The Internatnal Gay Roo Associatn

gay 2023 calendar

Explore our 2022 & 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world.


GAY PRIS 2023 AND 2024

Explore our 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world. * gay 2023 calendar *

The global landspe for LGBTQ+ rights, protectns and acceptance vari tremendoly by lotn, wh some statns attractg lns of visors to their events like Madrid Gay Pri, Sao Plo Gay Pri or San Francis Gay Pri, while more than 70 other untri have laws that allow discrimatn or persecutn of LGBTQ+ people. Jam Lewis Stoll’s Birthday - January 18thDolly Parton’s Birthday - January 19thCelebrate this ally’s birthday by readg Dolly Parton’s most spirg quot — cludg about human rights and the LGBTQ+ munyTrans Prisoner Day of Actn and Solidary - January 22ndBrazilian Natnal Day of Transgenr Visibily - January 29thWeeks & MonthsNatnal Blood Donor MonthUse this day to advote for the rights of gay men to be able to donate bloodNo Name-Callg Week - Every third week of January‍‍FebaryHolidaysAnniversary of the Appotment of the First Openly Gay Uned Stat Feral Judge, Joseph Gale - Febary 6thNatnal Black HIV/AIDS Awarens Day - Febary 7thNatnal Freedom to Marry Day - Febary 12thAudre Lor’s Birthday - Febary 18thChosen Fay Day - Febary 22ndWeeks & MonthsAromantic Spectm Awarens Week - Week after Febary 14th‍‍MarchHolidaysZero Discrimatn Day - March 1stInternatnal Women’s Day - March 8thJa Mock’s Birthday - March 10thBayard Rt’s Birthday - March 17thInternatnal Day for the Elimatn of Racial Discrimatn - March 21stTwo-Spir and Indigeno LGBTQ+ Awarens to Celebratn Day - March 21stInternatnal Transgenr Day of Visibily - March 31stRead and share the ultimate gui on how to celebrate Transgenr Day of VisibilyWeeks & MonthsWomen’s History MonthRead and share our gui to celebratg Women’s History MonthBisexual Health Awarens MonthNatnal LGBTQ+ Health Awarens Week - Every last week of March‍‍AprilHolidaysGLSEN Day of Silence - April, Day VariNatnal Youth HIV & AIDS Awarens Day - April 10thNatnal Transgenr HIV Ttg Day - April 18thNonbary Parents Day - Every third Sunday AprilPhill Wilson’s Birthday - April 22ndLbian Visibily Day - April 26thWeeks & MonthsLbian Visibily Week - Full week after April 26thNatnal Deaf LGBTQ+ Awarens Week - Week Vari‍‍MayHolidaysInternatnal Fay Equaly Day - Every 1st Sunday of MayNatnal Honor Our LGBT Elrs Day - May 16thInternatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia - May 17thWorld AIDS Vacce Day - May 18thRead about the potential good news about an AIDS vacceAgenr Pri Day - May 19thWorld Day of Cultural Diversy for Dialogue and Development - May 21stHarvey Milk Day - May 22ndRead the bt quot om Harvey MilkPansexual and Panromantic Visibily Day - May 24thMeet the celebri you may not know are pansexualLaverne Cox’s Birthday - May 29thWeeks & MonthsMental Health Awarens MonthRead about how to celebrate Mental Health Awarens Month so you n better support the LGBTQ+ munyQueer and Transgenr Asian Amerin/Pacific Islanr Week - Every last week of May‍‍JuneHolidaysBrandi Carlile’s Birthday - June 1stTroye Sivan’s Birthday - June 5thRead about Troye Sivan’s actg but a film that fights HIV/AIDS stigmaHIV Long-Term Survivors Day - June 5thPulse Night of Remembrance - June 12thWorld Refugee Day - June 20thLearn about the anizatn Rabow Railroad is helpg LGBTQ+ refuge and this gui on how to celebrate World Refugee DayLarry Kramer’s Birthday - June 25thFirst Use of LGBTQ+ Pri Flag - June 25thLearn about the meang of the first Pri flag — and every LGBTQ+ Pri flag that’s e sceLGBTQ+ Equaly Day - June 26thLearn about the meang of LGBTQIA+ and other acronymsAnniversary of the Legalizatn of Same-Sex Marriage the U.


