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Michael Wilson" class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-bnbkt2-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Leala Brekalo at her clive new Fremantle bar, The Flamg Galah. Michael Wilson</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->Michael Wilson<span>/</span>The Wt Atralian</span></span></figptn></figure></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><h1 emProp="headle" class="css-1d82-StyledHeadle e6r4fv90">Fremantle’s first queer bar The Flamg Galah opens time for PriFEST</h1></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><addrs class="css-ycmgy8-StyledByle e1qmdp8f21"><div class="css-jfngg4-StyledByleText e1qmdp8f20"><div class="css-nemhhm-StyledByleTextWrapper e1qmdp8f13"><div class="css-mzi4ul-StyledByleTextWrap e1qmdp8f16"><span emspe="" emType=" class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15"><span emProp="name">Indigo Lemay-Conway</span></span><span class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15">PerthNow - Fremantle</span></div></div><div class="css-3nalsi-StyledMetaDataWrapper e1qmdp8f3"><time dateTime="2022-11-19T02:00+0800" class="e1qmdp8f10 css-eddwdk-StyledTimtamp-StyledTimtamp oze8g2">November 19, 2022 2:00AM</time></div></div><div class="css-a5s9re-StyledButtonContaer e1qmdp8f1"></div></addrs></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><div class="topic-list hi-prt css-1baot6e-StyledTopicListContaer exqmkap3"><h2 class="css-zshng4-StyledHear exqmkap1">Topics</h2><nav class="css-1dtlpsd-StyledTopicNav exqmkap2"><a data-sectn="lol-news" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/lol-news/south">South</a><a data-sectn="lol-news" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/travel/food-we">Food & Drks</a><a data-sectn="lol-news" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/lol-news">Lol News</a><a data-sectn="lol-news" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/lol-news/perthnow-emantle">PerthNow - Fremantle</a></nav></div></div><div><div class="css-czxz1x-StyledArticleContent ell6x8x3"><div class="js-taboolaReadMoreContent css-1bgobxc-StyledBlockContent eh7f8mi1" id="ArticleContent"><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Fremantle’s first queer bar is set to open this month, jt time for PriFEST.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Tucked jt off the ma Cappucco Strip, The Flamg Galah has been five years the makg for owners Leala and Babs Brekalo after a lol Facebook group post sparked their tert the one-of-a-kd Freo venue.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“Someone asked if there were any gay bars Freo and spun out to this huge 400-ment thread about why ’d be great to have a gay bar or why we didn’t need one,” Leala said. “I thk was the whole argument om straight people explag why there didn’t need to be a gay bar here that end up beg the exact thg that nvced me that we did.</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div class="css-1ilcqyj-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-one css-ssup-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4"></div></div></div></div><div class="css-yg1vrf-StyledDigalEdnContaer e179f1gz8"><div class="css-1i6beiz-StyledDigalEdnBorr e179f1gz7"><div class="css-peiu-StyledTextContaer e179f1gz2"><div class="css-1qfojhz-StyledHearContaer e179f1gz5"><span class="css-11tlra9-StyledPNHeadg e179f1gz4">PerthNow <span class="css-1iuzqe-StyledDigalEdnHeadg e179f1gz3">Digal Edn</span>.</span></div><span class="css-7sh12u-StyledPromoText e179f1gz1">Your lol paper, whenever you want .</span></div><div id="DigalEdnButton"><a appearance="article-le" class="css-1i1eaen-StyledButton e179f1gz6" href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read now</a></div></div></div><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“People were jt really unaware and unted about what means to have that safe space ... and ever sce then, I’ve been sayg to my wife we should be the on to do .”</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">After spendg the past or so nng the Lol Hotel and Ltle Creatur, the duo cid to jump to their new venture together and create a “home away om home” for the queer muny.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Leala said was their “queer perspective” rather than the “normal heteronormative perspective” that stood apart om other lol venu.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“We jt wanted to reflect and our perspective of what’s normal to ,” she said.</p><figure class="css-1wv58ho-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-2skhu5-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="3648:5472" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="Leala Brekalo at her clive new Fremantle bar, The Flamg Galah. Michael Wilson" class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-d9jo32-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In

gay fremantle

Take advantage of Menspac to appear for sentially the most appropriate Gay Dis Fremantle (Cy) even though you keep Fremantle. Our wi spots talog is gettg bigger jt about everyday thanks to folks like you.



