2021 Chate La Flr Gay, Pomerol | pric, stor, tastg not & market data

chateau de gay pomerol

A profile of Châte Le Gay, a famed Pomerol tate, prented four parts. Here part one I look at the origs of the domae, and s history through to the time of the Rob sisters.



Several important crics have rated this Pomerol we highly: Jeff Leve, The We Cellar Insir gave the 2022 vtage a sre of we has won many awards: the 2019 vtage was award 2 stars f ... Stor and pric for 'Chate Le Gay, Pomerol' | tastg not, market data, pric and stor Rsia. * chateau de gay pomerol *

From 100% Merlot, this we, which is the send we of Chate Le Gay, is medium bodied, soft, polished, h and displays a gentle, plummy character. There is no doubt that the passn and ditn of Cathere Pere-Verge helped turn Chate Le Gay om an acceptable Borx tate to one of tremendo promise and potential.

Cathere’s fluence turned thgs around, and om 2005 the qualy and style om this otherwise fantastic terroir have taken a great leap om near-miscule yields of jt 15-20 hectolr per hectare, Le Gay’s w – typilly a blend of 50% Merlot and 50% Caber Franc – are ncentrated, eply flavoured and provi the rich, opulent texture one would expect om a solid Pomerol.

Dpe s extensive history, Le Gay has taken s time g back to the nscns of the fe we dtry, but 's certaly been helped along by enuragg sr om the lik of Robert Parker and Jam Sucklg. Sce 2003 Le Gay’s vtag have performed creasgly well, wh the 2010 particular receivg an imprsive 99 pots om Parker. As is often the se wh Pomerol tat, the exact origs of Chate Le Gay are unknown, although given the proximy of the tat Chate La Flr du Gay, Chate La Croix du Gay and Chate Vr Croix du Gay, seems likely that the name at least relat to a historil figure of some signifince the is known, however, that durg the 18th century the tate was owned by Louis-Leonard Fontemog – his fay beg important negociants and landowners that crop up repeatedly throughout St En and Pomerol profil.


This we has won many awards: the Gui Hachette s Vs award the 2000 vtage 2 stars up cœur and the 2017 vtage 1 star.Several important crics have rated this Pomerol we is ... Stor and pric for 'Chate La Croix Gay, Pomerol' | pric, stor, tastg not and market data. * chateau de gay pomerol *

In 1872, a small plot of nearby v were add to the his portfol, but was kept separate om the Le Gay tate. This new veyard is today known as Chate Henri’s passg, the tate was sold 1915 to Andre Rob, who had married Henri’s granddghter Gabrielle Greloud, effectively keepg Chate Le Gay the same fay.

Cric sr rose acrdgly, and Cathere branched out the bs, purchasg other tat and Cathere passed away April 2013, the res of the reborn Chate Le Gay were passed to her son Henri Parent, who is now rponsible for all of Cathere’s Pomerol empire, cludg Châte La Vlette, Châte Tristan and Châte Montviel  Pomerol, as well as Châte La Gravière  Lalan Pomerol. Châte Le Gay.


The 2018 vtage was award 1 star om the Gui Hachette s Vs.Several important crics have rated this Pomerol we average populary among w om this regn. Demand for this we has ... Stor and pric for 'Manoir De Gay, Pomerol' | pric, stor, tastg not and market data. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Jt a few hundred metr away sat Châte Le Gay, the pale-yellow-gold of the stone gleamg the Autumn sunshe on what was a hot and humid day, so very typil of the 2013 harvt. Châte Le Gay clearly has some illtr neighbours; while there are w of varyg qualy available om those nam listed above, some are the very crème la crème of the appellatn. Châte Le Gay is, would seem, a Pomerol domae worth knowg, and yet is a châte to which I me rather late.

As is the se wh many Pomerol tat, the exact origs of Châte Le Gay, and particular who was rponsible for plantg the first v, is not known.


This we has won many awards: the Gui Hachette s Vs award the 2005 vtage 2 stars and the 2019 vtage 1 Pomerol we has received good sr om var is priced abo ... Stor and pric for 'Chate Vray Croix Gay, Pomerol' | pric, stor, tastg not and market data. * chateau de gay pomerol *

The châte La Croix Gay: a fay property at Pomerol for five centuri.

