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La un joven 16 años, Dima, que n un batiburrillo documentos sos y ucrans <a href=" target="_blank">ha pado la península Crimea, ocupada por Moscú s 2014, </a>y ha llegado hace unos días a Kiev, don ahora vive n su hermano. Para llegar a la pal ucrania, tuvo que viajar cuatro días a través tr país (Ria, Turquía y Moldavia). Un roo necar para salir la península que forma parte Ucrania, pero tá bajo ntrol so, y regrar a terror que parte l mismo país. De su ttimon se spren que no ja atrás una dictadura feroz, pero sí un sistema que trata anular la intidad, la historia y la cultura ucrania.</p><p class="">La gran preocupación muchos ucrans o Dima la abar obligados a ponerse un uniforme so por vivir en zona ocupada y abar disparando a s patrtas. Pe a que todavía menor edad, o lo que más atormenta a Dima (nombre fictic elegido por él mismo para te reportaje por motivos seguridad). “Huiría mpo a través si hiciera falta”, asegura. Ya tiene nocidos que, recién cumplidos los 20 años, tán enrolados en las fuerzas ocupación y operando en la veca región Jersón.</p><p class="">El mismo temor afecta a jóven y hombr que viven en otras zonas Ucrania ocupadas por Moscú, o part las regn Lugansk, Dosk, Zaporiyia y Jersón. <a href=" target="_blank">Allí también se tá imponiendo la sifición n el reparto pasaport</a> las toridas vasoras o ndición para brar pensn, pagar recibos o realizar operacn banrias. “Inclo en el leg nos daban panfletos para lavarnos el cerebro”, aña el joven.</p><p class="">El plan huida, arezado n el irrenunciable seo regrar en cuanto sea posible a la que su ciudad natal, Sebastopol, forma parte un proco cado a fuego lento a partir un sentimiento rechazo a una vida forzada bajo la banra trilor sa. <a href=" target="_blank">Dima tenía siete años cuando los sos ocuparon Crimea </a>y no recuerda “si nada” aquel asalto, pero según expli, ha hecho lo posible por mantener el vínculo n Ucrania y pletar una ción ntro su sistema. Ansejado por su faia, llevaba cuatro años tudiando a distancia bajo el sistema tivo Ucrania, al tiempo que acudía prencialmente a las clas imputas en Crimea por el Mister Edución so.</p><p class="">Durante la entrevista n te periódi en un lol Kiev, Dima saborea, uno tras otro, vars vasos Pepsi Cola, para él un lujo hasta ahora accible en med las imacn sas los res tadounins. “Con el ienzo la vasión el año pasado, empezaron a llegar a Crimea <i>las</i> fabridas en Ucrania que robaban tablecimientos Jersón”, expli mientras enseña una foto una las latas en su móvil. “Se podían prar en pequeños ercs”, señala.</p><p class="">Po a po su vida se va adaptando a la pal. En pos días hará las pebas acco a la universidad n ia tudiar Enómis o Relacn Internacnal. A las toridas tivas Kiev l sorprendió que exhibiera para matricularse un certifido nacimiento en Crimea y s notas un centro lar la región Dosk. De hecho, nque haya vivido bajo la ocupación sa la península más media vida, la guerra iciada el año pasado abó por afectar a su formación adémi. El primer centro en el que se matriculó para cursar a distancia el sistema ucran se hallaba en la lolidad Volnovaja (Dosk), stida el año pasado y hoy en pleno ente batalla. Así, te último curso <a href=" target="_blank">tuvo que seguirlo en un leg Sloviansk, en a misma región.