TURN THE FRICKIN’ FROGS GAY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?” He then slaps the papers on his sk wh another stack of papers, gntg and addg “I’m sick of this crap, I’m sick of beg social engeered. It’s not funny!” After that, he ols down, not that he needs the papers that he’s jt knocked off his sk, and apologiz to his “fay dience” and to J before changg the subject. </p><p><span>I’m not a regular </span><em>InfoWars</em><span> viewer so I’m not sure how exceptnal this clip is, but watchg an famo peddler of dangero nspiracy theori </span><em>absolutely lose </em><span> over the possibily of chemilly-duced gay og behavr is fun. I image that for those who have had a cup or two of the Alex Jon Kool-Aid, this would be a ser PSA, but for anyone else, ’s a solid remr that his theori are pletely absurd, to say the least. </span></p><p><span>This soundbe has been </span><a href=" rel>remixed to tchy clubby mix</a><span> that n be found on 1-hour loops on YouTube and on TikTok as vio soundtracks. They primarily feature the words “gay” and “ogs” repeated throughout, and hontly are somethg I’d dance to the gay club </span><a href=" rel>if/when they ever open aga</a><span>.</span></p><p>While an embrace of ogs as gay ins uld be a way to reclaim them om Alex Jon’ homophobic nspiracy theory, I thk s stayg power om the nate sills of someone beg so upset by the ncept of gay ogs, as well as the tchs of the remix that Jon spired. Gay ogs would be pretty ol, actually, and their existence would be further reason for LGBTQ+ people to claim them as ins.</p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="470" height="530.3147699757869" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><strong>2. Frog & Toad</strong></p><p><span>Frog and Toad of Arnold Lobel’s book seri are gay partners. This is </span><a href=" rel>well documented </a><span>and though Lobel never officially nfirmed this as non, he did e out to his fay as gay a few years after the first</span><em> Frog and Toad </em><span>book was published. Celebratns of Frog and Toad’s relatnship romanticize their idyllic untry liftyle, ample amount of leisure time, and fashn sense that’s replited by many prent-day queer humans. There is also, of urse, some Rule 34 (the ter le that any object, character, or media anchise imagable has porn associated wh ) fan art out there pictg the uple’s sexual relatnship. </span></p><p><span>The Frog and Toad liftyle epomiz “ttagere,” an ter-born subculture embraced as an pist fantasy for many queer people, </span><a href=" rel>pecially lbians and queer women</a><span>. Cottagere gaed signifint tractn durg the COVID-19 panmic as people who were quarantg and isolatg, often small apartments, took to bakg bread, growg food om kchen scraps, makg their own cloth, and generally embracg domticy. While some participants ttagere and adjacent liftyl are known as </span><a href=" rel>tradwif</a><span> for their adherence to nservative ials and “return to the good ole days” attu, many LGBTQ+ people and leftists see ttagere as a landspe to image a world centered around love, re, nature, and muny.</span></p><p><span>Beyond jt Frog and Toad specifilly, the </span><a href=" rel>athetic of ogs</a><span> general fs well wh fantasi of livg a betiful ttage wh your queer partner and/or chosen fay, surround by ogs, mhrooms, and iendly anthropomorphized woodland creatur. </span></p><h5><em><>Frog Fun Fact Si note: Kerm isn’t gay, but he did marry Miss Piggy so arguably has </><a href=" rel><>bi wife energy</></a></em><> (</><em><>a semi-ironic term ed by TikTok er @crgelizard to characterize straight men who are often mistaken as gay or bisexual, but who actually jt love their bisexual wife). Can’t you jt image Kerm sgg “Well, to be hont I’m a hetero guy, but I really try to be a good ally and a’t no secret and I’ll tell you why ’s e I love my wife and my wife is bi. Bi wife energy, he has bi wife energy!”?</></em></h5><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="590" height="535.034188034188" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt="Image" tle="Image" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><strong>3. Frogs Are Cute</strong></p><p><span>Frogs are small, ually green, and permanently look like they’re givg a toothls se while starg right at you. Everyone lov cute thgs and that clus LGBTQ+ people, myself among them. In image macro mem, ogs serve as accsible, versatile, and cute characters and ins to spce up llag or illtrate scenars. For queer people who embrace childish fashn and athetics, ogs are the perfect symbol to embroir onto clothg or to drs up as. Addnally, </span><a href=" rel>obssns wh amphibians</a><span> highlight overlaps between LGBTQ+ and nerd culture as turns out plenty of the kids who spent their time tchg tadpol and memorizg og facts are now queer adults. </span></p><p><span>As a iend poted out to me, ogs n be classified as </span><a href=" rel>“trash animals”</a><span> (or at least semi-trashy animals) along wh rats, </span><a href=" rel>possums</a><span>, racons, and snails. The animals are often characterized by humans as unwanted and gross, even when many of them