Dan Savage: How to Get Into Gay Male Bondage | East Bay Exprs | Oakland, Berkeley & Alameda

gay guys in bondage

Boys on Film 15: Time & Tied: Directed by Simon Anrson, Kristen Bjorn, Karl Ecclton, Lloyd Eyre-Man, Brian Fairbairn, Tom Freric, Jake Graf, Leon Lopez, Mchell Marn, Charlie Parham. Wh Amrou Al-Kadhi, Nigel Allen, Ja Bamford, Hans Berl. A seri of ne short films alg wh the varied experienc of gay men." data-id="ma



‘In gay years, you’re rather past your sell-by date, aren’t you?’ the person ont of me said, raisg an eyebrow.  * gay guys in bondage *

I’m a gay male gymnast. But I’ve cybered wh a few guys on Gaydar, etc., and I’ve really enjoyed .

I am a ral area far om the LGBT muny, but I’m planng a weekend the cy soon, and I’m htg the gay bars the hop that if I at least make out wh a guy, I will get some clary. Some days I don’t feel the urge to have sex wh men—believe or not—but that don’t make me any ls gay. 1 week ago > bbergay32.



I’m a sgle gay guy my late 30s. I’ve always found the gay scene overwhelmg, and my several attempts at onle datg were not very succsful. By my looks, I don’t really f to any of the “trib” that a lot of gay men intify wh.


Bee that small scm of guys who f neatly to whatever gay tribe happens to be domatg the bar/pool/whatever—the guys on the si lookg at themselv or lookg at their phon or lookg at themselv on their phon—are ually surround by a much larger group of guys who don’t f neatly to that particular tribe or any other obv tribe. In other words, ALONE, guys like speakg of guys like you, did you know you have a motherfuckg superpower that mak you a member of all gay trib and your own unique tribe? “Bondage is the great unifier among kksters, ” said Joshua Boyd, a gay bondage “enthiast”, as they say, his mid-30s who liv and ti the Seattle area.

”So jt as you’ll fd gay guys every race, ethnic group, enomic class, fah muny, et cetera, bondage guys n be found every gay tribe, and bondage guys make up their own unique tribe.

Boyd scrib himself the same way—shy, troverted, difficulty nnectg—and not only is he married, ALONE, he don’t lack for sual play partners and he’s got play pics all over the Inter to prove Yoshi also scrib himself as shy and troverted—and I recently watched shy, troverted Yoshi do a bondage mo at Tra, a gay leather bar Denver, where he spend a guy om the ceilg. And unlike gay bars or clubs, a person’s skills are jt as important as their looks at gay bondage parti and events.


You n fd Tyger Yoshi on Twter and Instagram havg sex wh multiple partners somethg prevalent the gay muny?

It seems that havg sex is a pretty big al wh gay men. - You Won’t AnswerGay men are men, YWA, and let’s not kid ourselv: y, the average gay guy has more sex partners than the average straight guy.

But straight men would do everythg gay men do if straight men uld, but straight men n’t bee women won’t. It’s not that straight guys are any ls terted sex than gay guys are or that sex is any ls of a “big al” for straight you know what?


Women are jt as horny and jt as terted sex as men—gay, straight, or bi—and that clus sex wh multiple partners. (Shout-out to the asexual gay, straight, and bi men and women out there who aren’t terted sex wh anyone—I don’t mean to erase you, but I’m talkg averag here, the centr of var bell curv, not viatns.


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