</a> De a forma, prentándose a los exámen s Sebastopol, ha nseguido su certifido notas Ucrania.</p><sectn data-ctn-subscriptn="te" class="w w-cta " id="cta_id"><div class="w_t"></div><div class="w_b"><div class="w_tx">Úe a EL PAÍS para seguir toda la actualidad y leer s lím.</div><a class="w_bt btn btn-2 b-sb-geo" data-lk-mx=" data-lk-am=" href="" id="cta_lk_btn_id">Scríbete</a></div></sectn><p class="">Dima llega al encuentro directo s la peluquería. El rte pelo que lleva, afirma, podría ser motivo que le moltaran o le llamasen gay en Crimea, “una sociedad cerrada y vlenta”. Por tall o e, cuenta que quiso “par un régimen” don siempre l taban “apretando las tuers”. En Kiev le ha sorprendido que un pendiente dique tiempo a preguntar por s preferencias o que en la feria l libro una amiga su hermano se haya terado por él y su viaje. “Y no me nocía nada”, rel. “En Sebastopol a nadie le importa el otro, todos van a engañar y a jor al al lado”, sostiene.</p><p class="">Dima salió sa junto a su madre, 47 años, el 18 jun y llegó a Kiev el día 22. Su padre, 46 años, no tiene la oportunidad salir. <a href=" target="_blank">Para evar ser alistado en el ejérco vasor, no tá dado alta ante las toridas Moscú</a> y o le impi viajar fuera.</p><p class="">Dos horas en tobús l permieron llegar s Sebastopol hasta Simferópol. Dpués, viajaron unas 20 horas en tren hasta Sochi (Ria), jando atrás Crimea a través l puente que cza el trecho Kerch, gurado en 2018 por Put para apuntalar la ocupación y atado ta semana por segunda vez. El joven renoce que no tuvieron que pasar ntrol pecial las fuerzas seguridad, pero scribe el vagón o “un fierno s aire andicnado, antiguo y muy soviéti”. Un avión s Sochi l trasladó luego a Estambul. Y ahí empezó a fallar el plan origal la faia. La madre tuvo que dar la vuelta porque en el aeropuerto Estambul no aceptaron su pasaporte so para tomar otro vuelo a Chisáu, la pal Moldavia. Paradójimente, sí logró pasar n un pasaporte so el menor, que siguió alante solo, según relata.</p><p class="">La madre, asora legal empras, trata ahora nseguir uno ucran —lo tenía dudo— para volver a tentar salir Crimea.</p><p class="">El joven llegó solo a la pal moldava, don cuenta que una agente onteras empezó mediato a terrogarle mientras le hurgaba en la maleta. “Todo mbió cuando le dije que era un refugiado ucran saliendo Crimea y que iba a rnirme n mi faia en Kiev. Entonc jó preguntarme y me ayudó a rehacer el equipaje”, expli. Un nductor ntactado por su hermano regió a Dima y lo llevó hasta un paso onterizo Moldavia n Ucrania en la región Chernivtsi. Si n el pasaporte so pudo salir Crimea, n el certifido nacimiento le bastó para accer a Ucrania.