Sniffi is a morn, map-based, meetup app for gay, bi, and cur guys. It’s fast, fun, and ee to e and has quickly bee the hottt, fastt-growg cisg platform for guys lookg for sual hookups their area. The Sniffi map updat realtime, showg nearby guys, active groups, and popular meetg spots. Sniffi is refully crafted wh groundbreakg tools and cuttg-edge featur signed to make meetg guys as quick, easy, and excg as possible. * gay fremantle *

“Someone asked if there were any gay bars Freo and spun out to this huge 400-ment thread about why ’d be great to have a gay bar or why we didn’t need one, ” Leala said. “I thk was the whole argument om straight people explag why there didn’t need to be a gay bar here that end up beg the exact thg that nvced me that we lol paper, whenever you want .

Sniffi is a morn, map-based, meetup app for gay, bi, and cur guys. -> Sniffi is a morn, map-based, meetup app for gay, bi, and cur guys. Google Search Rults PreviewSniffi | For The Cur is a morn, map-based, meetup app for gay, bi, and cur guys.


From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-iendly hotels, you have the optn to stay the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods the plac you vis. A loft Soho, a shared room Barcelona or the Castro, a gay-iendly hotel Le Marais or Chelsea, experience misterb&b all gay travel statns! Contact via phone 0487 595 672, email: [email protected], or BI+ COMMUNITY PERTH – is a safe place for people who are not gay or straight (we e the term ‘bisexual’ as an umbrella term for that) to engage rpectful discsn, nnect wh people, and form muny onle.

Our visn is to see “The LGBTQI+ muny unr one platform; brought together, bee we are stronger together” COUNTRY NETWORK – Country Network (CN) – ung gay and bisexual men across Atralia iendship, socialisg, fun, support and ntact. CN has been operatg for 45 years and was ially formed NSW to promote a lk for gay men ral areas to ntact others their muny or the cy.


LIVING PROUD – (formerly Gay & Lbian Communy Servic of WA). PFLAG PERTH – (PARENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF LESBIANS & GAYS — is a muny anisatn offerg support and unrstandg for fai and iends wh loved on who are LGBTI.


Pri WA enurag the cultural exprsn, celebratn and human rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, tersex, queer and all people of diverse sexualy and genr livg Wtern Atralia. PRIMETIMERS WA — If you are a mature gay or bisexual man, we are keen to wele you to Prime Timers.

QLife provis natn-wi, early terventn, peer supported telephone and web based servic to support Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr and Intersex (LGBTI) people of all ag. E: [email protected] — SHUTTERPUPS An rmal social group for gay photographers. In Menspac you will e across the bt gay gui of all ter, you n disver rmatn about clubs, gyms and rtrants for the gay you are terted gay events, you n search a gay gui to Fremantle to lote all about the upg shows.

Typil events and gathergs are scribed wh well-known lotns for the same beg listed the most attractive gay gui to Fremantle. For this e, even a lengthy time rint should go out and grab a py if they wish to prerve abreast of the happengs the you are settlg down the area wh the tentn of begng a fay, a popular Fremantle gay gui offers credibly tailed tails to ntemplate like out there schools and transport lks the area. If you happen to be tired of repeatg the very same plans over and more than, is time to know where are the greatt gay parti and gyms the cy.


Check out the gay gui you will obta our webse you n disver the most prehensive Fremantle gay gui, ntas about the very bt plac of your cy for the gay neighborhood.

