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K., Canada and SgaporeSuici Crisis Le: 1-800-999-9999Natnal Suici Preventn Helple: 1-800-273-TALK (8245)Natnal Adolcent Suici Helple: 1-800-621-4000Postpartum Deprsn: 1-800-PPD-MOMSNDMDA Deprsn Hotle – Support Group: 1-800-826-3632Veterans: 1-877-VET2VETCrisis Help Le – For Any Kd of Crisis: 1-800-233-4357Suici & Deprsn Crisis Le – Covenant Hoe: 1-800-999-9999Survivors of Bereavement by Suici: (UK only) 0844-561-6855Beyondblue le: (Atralia only) 1300-22-463624/7 Crisis Le:(Canada only) 905-522-1477Lifele Atralia: 13-11-14Domtic Abe:Natnal Child Abe Helple: 1-800-422-4453Natnal Domtic Vlence Crisis Le: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)Natnal Domtic Vlence Hotle (TDD): 1-800-787-32324Center for the Preventn of School Vlence: 1-800-299-6504Child Abe Helple: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)Domtic Vlence Helple: 1-800-548-2722Healg Woman Foundatn (Abe): 1-800-477-4111Child Abe Hotle Support & Informatn: 1-800-792-5200Women’s Aid Natnal Domtic Vlence Helple: (UK Only) 0345 023 468Sexual Abe Centre: (UK Only) 0117 935 1707Sexual Asslt Support (24/7, English & Spanish): 1-800-223-5001Domtic & Teen Datg Vlence (English & Spanish: 1-800-992-2600Relatnships Atralia: 1300-364-277Alhol & Dg Abe:Natnal Associatn for Children of Alholics: 1-888-55-4COAS (1-888-554-2627)Natnal Dg Abe: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)Al-Anon/Alateen Hope & Help for young people who are the relativ & iends of a problem drker): 1-800-344-2666Alhol/Dg Abe Hotle: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)Be Sober Hotle: 1-800-BE-SOBER (1-800-237-6237)Coe Help Le: 1-800-COCAINE (1-800-262-2463)24 Hour Coe Support Le: 1-800-992-9239Ecstasy Addictn: 1-800-468-6933Marijuana Anonymo: 1-800-766-6779Youth & Teen Hotl:Natnal Youth Crisis Support: 1-800-448-4663Youth Ameri Hotle: 1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-968-8454)Covenant Hoe Ne-Le (Teens): 1-800-999-9999Boys Town Natnal: 1-800-448-3000Teen Helple: 1-800-400-0900TeenLe: 1-800-522-8336Youth Crisis Support: 1-800-448-4663 or 1-800-422-0009Runaway Support (All Calls are Confintial): 800-231-694Natnal Runaway Hotle: (US only) 1800-231-6946Child Helple: (UK Only) 0800-111Kids Helple: (Atralia) 1800-55-1800Youth to Youth: (UK only) 020-8896-3675Kids Help Phone Canada: 1800-688-6868Natnal Youth Crisis Hotle:(US only) 800-442-442-4673 Pregnancy Hotl:AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center: 1-800-560-0717Pregnancy Support: 1-800-4-OPTIONS (1-800-467-8466)Pregnancy Natnal Helple: 1-800-356-5761Young Pregnant Support: 1-800 550-4900Gay and Lbian Hotl:The Trevor Helple (For homosexualy qutns or problems): 1-800-850-8078Gay & Lbian Natnal Support: 1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, and Transgenr (GLBT) Youth Support Le: 1-800-850-8078Lbian & Gay Swchboard: (UK Only) 0121 622 6589Lothian Gay & Lbian Swchboard – Stland: (Stland Only) 0131 556 4049Other Hotl:Self-Injury Support: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288) ()Eatg Disorrs Awarens and Preventn: 1-800-931-2237 (Hours: 8am-noon daily, PST)Eatg Disorrs Center: 1-888-236-1188Help Fdg a Therapist: 1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)Panic Disorr Informatn and Support: 1-800-64-PANIC (1-800-647-2642)TalkZone (Peer Counselors): 1-800-475-TALK (1-800-475-2855)Parental Strs Hotle: 1-800-632-8188Parent Help Le (Atralia only): 1300-364-100Natnal AIDS Helple: (UK Only) 0800 567 123Mensle Atralia: 1300-789-978Want a untry by untry list? Origatg 1960s Japan, where was known as “yaoi, ” BL typilly picts two men a homoerotic relatnship.
Some LGBTQ activists have acced BL stori of fetishizg and appropriatg gay culture. Wily regnized as South Korea’s first openly gay K-pop artist, the sger and actor Go Tae-seob, who the stage name Holland, starred a BL drama last year and believ that the growg visibily of BL books, TV seri and movi is a posive step. Bdette, who also intifi as gay and is a longstandg BL fan, said the genre will shake up nservative views on genr and sexualy South Korea.