</p><p class="">Mientras el día 22 jun alnzaba Kiev por rretera junto a su hermano y su cuñada, Dima <a href=" target="_blank">pudo probar n s props ojos los daños ados por la vasión sa. </a>El vehículo circulaba junto a rtos la batalla y sas y edifics rcidos a bros en el entorno lolidas o Bucha o Makariv. Ese “paisaje guerra”, o él mismo scribe, no lo ha experimentado en Crimea, don los bombaros y choqu entre los dos ejércos se viven en la distancia.</p><p class="">Dima ha experimentado también cómo las alarmas en Kiev advierten todavía hoy n ecuencia posibl ataqu. Apenas dos días spués llegar él, un bombaro n misil abó n la vida c civil. El tendo se cuchó en sa su hermano en med la madgada. “En Sebastopol no hay sirenas”, asegura mientras expli que los sos tratan dar a todo una páta normalidad en la península Crimea.</p><p class="">Allí pera ahora su madre una nueva oportunidad para salir. La ciudad Sebastopol la base la flota sa l mar Negro, una las prcipal herramientas ar Moscú para mantener la península ocupada a buen reudo. De manera paralela, el Kreml po en marcha en 2014 un importante movimiento población s Ria, tanto civil o ar, para mezclarla n la ucrania. Crimea tenía aquel año 2.350.000 habant. A fal 2021, el Gobierno Kiev timaba que al menos 600.000 sos habían llegado a la península en e perdo, lo que impli un mento población l 30%. Dima y su faia lo han notado en su propia unidad vecos, don n ecuencia saltan chispas entre los ucrans y los sos.</p><p class="">Crimea la joya la ocupación sa Ucrania. Kiev siste en que su volución ndición encial para unas nversacn paz. Dima aba llegar a Kiev, pero mantiene en el horizonte su seo regrar a su sa en Sebastopol. Optimista, pera que pueda ser en un año o año y med. <a href=" target="_blank">La ndición que en “Crimea one la banra Ucrania”</a>. Mientras, en la pared su habación, le pera un mapa n las onteras oficial l país, as renocidas mundialmente, salvo por Ria, la fuerza ocupante.</p><p class=""><i>Sigue toda la rmación ternacnal en </i><a href="><i>Facebook</i></a><i> y </i><a href="><i>Twter</i></a><i>, o en </i><a href="><i>nutra newsletter semanal</i></a><i>.</i></p><div class="a_s _cf" id="ctn_eemium_article"><h3 class="a_s_e">Scríbete para seguir leyendo</h3><div class="a_s_ti">Lee s lím</div><div class="a_s_b"><a class="button | flex btn btn-2" href=" id="scriptnLkFreemium" data-lk-am=" data-lk-mx=" data-lk-=" data-lk-ar=" data-lk-cl=" data-ctn-subscriptn="">Seguir leyendo</a></div><div class="a_s_lo"><a id="logLkFreemium" data-lk-am=" data-lk-mx=" data-lk-=" data-lk-ar=" data-lk-cl=" href=">Ya soy scriptor</a></div></div></div><sectn class="w w-sea"><h3 class="w_t">Sobre la firma</h3><div class="w_b"><div class="_g _g-xs"><figure class="w-sea_f a_m-h c_m--nf"><span class="a_m_w _db"><img alt="Luis Vega" dg="to" class="_re lazyload a_m-h" height="100" width="100" loadg="lazy" src="></span></figure><div class="w-sea_txt"><div class="_df"><div class="w-sea_txt_na"><a href=" rel="tor_bottom">Luis Vega</a></div><div class="w_rs_i"><a class="_btn " href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><svg class="in_social_twter | w-sea_txt_i" viewBox="0 0 26 26"><tle>Luis Vega - twter