Details and event dat of all major gay pri ftivals around the world. From Madrid to Sao Plo and om NYC to Amsterdam we have all gay events 2023 * gay 2023 calendar *

Repeal of ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ - September 20thAnniversary of the Foundg of It Gets Better Project - September 21stCelebrate Bisexualy Day / Bi Visibily Day - September 23rdNatnal Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awarens Day - Last Friday of SeptemberWeeks & MonthsBisexual Awarens Week - Starts on the Sunday before September 23rdAlly Week - Last week of SeptemberBanned Books WeekSupport LGBTQ+ thors wh our gui to how to fight book bansNatnal Suici Preventn WeekRead the bt quot about suici preventnNatnal Suici Preventn Awarens MonthRead and share this gui on how to take actn durg Suici Preventn Month — and read about how suici rat dropped when gay marriage was legalized‍‍OctoberHolidaysDan Savage’s Birthday - October 2ndInternatnal Lbian Day - October 8thNatnal Comg Out Day - October 11thMatthew Shepard Death Anniversary - October 12thInternatnal Pronouns Day - October 17thSpir Day for LGBTQ+ Youth - October 19thLearn how to support LGBTQ+ youth and take actnLGBT Center Awarens Day - October 19thIntersex Awarens Day - October 26thNatnal Transgenr Children Day - October 26thWeeks & MonthsLGBTQ+ History MonthRead about LGBTQ+ history om before StonewallNatnal Bullyg Preventn MonthAsexual Awarens Week (Ace Week) - Last full week of October‍‍NovemberHolidaysIntersex Day of Remembrance - November 8thRuPl’s Birthday - November 18thInternatnal Transgenr Day of Remembrance - November 20thInternatnal Day for the Elimatn of Vlence Agast Women - November 25thGivg Tuday - First Tuday after ThanksgivgLearn how to volunteer wh or donate to LGBTQ+ anizatns for Givg Tuday (and explore more ias to make a difference)Weeks & MonthsTransgenr Awarens Week - First two full weeks of NovemberNatnal Homels Youth Awarens Month‍‍DecemberHolidaysWorld AIDS Day - December 1stExplore good news about the fight agast HIV/AIDS the U. Also clud on this last are a handful of LGBTQ Pri events that take place the Caribbean, cludg Puerto Ri and Curaç FL LGBTQ Pri/Deland Prift – Usually early Febary, but 2024 dat TBAPas County FL LGBTQ Pri Ftival/Land O’ Lak FL Pri/New Port Richey Pri – Usually early Febary, but 2024 dat TBAPri of the Ameris Fort Lrdale/Fort Lrdale LGBTQ Pri – Usually early to mid-Febary, but 2024 dat TBABranton LGBTQ Pri/Manatee Pri – Usually early March, but 2024 dat TBAPri Cape Coral/Fort Myers LGBTQ Pri – Usually early March, but 2024 dat TBAPalm Beach LGBTQ Pri/Lake Worth LGBTQ Pri - Usually late March, but 2024 dat TBATampa LGBTQ Pri – Usually late March but 2024 dat TBAEureka Sprgs Sprg Diversy Weekend/Eureka Sprgs LGBTQ Pri – Usually early April, but 2024 dat TBAVirgia Tech LGBTQ Pri/Blacksburg LGBTQ Pri – Usually early April, but 2024 dat TBAChapel Hill LGBTQ Pri/Carola Pri Week Chapel Hill - April 10-14, 2023Mobile Gay Pri/Southern Alabama Gay Pri – April 15, 2023Tallahassee LGBTQ Pri – April 15, 2023Miami Beach LGBTQ Pri/Miami LGBTQ Pri – April 15-16, 2023Port St. 30-May 6, 2023Memorial Weekend Pensala/Pensala LGBTQ Memorial Day Weekend – May 25-28, 2023Gay Days at Disney World Orlando – May 31-June 5, 2023 (at Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at Seaworld)Mid-South Pri/Memphis LGBTQ Pri – June 1-4, 2023One Magil Weekend Orlando/Walt Disney World – June 1-5, 2023 (at Walt Disney World Rorts)LowCountry LGBTQ Pri (South Carola)/Bluffton LGBTQ Pri/Befort LGBTQ Pri - June 2, 2023CenLA Pri/Central Louisiana LGBTQ Pri/Alexandria LGBTQ Pri – June 2-3, 2023Athens GA LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Charlton SC LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Columb GA LGBTQ Pri/ColGay Pri of Columb – June 3, 2023Gulf Coast LGBTQ Pri/Biloxi LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Kissimmee LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Outft Columbia/Columbia SC LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Loudoun County VA LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Northern Kentucky LGBTQ Pri/Covgton LGBTQ Pri/Newport LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Puerto Ri LGBTQ Pri/San Juan LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Napl FL LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Key Wt LGBTQ Pri/Florida Keys LGBTQ Pri – June 7-11, 2023Natnal Ain Amerin MSM Learship Conference on Social Jtice and Health Dispari – June 7-11, 2023 Atlanta, GA)Curao LGBTQ Pri – June 7-12, 2023New Orleans LGBTQ Pri – June 9-11, 2023NOLA Black Pri/New Orleans LGBTQ Black Pri – June 9-11, 2023Bay Pri/Panama Cy LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Fernanda Beach LGBTQ Pri/Amelia Island LGBTQ Pri/Nass County FL LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Northeast Arkansas Prift/Jonboro LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Central Alabama LGBTQ Pri/Birmgham LGBTQ Pri – June 10-11, 2023Montgomery Black Pri/Selma LGBTQ Pri (AL) – June 15-17, 2023Tri-State Black Pri ( Memphis)/Memphis Black LGBTQ Pri – June 15-18, 2023Kentuckiana Pri/Louisville LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Lakeland FL LGBTQ Pri/Polk County LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Stonewall Pri Wilton Manors/South Florida LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Duned FL LGBTQ Pri – June 17-25, 2023Port Cy Pri/Wilmgton LGBTQ Pri (NC) – Usually late June, but 2023 dat TBAVero Beach LGBTQ Pri - Usually late June, but 2023 dat TBAAugta GA LGBTQ Pri – June 23–24, 2023Hampton Roads LGBTQ Pri/Norfolk VA LGBTQ Pri/Virgia Beach LGBTQ Pri – June 23-25, 2023St.