The veyard of châte La Croix Gay is currently veloped by the Lebreton fay heir of a le of Pomerol wemakers that began their tra 1772 but first arrived the village anctors of the Raynd-Lebreton fay, Mathel and Michel Barrd, received at this date, as a lease om the Hospallers of Sat John of Jesalem, some lands at the center of the Pomerol's shelf. While the 18th century rrpond to the advent of the qualy of the veyards Sat En and Pomerol, 1772 the parish registers specify that Jean Bg, anctor (sixth generatn) to the current owners of the châte La Croix Gay, was wemaker Pomerol. Therefore the current owners of the châte La Croix Gay is probably one of the olst wemaker fay Pomerol.


* chateau de gay pomerol *

Châte La Croix Gay durg the 19th and 20th century. Jean Angle pecially veloped the property, registerg "Châte La Croix Gay" tramark at the very begng of the 20th century, and only sellg is we at the same price than médoc classified Grands Cs (classifitn of 1855). The qualy of the châte La Croix Gay after the send world war is large part due to Noël Raynd.

Perfectnist and wh his willgns to give the bt to his we; succeedg " façon surprenante, grâce à s vifitns perfectnné, l lésim moyens » 4 (surprisly, wh sophistited vifitns, off vtag); this obssively hard worker won, durg the 1970s, numero gold and silver medals at the nurs général agrile 1982, châte La Croix Gay was admted to the prtig Unn s Grands Cs Borx. However, 1997, after 51 harvt (1947-1997) and a life voted to his property and the Pomerol appellatn (active member of the Unn and a foundg member of the brotherhood of the Hospallers of Pomerol (1968)), Noël Raynd permanently rejoed the land he loved so wife Geneviève Raynd then entsted to their dghter Chantal Lebreton the burn of the operatn of the châte la Croix Gay.

Chate La Croix De Gay France Red Borx Pomerol, 750 ml. Châte La Croix Gay is a we tate the north of the highly veted Pomerol appellatn of northeast Borx, on the right bank of the Dordogne river.


Le châte La Croix Gay t issu exclivement la hte terrasse Pomerol. Propriété faiale puis 1477, il t l’une s pl hte exprsn l’appellatn. Tel 05 57 51 19 05. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Rate 2015 Chate La Croix Gay.


Crics have sred this we 89 pots. Users have rated this we 4 out of 5 stars. Far om beg an officially fed or legal term, is almost never ed for we-labelg purpos (although ... Stor and pric for '2015 Chate La Croix Gay, Pomerol' | pric, stor, tastg not and market data. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Chate La Flr De Gay France Red Borx Pomerol, 750 ml. Châte La Flr Gay is a Borx red we ma the Pomerol appellatn om old-ve plots on the property of Chate La Croix Gay.

Chate La Croix Gay. Rate 2021 Chate La Flr Gay.


Crics have sred this we 89 pots. Currently the most searched-for we on our database that is ma om the grape is Pets, om variety is the send most-planted red variety i ... Stor and pric for '2021 Chate La Flr Gay, Pomerol' | pric, stor, tastg not and market data. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Châte Le Gay Manoir Gay Pomerol | Vivo US. La Croix De Gay Pomerol, France, Borx.

La Croix Gay Pomerol 2019.


Crics have sred this we 90 pots. Far om beg an officially fed or legal term, is almost never ed for we-labelg purpos (although ocsnally appears on back la ... Stor and pric for '2019 Chate La Croix Gay, Pomerol' | tastg not, market data, pric and stor Rsia. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Rate 2019 Chate La Croix Gay. Châte Le GayPomerol4. Le Pomerol du Châte Le Gay t un v rouge la régn Pomerol à v t un assemblage 5 cépag qui sont le Caber anc, le Caber-Svignon, le Malbec, le Pet Verdot et le bouche ce v rouge t un v puissant avec un bel équilibre entre l'acidé et l v s'acr généralement bien avec la volaille, du bof ou du Pomerol du Châte Le Gay t dans le top 10 s vs Pomerol.


Le Pomerol du Châte Le Gay t un v rouge la régn Pomerol à Borx. Ce v t un assemblage 5 cépag qui sont le Caber anc, le Caber-Svignon, le Malbec, le Pet Verdot et le Merlot. * chateau de gay pomerol *

Stcture gtative du Pomerol du Châte Le GayLégerPuissantSoupleTanniqueSecMoellxDouxAci. En bouche le Pomerol Châte Le Gay la régn Borx t un v puissant avec un bel équilibre entre l'acidé et l tans. Au nez le Pomerol du Châte Le Gay la régn Borx révèle souvent s typ d'arôm crème, méral & terre ou ssis et parfois ssi s arôm menthe, pnex ou amans.