Sce of equent modifitns plans and the rapid velopment of the lotn, an on the versn of the gay Fremantle (Fremantle, Wtern Atralia) is available on the se Menspac which is far more equently que a few gay areas have cropped up a specific lotn of a cy, that area n be marted and subsequently signated as a gay are exactly where the retail facili for stance, are equented by members of the LGBT neighborhood.


The most popular Fremantle gay gui ought to provi some enuragements and vatns for those guts who are forced to live closeted liv back hoe to e and explore to e across themselv the opportuni for exprsn obtaable the day there are much more gay areas to vis, disver a gay Fremantle (Fremantle, Wtern Atralia) to hold up wh the trendit plac and do not miss any party wh your buddi. If you are a new rint the lotn and are cur about your new surroundgs, lookg for and selectg up a py of a Fremantle gay gui is necsary to faiarize your self wh the history, prent and projected future of the 2023Social media and by extensn the , has helped to propagate the transform perceptn of the LGBT neighborhood to a optimistic wholome one exactly where members jt want to be regnized as who they are not what their sexual orientatn is. Contaed si a popular gay North Fremantle (Fremantle, Wtern Atralia) is a topographil map showg pots of tert such as retail tablishments, rtrants, f, hotels, and rintial buildgs the gay North Fremantle gay gui (offered on-le right here at Menspac) is a should have for you who is new to the regn.

In a gay North Fremantle (Fremantle, Wtern Atralia) you n unver all the gay events the cy, such as nightclubs or popular rtrants, check out Menspac for more not wa anymore and search our gay gui, do not only rporate the ft parti but also livers about gyms and spas only for the gay muny.

A plete overview of the distct hotels offered the area should be loted a North Fremantle gay gui. This is to support vatners terme much more effortlsly their preferred sectn of the gay regn to occupy and paras which serve to enurage closeted gay dividuals to be openly exprsive about their sexualy have been stmental alterg the public view of the LGBT neighborhood as more properly-adjtú people e out as beg secretly gay.


Also nveniently loted around the gay regns, there are some great gay snas wh morn gear and style, bar and smokg garn, glassed dry sna, steam sna and ial-floor lockers. You n effortlsly lote anizatns that support gays, bisexuals, lbians and transgenred people via the onle.


Friendships n be emed as one of the blsgs of life, but gay dividuals do not ually receive and they n nsir of receivg help om . The gay datg platforms have specifilly been veloped for gay sgl like you, who are terted meetg other folks om the exact same regn. Gay muni are ubiquo the signifint populo ci of the globe wh a number of gay plac creatg the siar cy to ter to the alternative way of life mands of the LGBT muny.

Gay gyms supply fabulo door pools, roof prime sun cks, variety of spa and massage servic wh outstandg -hoe rtrants which serve a variety of healthier dish at affordable sts.

If you are born gay, you do not will need to be ncerned about anythg due to the fact this globe will soon turn out to be a far better spot for you to ri .


You require to check out, at least each and every week, our webse to keep up wh all the events the gay area of your cy sce the clubs never qu throwg credible parti each and every weekend. A Gay Dis Fremantle (Cy) is a lotn exactly where you n have a handful of drks wh iends though you enjoy the greatt mic the gay scene your n fd all sorts of mic and drks a Gay Dis Fremantle (Cy) based on the regn you're visg, enter Menspac for a lot more tails.

A large venue for gatherg among, bi-sexual, lbian muny uld be lled a gay club when smaller sized venu bar pubs. Addnal lately, bisexual clubs & events are typilly advertised by handg out eye-tchg flyers on street, iendly shops & venu, clubs and are fairly number of gay club about you & if you know you aren't straight, go for . Dalle mere private e gli appartamenti agli hotel LGBTQ-iendly, hai la possibilà di soggrnare nel cuore i distretti gay e di altri quartieri nei posti che visi.

Un loft a Soho, una mera ndivisa a Barcellona o nel Castro, un hotel gay-iendly a Le Marais o Chelsea, vivi misterb&b tutte le stazni di viagg gay!


Gay. Gay,. gay.



Fremantle bt gay acmodatns: book rooms, apartments & hotels .