gay kiev

Thoands of people cludg soldiers and diplomats marched peacefully through the Ukraian pal on Sunday an annual gay pri para spe some opposn to an event lled off last year bee of the ronavis panmic.



Top Kyiv Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Kyiv, Ukrae on Tripadvisor. * gay kiev *

Image source, EPAThoands have marched through the Ukraian pal for s annual gay pri event, the largt and most peaceful the untry has seen. I get this horrible imprsn readg some articl, that the former USSR, 's a batn of discrimatn and ocsnal vlence outsi, and htlers (both gay and "gay-for-pay") the clubs. I love Ukrae, but the homophobia and other prejudic that exist there are the most distrsg aspect of this culture for me.

From the far reach on the stepp of Eurasia, a Amerin gay uple ridg Ukrae wre about their experience this difficult new natn: “For the gay male tourist, you are tly the land of betiful boys (no attu and no body fascism). Kiev boasts a lively gay dis, sna, a few simple bars, even a nu/gay part of our very own “beach” along the Dnipro river…” Wh slow and reful luck a “Gay Life Ukrae” n quietly be achieved.


Disver Gay datg near you and Ukrae. Fd a lol nnectn today! * gay kiev *

Consensual male homosexual anal terurse was punished by imprisonment of up to three years (Article 122 of the Penal Co of the Ukraian Soviet Socialist Republic). Although Soviet legislatn has moved the gay populatn to the edge of social life, gay men had several advantag those years (excludg the Stal perd of Soviet history of urse). Bee the Soviet people didn’t know anythg about gay sex was not hard to fd one night stands wh straight partners.

Beg on the wave of general mocratic mov the Soviet society gay liberatn gave polil birth to such well-known and disputable lears as Roman Kal or Valeria Debryanskaya. However the Ukrae was the first among the former Soviet republics to repeal crimal rponsibily for non-vlent male homosexual terurse between adults.

So this year we anticipate celebratg a full sce the Repeal of crimal prosecutn for nsensual homosexual terurse between adult men our untry. Frh tablished gay liberatn groups such as Lilia Taranenko’s “Hanymed” Kiev or Oxana Bocharnikova’s Foundatn Kharkov (aka “Pk Panther Group”) haven’t ga any thory among gay populatn bee of s fear to be exposed.


Amerin gay uple ridg Ukrae wre about their experience this difficult new natn. * gay kiev *

Associatn of gays, lbians and bisexuals of Nila “Liga” was registered December 1996 but unr the prsure of thori has to stop wh activy.


* gay kiev *

The typil feature of gay activism Ukrae the years (after disillnment mass gay liberatn anizatns such as Associatn”Hanymed” or Bocharnikova’s Foundatn) was the appearance of numero impostors posg as the lears of Ukraian gay movement.

Realizg for sure that no gay movement will be possible Kuchma’s Ukrae, they noticed that there are many philanthropic stutns Wtern untri willg to support gay liberatn procs FSU. The world gay muny greets them wh cheers avoidg the obv tth: the only te tentn of the impostors is to e faster to Wtern money.

For now the Ukraian gay movement has to be unrground and if you ever hear about gay anizatns this untry or such actns like CSD-celebratns or Gay Pri paras, be sure that people who report them are tellg the tth: they ually do wh aim to obta the money tend for “Ukraian gay liberatn”. There are some wonrful s to see (Church, non-touristy post-Soviet ways of livg), a young and non-attu gay scene, and most importantly, warm and genuely iendly, non-cynil people. As long as one don’t try to impose any PC attus about what gay life here should be or how “gay” dividuals should live (not be married, apolil, etc) you will be fe.


Ukraian policians and foreign diplomats joed thoands marchg a gay pri para Kiev on Sunday, the biggt and most peaceful ever the former Soviet untry. * gay kiev *

Someone you pick up or meet at a tra statn or sleazy bar at 2 AM may not be the bt reprentative of the gay muny or untry here. Couple: Basilly, the olr, over 30 more ‘Soviet’ crowd are so different om the younger, empowered, 20-somethg guys many of whom intify as gay the Wtern mol.

On the other hand, the kd of guys you’d like to meet probably aren’t hangg out at a gay bar the early hours (or they uld, though).

Any cultural type events which are popular here would naturally attract a number of gay fellows (the Spartak opera pecially). We thk a sizable majory of gay guys get married and fool around on the si–secrets are an accepted Soviet way of life.


, statn travel guis wh a gay perspective. * gay kiev *

Although there are plenty of old timers, there are also newer Christian fundamentalists (imported om the Wt) who are disgted by gays, and would love to eradite them and AIDS. The tabloid prs and media have even done stori on a gay uple adoptg children, known gay Ukraian celebri, tillatg stori about the Gay Gam or a gay Pri para somewhere else.


About 100 activists stage Ukrae's first gay pri march the pal Kiev, scribg the event as a "historic" day. * gay kiev *

As our web se mentns, there is a thrivg gay expat group which also clus a few wterners wh long term lol Ukraian boyiends or girliends.