Centred around the heart of The Gay Village, Manchter’s LGBTQ+ neighbourhood, the ftival is ma up of a Para that brgs lor and celebratn to Manchter’s streets, The Gay Village party which centr around Canal Street, as ma famo the UK versn of Queer As Folk, alongsi the Superbia arts ftival, Youth Pri MCR, Fay Pri, and the Candlel Vigil which brgs everyone together at the end of the ftival for a betiful moment of reflectn for those we lost om the LGBTQ+ muny. Here are the fns to know:L: LbianG: GayB: Bisexual T: TransgenrQ: Queer, or sometim qutng+: Enpass other inti unr the rabow umbrellaDig eper: Learn the meangs, origs of Pri flagsPri Flag | Progrs Pri Flag | Lbian Pri Flag | Bisexual Pri Flag | Pansexual Pri Flag | Asexual Pri Flag | Intersex Pri Flag | Genr Inty Flags | Trans Pri Flag. For other parts of North Ameri, also check out the followg lendars: 2023 Florida and the South LGBTQ Pri Calendar2023 Midwt and Plas LGBTQ Pri Calendar2023 New England and Northeast LGBTQ Pri Calendar2023 Rocki and LGBTQ Gay Pri Calendar2023 Texas LGBTQ Pri Calendar2023 Canada LGBTQ Pri CalendarAnd if you’re lookg for a fun way to vis a few ci California on the same vatn, have a look at my California We Country Road Trip story for spiratn and tips.


* gay 2023 calendar *

“The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them,” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer.

Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails,” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN.


Gay Pri 2023 NYC promis to be another big party, wh the Pri March, virtual events, Pri Ft and more. * gay 2023 calendar *

“There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns,” Roth said.