play sential elogil rol. </span><a href=" rel>“Soggyre”</a><span> and “Swampre'' are niche Tumblr/ter athetics that romanticize trash animals. They also tersect wh Frogre and Cottagere. The overlap between the niche athetic fandoms, many of which obss over ty ogs, and LGBTQ+ ter culture n likely be attributed to the trend of queer muny buildg onle and the signifince of Tumblr as </span><a href=" rel>a hub</a><span> for young LGBTQ+ people to explore their inti. </span></p><p><span>Frogs, which tend to live goopy environments and are slimy, don’t f classic molds of fuzzy and cute small mammals. Garbage/swampy animals seem to have a fun, grimy </span><em>je ne sais quoi</em><span> that, acrdg to them </span><a href=" rel>tweets</a><span>,</span><a href=" rel> Instagram mem</a><span>, and </span><a href=" rel>TikToks</a><span>, que a few queer people relate to. Why queer people intify wh (and keep as pets) animals that, while cute, are often exclud om mastream tegori of cutens is an vtigatn for another day. </span></p><p><span>There don’t seem to be many blogil, elogil, or metaphoril elements of the gay ogs nversatn and Alex Jon’ claims that “the majory of ogs most areas of the Uned Stat are now gay,” rema unsubstantiated. There uld be some apt allns to the metamorphosis ogs unrgo om egg to tadpole to full-grown og to the experienc of LGBTQ+ people. Frogs have also been known to change their sex or </span><a href=" rel>“adjt their sexual sty” </a><span> the wild. However, most queer og mem foc more on the look and ras of ogs rather than their natural behavr or matg patterns. </span></p><div><hr /></div><p>Other than beg cute, ogs unniably have gay vib. This is a “chicken or the egg” scenar where I don’t know if ogs have gay vib bee people cid as much or if people pict them as gay ins bee of their trsic queer vib (or Alex Jon signatn). Eher way, a mon theme I’ve seen social media posts about ogs is that ogs jt have gay energy. This fs wh the proliferatn of mem that characterize animate objects, fictnal characters, and straight celebri as exudg some kd of gay energy for unspecified reasons. </p><p>While there might not be much about ogs that’s herently queer, the proliferatn of mem about them beg LGBTQ+ ins is what I believe mak them to queer ins. “Frogs are nonilly queer” is an ia that helps people exprs themselv, and is also silly enough that anyone who gets mad at the notn ends up lookg foolish and overvted. Mem have the power to solidify ias popular imagatn. The way rmatn flows through the ter n turn amg, arbrary ias to nsens.</p><p><span>As we see</span><a href=" rel> a rise </a><span> quanty and qualy of LGBTQ+ reprentatn media, queer people are still fdg their own ins, hero, and stars meme and ter culture. Frogs may be a silly choice, but there’s much room for sills when to queer ins and when to the ter. The prevalence of og-related queer ntent and queer-related og ntent highlights the power of ogs as symbols and the fluence of LGBTQ+ people on the ter to claim a mon animal as a morn-day queer in. </span></p><div><hr /></div><h1 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget">Elsewhere…<div id="§elsewhere" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h1><ul><li><p><span>An </span><a href=" rel>important Venn diagram</a><span> om the person who popularized the "I'm baby" meme. </span></p></li><li><p><a href=" rel>Herpg.</a></p></li><li><p><a href=" rel>Real-life cheat s.</a></p></li><li><p><span>Wag for the next </span><a href=" rel>brassi</a><span> to drop. </span></p></li></ul><div><hr /></div><p><em><strong>Liz Sommer</strong><span> is a eelance wrer who liv Los Angel. She lov to </span><a href=" rel>wre about</a><span> semi-niche ter subcultur, crgey mem, and how we’re all cybs at this pot. You n follow her on </span><a href=" rel>Twter</a><span> or email her at </span><a href="" rel></a><span>. </span></em></p></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="post-footer"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-16--ohCEm ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-top-tail-themed--e17yZ ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-bottom-tail-themed--eVwFY post-ufi"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><a role="button" href="javascript:void(0)" class="post-ufi-button style-button no-in has-label wh-borr"><div class="label">Share</div></a></div></div></div></div></article></div></div><div class="sgle-post-sectn"><div class="ntaer"><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-24--T7KvM"><div class="portable-archive empty-list"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-bottom-16--KVxKv"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div role="button" class="ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTab--cqGWE ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTabActive--bmZsx">Top</div><div role="button" class="ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTab--cqGWE">New</div></div><div role="button" class="ontend-ma-home-ArchiveAdapted-module__inButton--_iQQr"><svg role="img" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke-width="1.8" stroke="#000" xmlns="><g><tle>.