Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr Studi < Universy of California, Berkeley

gay lesbian and bisexual study

Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr Studi Mor Program, Unrgraduate



See what ’s like to major Gay and Lbian Studi and learn what a sample llege curriculum clus and the reers you’ll be prepared for after graduatn. * gay lesbian and bisexual study *

There has been a signifint number of high-impact jobs workg wh the gay and lbian populatn much longer than there has been an entire major on which to build a foundatn for those jobs. Gay and lbian studi is a multidisciplary major that will give you a strong body of knowledge gay and lbian history and culture. The gay and lbian muny—often lled the lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenred (LGBT) muny—has faced many challeng over the years and still fac many challeng today.

Good readg, wrg, and spoken munitn skills will be val to your succs a gay and lbian studi major, so be sure to take advanced urs English, languag, history, and other humani discipl. If your school or muny has any gay and lbian anizatns, beg volved might give you some good perspectiv wh which to beg your llege studi. Published fal eded form as:PMCID: PMC4887282NIHMSID: NIHMS789458AbstractToday’s lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) youth e out at younger ag, and public support for LGBT issu has dramatilly creased, so why do LGBT youth ntue to be at high risk for promised mental health?

Keywords: LGBT, sexual orientatn, genr inty, youthINTRODUCTIONIn the perd of only two s, there has been dramatic emergence of public and scientific awarens of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) liv and issu.


This awarens n be traced to larger soccultural shifts unrstandgs of sexual and genr inti, cludg the emergence of the “gay rights” movement the 1970s and the advent of HIV/AIDS the 1980s. Yet the first public and rearch attentn to young LGBTs foced explicly on mental health: A small number of studi the 1980s began to intify ncerng rat of reported suicidal behavr among “gay” youth, and a US feral report on “gay youth suici” (Gibson 1989) beme ntroversial both polics and rearch (Rsell 2003).

Most of the knowledge base has foced on sexual inti (and historilly mostly on gay and lbian inti), wh much ls empiril study of mental health among transgenr or genr-nonnformg youth. Historil trends social acceptance the Uned Stat show, for example, that 43% of US adults agreed that “gay or lbian relatns between nsentg adults should be legal” 1977; by 2013 that number had grown to 66% (Gallup 2015). Durg adolcence, youth general report stronger prejudicial attus and more equent homophobic behavr at younger ag (Poteat & Anrson 2012).


2014) sum, chang societal acceptance of LGBT people have ma g out possible for ntemporary youth, yet the age of g out now tersects wh the velopmental perd characterized by potentially tense terpersonal and social regulatn of genr and sexualy, cludg homophobia. We then highlight studi that foc on factors that protect and foster rilience among LGBT to the 1970s, the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn’s (APA’s) Diagnostic and Statistil Manual of Mental Disorrs (DSM) listed homosexualy as a “socpathic personaly disturbance” (Am. 1948, 1953) and psychologil parisons between heterosexual and gay men (Hooker 1957) fostered a change attus om the psychologil muny and motivated the APA’s removal of homosexualy as a mental disorr 1973 (although all ndns related to same-sex attractn were not removed until 1987).

Over the past 50 years, the psychologil disurse regardg same-sex sexualy shifted om an unrstandg that homosexualy was trsilly lked wh poor mental health toward unrstandg the social termants of LGBT mental health.

Generally, Meyer (2003) poss three strs procs om distal to proximal: (a) objective or external strsors, which clu stctural or stutnalized discrimatn and direct terpersonal teractns of victimizatn or prejudice; (b) one’s expectatns that victimizatn or rejectn will occur and the vigilance related to the expectatns; and (c) the ternalizatn of negative social attus (often referred to as ternalized homophobia). Conceptual mol of ntextual fluenc on lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) youth mental health and associated implitns for polici, programs, and practice. When parg the fdgs to mental health diagnosis rat the general populatn, the difference is stark: Almost 18% of lbian and gay youth participants met the creria for major prsn and 11.


Mental Health Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr (LGBT) Youth - PMC .