?It’s crazy how ’s been more than 5 years sce Hong Kong won the rights to stage the FIRST ever Gay Gam Asia ? Sce then, we`ve been workg hard to prepare an extensive programm of sportg events and arts and culture activi for everyone om November 3 - 11, 2023. (Lk b) ???️‍?登登登凳!?香港同樂運動會大使最新的宣傳片出爐了!??✨首次於亞洲舉辦的同樂運動會✨ 等着你參與!無論你的身份和背景,我們都歡迎你參與這個空前盛事,一同創造體壇的平等共融時刻!?與全球選手和支持者較勁、連結、慶祝盛事,機會難逢,切勿錯過 ? 立即報名,來香港與我們一起締造難忘回憶!(詳情請參閱個人檔案的連結)???️‍?#FirstInAsia #DiversyInSports #RegisterNow #GGHK #GayGamHongKong @gaygamhk2023. Register now and be part of the actn (lk b) ? 各位「雀士」請準備好參加亞洲首屆 LGBTQ+ 麻雀錦標賽?展開一場充滿熱情和期待的旅程?️? 不論是麻雀高手還是新手,都歡迎參加比賽測試你的技術。今屆我們將提供不同玩法的麻雀比賽,包括日式牌、正宗香港牌及16張的台灣牌。每種玩法都有獨特的風味。?今次我們還允許大家報名多於一個麻雀比賽!✨更多詳情(例如規則和節目安排)可在從我們的網站了解到。?比賽將於 11 月 5 至 7 日在 Soho Hoe 的 Hoe Stud 舉行。今次我們很榮幸邀請到由香港麻雀協會擔當專業評審,確保公平和專業的比賽為所有參賽者帶來最好的體驗。??麻雀為我們帶來不少歡樂、友誼、腦力較量的機會。不要錯過今次活動,展現你技藝及與志同道合的麻將愛好者們聯繫。立即註冊,成為比賽的一份子。?(Lk b)#GGHK2023 #Mahjong #LGBTQIA #GameForAll @gaygamhk2023.

We have our Live Band to warm up the night followed wh beats by DJ Gay Chav / DJ Tao and performanc by the dance group `SuiMuis` and Drag Queen Jhara Lata Fabuloa to keep you entertaed throughout the wele everyone who supports love and equaly, regardls of genr inty or sexual orientatn.


Keep track of memorable days wh Gay lendars om Zazzle! Choose your favore sign om our great selectn of lendar templat. Get yours today! * gay 2023 calendar *

??Partnered wh Qantas, we are thrilled to announce a special fare offer for the upg Gay Gam HK 2023 ✈️ Use promo ?GGHK? to get $100 return off Enomy per adult, $200 return off Premium Enomy per adult, and $500 return off Bs per adult!!!

?️‍?Jo for a night of funky pop mic wh the Hong Kong Gay Men`s Chos at ? the Hong Kong Arts Centre - Louis Koo Cema on June 15th at 8 pm ?Celebrate Pri Month wh and enjoy a fantastic eveng of mic that will lift your spirs and get you dancg. His urage speakg his tth, a world where there`s still so much work to be done for clivy, is nothg short of `re credibly exced to announce that Zanr Murray will be g to Hong Kong to liver a keynote speech at the Gay Gam Hong Kong nference on "Buildg Corporate Athlet: The Power of Incln Performance" on the 15th of June at EY wavpace. We`re thrilled to announce the succsful lnch of "Team Sgapore" at the Gay Gam Hong Kong Sgapore Announcement Party, thanks to the hard work and support of over 80 atten and our amazg volunteers ?Special thanks to Devane Sharma, Brian Tan (), Stefan Fisse, Will Tan, Charlene Ng, DJ Candice Teo (@ndiceteosh), and Cathere Ho for their valuable ntributns to the event.


Jaguars associate strength ach Kev Maxen out as gay a first for US-based pro leagu * gay 2023 calendar *

