So what, I'm gay, don't matter. God a't ma you no better than me. When I pray, he still answers... (parol la chanson So What – EMPIRE CAST)
Empire Cast "So What": So what, I'm gay, don't matter. God a't ma you no better than me. When I pray, he still answe... * so what i gay empire *
So what, I'm gay, don't matter. So what I'm gay. No big ever sce actor Jsie Smollett was st Empire, Lee Daniels's hip-hop primetime soap on Fox, people have wonred if he was openly gay, as his character Jamal stggl wh homophobia om his fay and the mic scene which he's volved.
* so what i gay empire *
Up until now, Smollett has kept quiet to enquiri about his personal life and whether he's openly gay.