REUTERS/Valentyn OgirenkoKYIV, Sept 19 (Rters) - Thoands of people cludg soldiers and diplomats marched peacefully through the Ukraian pal on Sunday an annual gay pri para spe some opposn to an event lled off last year bee of the ronavis panmic. Homophobia is wispread Ukrae, acrdg to a survey by the soclogil group "Ratg" published Augt, which said 47% of rponnts had a negative view of the LGBTQ+ marchers were flanked by police as a few hundred anti-gay rights protters gathered nearby, but there was no vlence.

KIEV (Rters) - Ukraian policians and foreign diplomats joed thoands marchg a gay pri para Kiev on Sunday, the biggt and most peaceful ever the former Soviet of people, many drsed bright lors, parad along streets the center of the Ukraian pal, holdg up banners sayg “Diversy is betiful”, “Human rights = happy untry”, “No vlence - y rights! ” were flanked by a thick rdon of police helmets but there was no sign of vlence spe the prence of a few hundred ’s march Kiev was part of “Pri Month” celebrated by lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) people around the world.


Dashed Hop Gay Ukrae. KIEV, Ukrae — It was a quiet eveng late tumn, perfect for gog to the movi. Kiev's Zhovten (October) theater, the olst one the cy and a favore wh art-movie buffs, was showg a... * gay kiev *

Rlana Panhnyk, one of the anizers of the pal’s annual gay pri march, told journalists after the event that about 8, 000 people had attend far more than 5, 000 last year.

Embassy Ukrae, wrote a tweet: “We stand wh all Ukraians strivg for equaly and non-discrimatn” ernment has creased support for LGBT rights sce a Wtern-backed learship me to power 2014, but crics say homophobic attus rema relatively 47% of Ukraians thk that rights of sexual mori should be limed while 37. For ee real time breakg news alerts sent straight to your box sign up to our breakg news emailsSign up to our ee breakg news emailsThoands of people marched through Kiev for the annual gay pri para, markg the biggt turn out the Ukraian pal has ever Sunday the cy saw 8, 000 atten, among them policians and foreign diplomats, participate the celebratn, an crease om 5, 000 last this year’s atten was Judh Gough, the Brish ambassador to Ukrae, who shared photos of herself and other ambassadors at the march.

Image ptn, Gay rights activists marched for about 30 m away om the cy centreAbout 100 activists have staged Ukrae's first gay pri march the pal Kiev, ignorg a urt ban. "This n be nsired a historic day, " Olena Semenova, one of the anisers, arrted 13 people for tryg to break up the rally - a untry where homophobia is wispread and generally neighbourg Rsia, more than 20 gay activists were taed by police at an unsanctned rally mpaigners tried to march on Rsia's parliament buildg, nouncg what they scribed as "homophobic" legislatn recently approved by bill bans "gay propaganda" an effort to protect children, but human rights mpaigners say s real aim is to curb the rights of sexual ptn, Anti-gay mpaigners nounced the march'Kiev is not Sodom'In Kiev, the gay-rights activists marched outsi the cy centre amid a heavy police prence.


Disver Gay datg near you and Kiev, Kyyiv. Fd a lol nnectn today! * gay kiev *

Cy thori had argued that a gay march would clash wh the annual Kiev Day ftivi and uld lead to thori ced 500 plats om the public to jtify their urt petn. A gay-rights event planned for last year Kiev was lled off at the last mute after a gatherg of skheads threatened participants.

" Asked at the recent Euroci Conference how he would support human rights after the Zhovten homophobic attacks, Maidan's hero and current Kiev mayor Vali Klschko said he nsired human rights a good thg, but would "not stand up for gays and lbians. "I believe we are between two evils: Rsian homophobic culture and Ukraian homophobic tolerance, " says Olena Semenova, an LGBT activist.


Starg at the Berl Wall mural of Soviet Print Leonid Brezhnev kissg East German lear Erich Honecker on the mouth, Yevhenii Kalashnyk knew was time to e out as gay. * gay kiev *

The Ukraian gay and lbian muny is large and vibrant, pecially Kiev, where gay clubs and bars operate relative peace. Homosexualy was illegal the Soviet Unn and was often equated wh "unterrevolutnary" posns and even fascism — a nvenient way to al wh the regime's enemi.

In another poll, by the Ukraian Gay Alliance and Ukraian State Soclogil Instute, 63 percent labeled homosexualy "a perversn" and "a mental disease. There have been other s of arson, too, long before the one at the Zhovten theater: In 2009, the Kiev art gallery Ya was set on fire after the prentatn of a gay lerary anthology.

In 2012, a few members of parliament proposed a bill to "prohib promotn of homosexualy, " fashned after the notor Rsian laws agast "gay propaganda, " but unr prsure om human rights anizatns and foreign diplomats, the bill never ma past the first readg and has now been permanently shelved. Much of Rsia's anti-Wtern propaganda foc on Europe's tolerance of "sexual perversns" and "moral nce" — Gayropa, as the pro-Kreml media love to ll Europe — and the Ukraian thori do not want to see any such rhetoric jtified, which uld help the separatists and alienate lol nservative groups.


Top Ukrae Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Ukrae, Europe on Tripadvisor. * gay kiev *

Unlike neighborg Poland, there are no openly gay policians Ukrae, though the party of current print Petro Poroshenko jt recently put together a statement support of LGBT rights. " Que possibly, the flash mob was really a provotn — such tactics are not new the handbook of the secury servic — but the paradox remas: LGBT groups took an active stand agast a display of LGBT inty bee of the unrstandg that talkg about gay rights Ukrae the current polil suatn was a huge liabily. Although one of the tac goals of the revolutn was to create a more jt and equal society, many Ukrae rema eply prejudiced agast gays and lbians, even pared to nservative societi plac like Turkey, where the Gezi Park protts agast the ernment of Recep Tayyip Erdogan the summer of 2013 openly embraced LGBT groups.

The mayor of Kiev, Klschko, ma an appeal to ncel last year's March for Equaly, for stance, cg secury ncerns, which were certaly real (the first March for Equaly failed 2012, when thoands of natnalists threatened vlence and some gay activists were beaten; 2013, a small group managed to march jt 300 meters along a Kiev street guard by over 1, 000 secury officers), but he also lled the march "an entertament event, " fundamentally failg to unrstand s purpose promotg human rights and better mocratic standards. This topic was fotten, " says Svyatoslav Sheremet of the Ukraian Gay Fom, who was btally beaten by natnalist thugs durg the failed march 2012.

Meanwhile, LGBT refuge have been arrivg Kiev om Crimea and eastern Ukrae, nng away om both war and risg levels of vlent homophobia. In Crimea, for example, the new prime mister, Sergei Aksyonov, has said that they "do not need such people, " while separatist ernments eastern Ukrae have reportedly crimalized homosexualy g Soviet legal templat. Post-Maidan Ukrae is still a place where law and orr rema eply problematic, the secury servic are effective, and aggrsn and ary machismo have bee part of daily life — not the sort of atmosphere which gay and lbian Ukraians n feel a part of their new, remoled untry.


By Slava Tserman On June 12, the Gay Para took place the Ukraian pal. The march was advertised as an actn to protect not only members of LGBT muny, but also all the discrimated agast tegori of cizens. Its ma slogan was "Human Rights are the untry's secury." It had official name “Equaly March.” * gay kiev *

El rte pelo que lleva, afirma, podría ser motivo que le moltaran o le llamasen gay en Crimea, “una sociedad cerrada y vlenta”.


Gay Kiev bygui til homoseksuelle rejsen. Oversigt over byen, homoseksuelle, hvordan man kommer rtil, rejsetips, populære turistattraktner i Kiev. * gay kiev *

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KIEV (Thomson Rters Foundatn) - Starg at the Berl Wall mural of Soviet Print Leonid Brezhnev kissg East German lear Erich Honecker on the mouth, Yevhenii Kalashnyk knew was time to e out as gay. “I was emotnally full, ” he told the Thomson Rters Foundatn an said he had only kissed another man for the first time a few months earlier and had arrived the German pal about 60-days to his first trip to wtern Europe where he hoped to fd some peace of md after a difficult while gay sex has been legal Ukrae sce 1991, remas socially taboo wh lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) people facg stigma, discrimatn and sometim vlent attacks, rights groups say. Ukraian thori have creased their support for gay rights sce a pro-Wtern ernment took power followg the Maidan protts 2014 and 2015 passed a law banng workplace discrimatn agast the LGBT crics say homophobic attus rema wispread.


<b>Rsia and s alli untri like Ukrae are fomentg anti-gay sentiment an effort to ph back the European Unn's eastern expansn.</b> “Now, the fight [is] between East and Wt, Rsia and Europe — Ukrae is the field of the battle,” said one LGBT activist. * gay kiev *

RAINBOW SAFE HOUSEToo aaid to go home to Nikopol, Kalashnyk head to Kiev when he returned to Ukrae about a month later where he found acmodatn wh Insight, a lol gay rights anizatn ns Ukrae’s first and only LGBT shelter - a four-room flat, wh bunk beds, a kchen and munal area, an old apartment block outsi Kiev’s cy to eight guts at a time n receive food, clothg, medic, a travel rd, as well as legal and psychologil help, and n stay up to three months, extendable on an ad hoc basis, Insight says.

Members of the LGBT muny were also affected by the vlence wh many losg their jobs, havg their ho damaged or suffered homophobic attacks amid the upheaval, said Olga Olshanskaya, the Insight shelter said transgenr people were particularly vulnerable to abe as they had to show ID documents that did not reflect their appearance or sex at checkpots nflict-h areas. Kalashnyk said he sometim suffers verbal abe and always rri pepper spray to fight off potential 2015 several dozen protters attacked a gay pri march, throwg flar and clashg wh June this year, the same event went ahead largely whout cint unr heavy secury followg threats om ultra-natnalist groups supportg what they say are tradnal Ukraian, who works the pharmactil sector, cid agast attendg the rally se lleagu regnized him. In anticipatn of the Equaly March activists, some of the right-wg anizatns, particular the “Right Sector” and “Organizatn of Ukraian Natnalists”, announced their tentn to prevent the gay para.

They anized medil aid for the opponents of the March, however, such aid was not need, bee none of the homophob were physilly damaged. I dag er Kiev et af vigtigste dtrielle, vinskabelige, økonomiske, uddannelsmæssige og kulturelle centre i Østropa med en bken homoseksuel scene.


Masha Gsen reports on the vlent attacks on the Kiev Gay Pri Para. * gay kiev *

Homoseksualet er et tabuemne, forstærket af kirkens dflylse og n emhersken sovjetiske holdng til ”unormal” ikke-heteroseksuel adfærd. Der har været tilfæl, hvor homoseksuelle par er blevet bedt om at forla rtranter, og homofob vold er ikke uhørt.

Kiev fungerer som Ukra homoseksuelle center, selvom t i sammenligng med andre ropæiske hovedstær kan virke manglen. Der er et bkent udvalg af Gay barer og klubber Homoseksuelle snaer for homoseksuelle bøgen at ny, hvilket tiltrækker provsielle homoseksuelle raere. Det har taget et stykke tid for Kiev at være vært for s første regelmæssige gay Pri-para (kendt som Equaly March).


Gay Ukrae: How safe / accepted is the LGBTQ+ muny Eastern Europe? All about how lbian, gay, transgenr & queer people live * gay kiev *

Medvedch created the anizatn wh the sole purpose of lobbyg agast Ukrae strengtheng s ti wh the European Unn — and is stirrg up opposn to LGBT rights as part of the passg the "homosexual propaganda" law this summer, Rsian lears have creasgly ed opposn to gay rights — along wh an ostentat embrace of the Orthodox Church — to fe the untry opposn to the Wt.


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