6月2日(星期五)晚上7時6 月 3 日(星期六)下午 3 時及晚上 7 時6 月 4 日(星期日)下午 3 點和晚上 7 點。?️ 立即通過我們Lktree 中的鏈接獲取您的門票! 每張票價$280,不設劃位。每場演出僅提供 70 個座位,請儘早預訂以確保您的位置。? 監製:鄭子康編劇。導演:余玉華演員:郭偉豪、陳鈞鍵、何潁怡、陳祖、秦奕翹、吳偉榮、呂俊潁、林子財、黃尹鈴、馮家欣、何詩韻、何文傑,余玉華特別演出:Co Pop, Lilo May舞台監督:Cys Cheng助理舞台監督:何文傑。Chi Too音響設計:張狄鳴燈光設計:呀翁服裝設計:郭偉豪平面設計:3MM productn 票務及前台主任:Chi Too, Cho Cho 這部粵語劇長約 80 分鐘,適合 12 歲及以上觀眾觀看。 如需查詢,請致電 9536 8184 致電 GIA 或致電 9753 3667 致電 Chi 獲取票務。此製作獲平等機會(性傾向)資助計劃支持, 讓我們一起慶祝多樣性和包容性!#RabowBehdTheStonewall #ImmersiveTheatre #LGBTQ+ #PriMonth #Vibranium #GGHK @gaygamhk2023. ? 短而有力,重點突出!GGHK2023 促銷進展令人興奮的更新 慶祝 IDAHOT 並使用促銷代碼“IDAHOT”註冊僅一天 HK$517 ? 香港同樂運動會團隊正努力籌備11月舉辦的多日活動,務求讓此環球盛事盡善多元、開放、同樂。✅ 比賽開始:我們已募集資金和確認場地設施,同樂運動會勢在必行。不要錯過今年 11 月在亞洲舉行的首個同樂運動會! ?️‍? ? 包容性社區:同樂運動會首次於亞洲舉辦,歡迎任何年滿18歲人士參與,不分性別認同和取向。?全球熱度:註冊人數激增!羽毛球、網球、跑步、麻將、賽龍舟,備受矚目! ???‍♂️?‍♂️ ? 企業支持:跨運動類別的團隊報名。團結起來進行友好的競爭和友情! ? ? 提高註冊量:報名數字穩步上升,不論個別人士、運動團體、贊助商、合作伙伴等均表達參與盛事的興趣。我們的市場營銷和宣傳工作遍佈悉尼、曼谷、新加坡、馬尼拉、台北、金邊、東京、名古屋、上海和北京,部份工作已經開展。 ?? ✈️ 旅行更輕鬆:我們正與不同航空和酒店業伙伴合作,致力讓各地旅客能更易抵港,詳情記得留意「你好香港」!?️ 限時搶購:即日起只需 HKD517 搶占席位! ? 讓我們一起創造歷史:香港同樂運動會邀請所有志同道合的朋友,不論「攣直」,在今年11月齊聚香港,慶祝同樂運動會的歷史時刻!#GGHK2023 #IncliveGam #IDAHOT #FlashSale #JoUs @gaygamhk2023. 國際多元共融嘅盛事,香港同樂運動會將於 2023 年 11 月 3-11 日舉行!咁大件事點可以冇左你呢??香港同樂運動會將帶來 22 項體育競賽,包括閃避球、越野跑以及別具香港特色嘅麻雀同龍舟添 ? 除此之外,亦設有開幕及閉幕禮、音樂晚會、展覽,以及舉辦活動和市集的節慶村。活動包羅萬有,十分精彩。? 記得盡快報名啦!依家幸得熱心人士捐助,如果你符合以下任何一個條件,就可以申請豁免註冊費用和一項運動費用:✅ 截至 2023 年 11 月 3 日,年齡為 18 至 25 歲的人士。✅ 年齡為 18 歲或以上,並在申請時持有有效香港特別行政區工作許可證的外籍家庭傭工。✅ 年齡為 18 歲或以上,並在香港特別行政區受到免遣返保護(難民/尋求庇護者)或在登記時已正式申請此類保護的人士。詳情可以瀏覽香港同樂運動會嘅官方網頁,先到先得! #Trag4GGHK #RegisterNow #UnyDiversy #LGBTQIA #Incln #Equaly #GayGam @gaygamhk2023.

This le gets the stamp of approval om prev LGBTQ cisers, who praise the ships' genr-ntral bathrooms, onboard shows wh rint drag queens and diverse Voyag offers gay-specific sailgs through travel pani like Atlantis Events, but s more mastream erari still offer a welg, clive atmosphere that attracts LGBTQ cisers year-round. For s all-gay cis, Atlantis charters megaships om popular l like Royal Caribbean Internatnal and Norwegian Cise Le, so cisers will have a fully immersive board, travelers n enjoy all the perks the megaships have to offer (thk: pools, hot tubs, sports urts and plenty of dg choic), pl special events like drag performanc, motivatnal speakers, LGBTQ movi on mand each b and high-energy circu parti across the ship. Outsi of the sailg experience, Royal Caribbean has also publicly mted to support the LGBTQ muny throughout the year, and was the first cise le to earn the tle "Gay Traveler Approved" om GayTravel 2023, nsir a Royal Caribbean voyage that sails to gay-iendly statns.