Le prix, la te, la qualé et la disponibilé s vs Chate Le Gay Pomerol * chateau de gay pomerol *

Détails et rmatns techniqu sur le Pomerol du Châte Le GayAllergènContient s sulfDéuvrez le cépage: Caber ancLe ber anc t l’un s pl vix cépag rouge du borlais.


Le prix, la qualé et la disponibilé s vs Chate Le Gay, Pomerol * chateau de gay pomerol *

L meillrs lésim du Pomerol du Châte Le Gay sont 2016, 2008, 2005, 1982 et 2015.

Informatns sur le Châte Le GayLe domae propose 2 vs différentsS vs obtiennent une note moyenne 4. Retrouvez le Châte Le Gay. Le Châte Le Gay fa parti s pl grands doma mon.

2018 Châte Le Gay Manoir Gay Pomerol | Vivo US. 1990 Châte La Flr Gay Pomerol | Vivo US.


Châte La Croix Gay. Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 202292€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 202294/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202289/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 202185€89/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2021100€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202187/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2020103€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2020120€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202037€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2019104€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2019117€94/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2018122€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2018142€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201844€88/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 201796€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2017112€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2016130€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2016142€92/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2015120€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2015120€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201548€90/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2014111€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2014106€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201436€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 201398€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 201388€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2012126€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2012115€93/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2011116€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2011115€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2010139€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2010228€93/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2009170€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2009189€93/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2008105€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2008151€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2007141€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2006106€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2006127€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2005171€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2005206€94/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 200485€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2003102€90/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2001164€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2000204€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2000156€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1999121€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1998133€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199760€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1996103€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1995139€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1994104€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199357€88/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1990244€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1990150€92/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1989272€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1989270€93/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1988171€92/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1986207€92/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1985114€89/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 198597€90/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1983210€87/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1983111€83/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1982168€85/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1982378€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1964237€Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1950398€Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 19477388€Pl d'. Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 202292€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 202294/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202289/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 202185€89/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2021100€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202187/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2020103€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2020120€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 202037€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2019104€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2019117€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201988/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2018122€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2018142€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201844€88/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 201796€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2017112€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 2017Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2016130€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2016142€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201690/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2015120€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2015120€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201548€90/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2014111€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2014106€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201436€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 201398€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 201388€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201388/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2012126€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2012115€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201289/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2011116€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2011115€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201185/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2010139€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2010228€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 201089/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2009170€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2009189€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200991/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2008105€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2008151€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200892/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 200790/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2007141€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 2007Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2006106€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2006127€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200688/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2005171€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2005206€94/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200588/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 200485€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 200490/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200481/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 200389/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2003102€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200389/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 200289/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 200290/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 200290/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2001164€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 200191/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol Le Manoir gay 2001Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 2000204€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 2000156€91/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1999121€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199989/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1998133€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199889/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 199789/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199760€89/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1996103€91/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199685/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1995139€89/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199589/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1994104€90/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199486/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 199390/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199357€88/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 199287/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 199282/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 199186/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1990244€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1990150€92/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1989272€93/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1989270€93/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1988171€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 198889/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 198788/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1987Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1986207€92/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 198688/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1985114€89/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 198597€90/100Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 198486/100Pl d'Chate Le Gay Pomerol 1984Pl d'Chate La Flr Gay Pomerol 1983210€87/100Pl d'.


Châte La Flr Gay: a five centuri genis.

The veyard of châte La Flr Gay is currently veloped by the Lebreton fay heir of a le of Pomerol wemakers that began their tra 1772 but first arrived the village anctors of the Raynd-Lebreton fay, Mathel and Michel Barrd, received at this date, as a lease om the Hospallers of Sat John of Jesalem, some lands at the center of the Pomerol's shelf. Therefore the current owners of the châte La Flr Gay is probably one of the olst wemaker fay Pomerol.


Borx culture of the blend / Burgundian love of the terroir: the birth of châte La Flr Gay. The clay-gravel soil of Gay, neighborg chate Laflr,. In 1982, wh this three plots he ma châte La Flr Gay bg burgundian ia of « climat », exceptnal dividualy of this three terroirs, and borx culture of the blend.

Châte La Flr Gay was quickly regnized for his excellence:. However, 1997, after 51 harvt (1947-1997) and a life voted to his property and the Pomerol appellatn (active member of the we-growg Unn and a foundg member of the brotherhood of the Hospallers of Pomerol (1968)), Noël Raynd permanently rejoed the land he loved so wife Geneviève Raynd then entsted to their dghter Chantal Lebreton the burn of the operatn of the châte la Flr Gay.



Châte Le Gay Manoir Gay Pomerol | Vivo US .