Prev cisers had high praise for the erari – which exclively vis gay-iendly lotns – as well as the uy cktails, themed nights (stum strongly enuraged), glamouro entertament, and unique events like drag bgo and high heel Demence sails every summer to statns like Rome; Athens and Mykonos, Greece; Kotor, Montenegro; Dubrovnik, Croatia; and more. The arrival of the Gay Gam our cy reprents a great opportuny for social change towards the LGBTTTIQA+ muny addn to generatg jobs and growth opportuni for GAMESThe Gay Gam are nsired to be the most important sports and cultural petn of diversy anized by the LGBT+ muny, like the Olympic Gam, is held every four years wh a participatn of approximately 10, 000 athlet.


Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach a US men’s profsnal sports league to e out as gay. * gay 2023 calendar *

SiegedSec, a self-scribed group of gay furry hackers, took s skills to state ernments late June, breachg agenci across five stat and releasg a wealth of data.The stat targeted on June 27 were Texas, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and South Carola.


Gay Days returned to Disneyland Rort last weekend. If you missed the event, don't worry, bee Gay Days 2023 is nfirmed! * gay 2023 calendar *

Cathar LGBTQ Pri – May 27-June 4, 2023Prce Albert SK LGBTQ Pri – May 28-June 4, 2023Canada LGBTQ Pri ( Prce Edward Island 2024)/Fierté Canada Pri – Usually June, but 2024 dat TBAPembroke ON LGBTQ Pri/Renew County LGBTQ Pri – June 2-4, 2023Kelowna LGBTQ Pri/Okanagan LGBTQ Pri – June 2-11, 2023Rega LGBTQ Pri/Queen Cy Pri – June 2-11, 2023Barrie LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Prce Gee BC LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Timms ON LGBTQ Pri – June 3-10, 2023Brampton LGBTQ Pri/Peel LGBTQ Pri/Mississga LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Stratford LGBTQ Pri/Perth County LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Brockville ON LGBTQ Pri – June 5-11, 2023Cranbrook BC LGBTQ Pri – June 8-10, 2023Guelph LGBTQ Pri – June 8-18, 2023Saskatoon LGBTQ Pri – June 9-18, 2023Bay of Qute LGBTQ Pri (fka Bellevue ON Pri)/Prce Edward County LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Qunel BC LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Tri-Pri Ontar/Cambridge–Kchener–Waterloo LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Nanaimo BC LGBTQ Pri – June 11, 2023Brandon Manoba LGBTQ Pri – June 11-17, 2023Kgston LGBTQ Pri – June 11-18, 2023Kenora ON Gay Pri – Usually mid-June, but 2023 dat TBAYork Regn LGBTQ Pri/Newmarket ON LGBTQ Pri/Markham LGBTQ Pri – June 16-17, 2023Brantford ON LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Columbia Valley BC LGBTQ Pri/Invermere LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Oxford County ON Pri/Woodstock LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Thunr Bay LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Toronto LGBTQ Pri – June 23-25, 2023 (wh addnal related events takg place throughout the month of June)Lethbridge LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Surrey LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Victoria BC LGBTQ Pri – June 29-July 9, 2023Southwt Saskatchewan LGBTQ Pri/Swift Current LGBTQ Pri – July 3-8, 2023Sudbury LGBTQ Pri – July 10-16, 2023Le Renz-vo la fierté Adie Love New Bnswick/Caraquet LGBTQ Pri – July 13-16, 2023Collgwood ON LGBTQ Pri – July 14-16, 2023Frericton LGBTQ Pri – July 14-23, 2023St.

3, 2023Kootenay LGBTQ Pri/Nelson LGBTQ Pri – Usually early September, but 2023 dat TBAPictou County Pri/Pictou NS LGBTQ Pri – Usually early September, but 2023 dat TBAFernie LGBTQ Pri/Elk Valley BC LGBTQ Pri – Usually late September, but 2023 dat TBAPeterborough ON LGBTQ Pri – September 15-24, 2023Banff Gay Pri – Oct. Experience THE BEST OF CHRISTMAS Europe, om Mozart and the Habsburg Emprs, Sissi’s stl Vienna, gay Kg Ludwig’s herage Munich and Bavaria, the olst and most famo Christmas market Nuremberg, and the most betifully-rated fairy tale villag the Alsace mountas and the stunng Christmas Capal Strasbourg.

“The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them, ” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer. Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails, ” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN.


“There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns, ” Roth said.




2022 & 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar .