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1.53-1.53.85-1.59 1.7-2.39 3.15-2.03l.02.01c1.66.4 2.28 1.89 1.84 3.69a5.467 5.467 0 01-2.2 3.2zM17.82 62.93l.65-1.77 8.06 2.94-.64 1.77-8.07-2.94zM23.69 59.41l-.03-.01c-2.16-1.12-3.05-3.75-1.83-6.1 1.22-2.35 3.85-3.13 6.01-2l.02.01c2.16 1.12 3.05 3.75 1.83 6.1-1.21 2.35-3.84 3.13-6 2zm3.29-6.34l-.02-.01c-1.31-.68-2.89-.29-3.59 1.07-.7 1.34-.12 2.83 1.18 3.51l.02.01c1.3.68 2.89.28 3.59-1.06.7-1.35.12-2.84-1.18-3.52zM26.41 45.75l1.05-1.39h6.63l-4.2-3.2 1.13-1.48 6.83 5.2-.98 1.28h-6.85l4.34 3.3-1.13 1.48-6.82-5.19zM36.19 34.22l1.27-1.19 8.6 3.77-1.44 1.35-1.89-.86-2.64 2.49.75 1.93-1.4 1.32-3.25-8.81zm4.91 2.32l-2.74-1.25 1.08 2.81 1.66-1.56zM43.14 28.32l1.56-1.08 3.91 5.64 3.52-2.44.97 1.41-5.07 3.52-4.89-7.05zM57.58 24.53l-.01-.03c-.91-2.26.1-4.82 2.52-5.79 1.43-.58 2.45-.54 3.57-.17l-.57 1.77c-.82-.26-1.48-.34-2.41.03-1.27.51-1.84 2.04-1.29 3.4l.01.02c.58 1.46 2.01 2.12 3.42 1.55.64-.25 1.14-.64 1.46-1.14l-.46-1.13-1.76.71-.61-1.51 3.46-1.39 1.4 3.46c-.54 1.02-1.43 2.04-2.89 2.63-2.49 1-4.9-.06-5.84-2.41zM68.3 20.46v-.03c-.51-2.38.96-4.74 3.54-5.29 2.59-.55 4.86.98 5.37 3.37l.01.03c.51 2.38-.95 4.74-3.55 5.29-2.59.55-4.86-.98-5.37-3.37zm6.99-1.49l-.01-.02c-.31-1.44-1.62-2.41-3.1-2.1-1.49.32-2.26 1.71-1.96 3.15l.01.03c.31 1.43 1.62 2.41 3.11 2.09 1.48-.31 2.26-1.71 1.95-3.15zM80.43 13.93l1.88-.1.38 6.85 4.27-.23.09 1.71-6.16.34-.46-8.57zM90.27 13.67l6.51.52-.14 1.71-4.63-.38-.15 1.83 4.08.33-.14 1.71-4.08-.33-.27 3.31-1.88-.15.7-8.55zM100.57 14.8l6.31 1.43-.37 1.63-4.48-1.01-.39 1.7 3.95.89-.37 1.64-3.95-.89-.4 1.75 4.55 1.03-.38 1.64-6.38-1.44 1.91-8.37zM110.85 17.44l3.65 1.42c1.02.4 1.69.99 2.02 1.34-.04 2.1l-.01.02c-.5 1.29-1.51 1.83-2.68 1.81l.84 3.61-2.06-.8-.72-3.22-.02-.01-1.36-.53-1 2.56-1.76-.69 3.14-7.99zm2.03 5.26c.85.33 1.52.07 1.78-.6l.01-.03c.29-.75-.08-1.34-.93-1.68l-1.75-.69-.89 2.3 1.78.7zM117.01 27.92l1.63-.61c.36.94.86 1.69 1.71 1.23.35 1.48-.09l.01-.02c.24-.42.1-.78-.96-1.8-1.28-1.24-2.01-2.2-1.17-3.69l.01-.02c.77-1.35 2.37-1.63 3.89-.76 1.09.62 1.82 1.49 2.23 2.53l-1.56.75c-.39-.83-.88-1.48-1.52-1.84-.63-.36-1.12-.26-1.33.1l-.01.02c-.28.49-.05.83 1.05 1.9 1.29 1.26 1.83 2.29 1.09 3.58l-.01.02c-.84 1.48-2.45 1.67-4.06.75a5.466 5.466 0 01-2.48-2.99zM127.16 29.19c.74.42 1.33.32 1.68-.29l-.62-.44 1.14-1.6 1.61 1.16-.97 1.34c-.94 1.31-1.98 1.37-3.18.54l.34-.71zM140.2 36.01l1.2 1.26-3.75 8.61-1.36-1.44.86-1.89-2.5-2.63-1.93.75-1.32-1.4 8.8-3.26zm-2.3 4.91l1.24-2.74-2.81 1.08 1.57 1.66zM139.69 46.55l1.73.15c-.08 1 .05 1.89.62 1.37.55l.02-.02c.39-.27.43-.65-.1-2.04-.62-1.67-.87-2.86.53-3.83l.02-.01c1.28-.89 2.84-.46 1.03 1 2.12.93 3.24l-1.72.01c0-.93-.17-1.72-.58-2.31-.42-.59-.9-.72-1.25-.48l-.02.02c-.46.32-.4.73.13 2.16.62 1.69.67 2.85-.55 3.71l-.02.01c-1.4.97-2.93.46-3.99-1.06a5.535 5.535 0 01-.96-3.78zM144.73 54.01l1.7.39c-.22.98-.21 1.88.24 1.29.74l.02-.01c.43-.22.51-.59.19-2.04-.39-1.74-.48-2.95 1.04-3.72l.02-.01c1.39-.71 2.87-.07 3.66 1.5.57 1.11.71 2.24.49 3.33l-1.71-.22c.12-.92.06-1.73-.26-2.37-.33-.65-.8-.83-1.17-.64l-.03.01c-.5.26-.5.67-.16 2.16.38 1.76.28 2.91-1.05 3.6l-.03.01c-1.51.78-2.96.06-3.8-1.59-.6-1.17-.79-2.55-.44-3.89zM151.77 61.47l.02-.01c2.32-.75 4.82.46 5.63 2.98.82 2.51-.47 4.93-2.79 5.69h-.02c-2.32.76-4.82-.45-5.64-2.97-.81-2.51.49-4.93 2.8-5.69zm2.21 6.8h.03c1.4-.46 2.23-1.86 1.76-3.3-.47-1.45-1.94-2.08-3.34-1.62l-.02.01c-1.39.46-2.23 1.86-1.76 3.31.47 1.42 1.93 2.06 3.33 1.6zM155.26 73.2l.02-.01c2.41-.35 4.66 1.17 5.04 3.78.24 1.6-.15 2.64-.81 3.54l-1.55-.99c.5-.74.76-1.46.64-2.31-.21-1.43-1.56-2.29-3.01-2.07h-.03c-1.45.22-2.52 1.41-2.3 1.51 1.32 2.08l-1.02 1.37c-1.06-.74-1.79-1.62-2.03-3.26-.37-2.48 1.29-4.62 3.73-4.99zM160.82 84.12l.05 1.88-8.57.25-.06-1.88 8.58-.25zM160.71 93.24l-.16 1.73-8.94 2.87.18-1.97 1.99-.61.33-3.61-1.84-.96.18-1.92 8.26 4.47zm-5.21 1.52l2.87-.88-2.67-1.39-.2 2.27zM157.5 102.64l.59-2.54 1.69.39-1.6 6.92-1.7-.39.59-2.55-6.67-1.54.43-1.84 6.67 1.55zM157.04 110.82l-.63 1.78-8.09-2.85.62-1.78 8.1 2.85zM151.21 114.4l.02.01c2.18 1.1 3.09 3.72 1.9 6.08s-3.81 3.17-5.99 2.07l-.02-.01c-2.18-1.1-3.09-3.72-1.9-6.09 1.2-2.36 3.82-3.16 5.99-2.06zm-3.22 6.38l.02.01c1.31.66 2.89.26 3.58-1.1s.09-2.84-1.22-3.51l-.02-.01c-1.32-.67-2.9-.26-3.58 1.1-.69 1.36-.09 2.84 1.22 3.51zM148.64 128.09l-1.04 1.4-6.63.07 4.24 3.15-1.12 1.49-6.89-5.12.96-1.29 6.86-.08-4.37-3.26 1.11-1.49 6.88 5.13z"></path></g><g><path fill="#00234B" d="M7.73 87.57c0 44.02 35.82 79.84 79.84 79.84s79.84-35.82 79.84-79.84c0-44.03-35.82-79.84-79.84-79.84-44.03 0-79.84 35.81-79.84 79.84zM87.57 8.96c43.34 0 78.61 35.26 78.61 78.61 0 43.34-35.26 78.6-78.61 78.6-43.34 0-78.6-35.26-78.6-78.6-.01-43.34 35.25-78.61 78.6-78.61z"></path><path fill="#00234B" d="M0 87.57c0 48.28 39.28 87.57 87.57 87.57 48.29 0 87.57-39.29 87.57-87.57C175.13 39.28 135.86 0 87.57 0 39.28 0 0 39.28 0 87.57zm4.62 0c0-45.73 37.21-82.94 82.94-82.94 45.74 0 82.95 37.21 82.95 82.94s-37.21 82.95-82.95 82.95c-45.72 0-82.94-37.22-82.94-82.95z"></path><path 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jss207" data-gtm-tegory="From the PGA">From the PGA</h6><h1 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h3 MuiTypography-gutterBottom" data-gtm-story="Welg the LGBTQ Communy to the Golf Course" data-cy="article-headle">Welg the LGBTQ Communy to the Golf Course</h1><div class="MuiBox-root jss208"><div class="MuiBox-root jss209" data-gtm-thor="Charl Dillahunt and Chris Noble">By <!-- -->Charl Dillahunt and Chris Noble</div><div class="MuiBox-root jss210">Published on <time dateTime="2020-06-14T14:18:59.893Z">Sunday, June 14, 2020</time></div></div></div></div><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="jss211 jss212"><div class="MuiBox-root jss213"><figure class="jss214 jss215" style="max-width:1800px"><img src="></figure></div><p class="MuiBox-root jss216"><span class="MuiBox-root jss217"></span></p></div></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss218"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg" data-cy="article-body"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-ntaer MuiGrid-spacg-xs-6 MuiGrid-jtify-ntent-xs-center"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-md-8"><div class="MuiBox-root jss219"><div class="jss220 jss221"><div class="rich-paragraph"><i>This article was origally published 2020.</i></div><div class="rich-paragraph">Why is important to wele the LGBTQ muny?</div><div class="rich-paragraph">It’s important bee for years the Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr and Qutng (LGBTQ) muny has been st out of many popular sports cultur, evokg emotns of spair and anxiety for muny members who wanted to engage wh a new sport.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">The golf dtry is currently studyg new ways to further their cln efforts, wh many workg to engage the historilly unengaged LGBTQ muny. Pri Month is celebrated throughout June and provis a special opportuny to step back, reflect and suggt ways you n be proactive vg the LGBTQ muny to participate the game of golf. </div><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">It’s a Matter of Pri</h6><div class="rich-paragraph">Pri, and the march, were created rponse to the Stonewall Rts and through the years the celebratns of remembrance for those lost to HIV, and those who have alt wh discrimatn and hate crim has grown. Now, Pri month is so big bee rporatns have found to be a valuable way to reach the dience wh such huge spendg power. Golf is really no different but is more ut about reachg out and supportg the muny.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">One year ago, the Northern California PGA Sectn and San Francis Pri jotly prented their first-ever Pri Golf Outg as a fundraiser at TPC Hardg Park (which is also schled to host the 2020 PGA Champnship Augt). The event was led by PGA Profsnal Greg Fzgerald and members of SF Pri’s Board of Directors. </div><div class="rich-paragraph">The ma goal of the golf outg was to brg the LGBTQ muny and s alli together an environment that was safe, welg and equable, and hosted the spir of San Francis Pri. Participants enjoyed a fun and easy format, as each group was joed on the urse by a lol PGA Profsnal. The event was nsired a succs, as spired several participants to further play the game.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">It’s important to keep md that what may work for an urban cy California may not work exactly the same way for a ral muny Indiana. Certa areas of the untry may require more effort the areas of safety requirements and greater tn efforts to help others tly unrstand why cludg this muny through certa strategic efforts is necsary. So, you will need to adapt to what works bt your lol muny.</div><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">Steps to Incln</h6><figure class="jss214 jss222" style="max-width:960px"><img src="><div class="MuiBox-root jss223"></div></figure><div class="rich-paragraph">There are actnable steps that golf urse operators and regular everyday golfers alike n take to clu more LGBTQ prence golf. Start by askg...</div><ul><li><div class="rich-paragraph">Do we take the time to wele the LGBTQ muny thentilly? If not, how n we beg to do so?</div></li><li><div class="rich-paragraph">Do our facily target and market events to non-tradnal hoeholds?</div></li><li><div class="rich-paragraph">Are there unique opportuni that we n now explore to create meangful experienc for golfers wh the LGBTQ muny? </div></li></ul><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">Takg a Closer Look at Your Club’s Inclivens</h6><figure class="jss214 jss224" style="max-width:960px"><img src="><div class="MuiBox-root jss225"></div></figure><div class="rich-paragraph">Siar to other strategi ed when implementg a ne-hole women’s league, youth velopment program or transng om a private to a semi-private club, there are var steps you and your facily uld take when to cludg the LGBTQ muny.</div><ul><li><div class="rich-paragraph"><i><b>Create Visibily </b></i><i>- </i>Seeg is believg. Creatg visibily of your mment to an clive golf facily will let people know they are wele at your urse or club. It n be as simple as postg a Human Rights Campaign (HRC) sticker or Pri flag sticker your golf shop wdow. The HRC logo is a bright yellow “equals” sign laid agast a dark blue background - one of the most regnizable symbols of the LGBTQ muny and their fight for equal rights. You n receive ee <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>HRC</u></a> or <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>Pri</u></a> stickers for ee as well!</div></li><li><div class="rich-paragraph"><i><b>Form a dialogue not a monologue</b></i> - “How n we create a more welg space for the LGBTQ muny?” This qutn should be posed to your fellow staff members, as well as to your Women’s Club Board, Men’s Club Board, and even your lol LGBTQ Center. Speakg wh all of your golf shop operatns staff and regulars who play your urse on the culture and language ed the shop or around the urse n open up a nversatn on how to foster an environment that is welg to all. </div></li></ul><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">Inve the Communy In and Make Their First Experience Memorable and Worthwhile</h6><div class="rich-paragraph">Nothg matters more to a person than how others addrs them, eher by their name or otherwise.</div><ul><li><div class="rich-paragraph"><i><b>First imprsns are key</b></i> - To clu the LGBTQ muny when listg fay events for club members and visors, stead of puttg hband and wife, try rporatg language such as  “spoe” or “partner.” The small gtur and chang language go a long way lettg that muny know your facily is a safe space. By g imagery of same-sex upl and fai, this language n also be visual, so that the LGBTQ muny n see that they belong at your facily. </div></li><li><div class="rich-paragraph"><i><b>Create unique vatnal opportuni </b></i>- When lol health thori allow your muny to host group gathergs, your urse or club n offer a Pri night, an LGBTQ & Friends League night, or even a Pri-themed golf outg. The events are for everyone, but makg them so that they target the LBGTQ muny and wel them to engage wh your staff, membership and guts n help form a unique bond that sets your urse apart. Your <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>lol LGBTQ Communy Center</u></a> n help you velop ias for makg a memorable and fun event.</div></li><li><div class="rich-paragraph"><i><b>Reprent diverse liftyl </b></i><i>- </i>People tend to gravate towards brands and pani that they feel reprent them. Those who are able to thentilly engage wh non-tradnal muni after followg the steps mentned above will most likely ga the LGBTQ muny’s tst and bs. </div></li></ul><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">Create Meangful Relatnships</h6><div class="rich-paragraph">Addg visuals n help affirm your tentn to wele those om non-tradnal hoeholds and muni, but how n this be acplished thentilly?</div><div class="rich-paragraph">Consir rporatg marketg materials wh a gay uple stg by the pool at your facily. Perhaps you post an image of an lbian uple on the urse wh their son or dghter playg ne hol. Maybe you show a transgenr youth who participated a junr clic wh your PGA Profsnal on your webse. </div><div class="rich-paragraph">Over time, members of the LGBTQ muny n serve as ambassadors to wele other new golfers to your facily. The most important thg is to try new methods of promotn to clu more dividuals, as is a w-w for growg the game and will help ensure that golf belongs to everyone.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></ma><div class="MuiBox-root jss249 jss226" data-cy="footer"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss248 MuiGrid-ntaer"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss227 MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-sm-8 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><a href="/" class=" jss229"><img src="/imag/" alt="PGA Home Page" width="88"/> </a><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss240 MuiTypography-h5 MuiTypography-lorPrimary">PGA of Ameri</h5><p class="MuiTypography-root jss236 MuiTypography-body1">The PGA of Ameri is one of the world's largt sports anizatns, posed of PGA Profsnals who work daily to grow tert and participatn the game of golf.</p><div class="MuiBox-root jss250"><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss239 MuiTypography-h5">Follow Us</h5><div class="jss238"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="jss241" href="><svg class="MuiSvgIn-root jss242" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="img"><path d="M5 3h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2m13 2h-2.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12 8.5V11h-2v3h2v7h3v-7h3v-3h-3V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2V5z"></path><tle>Facebook

golf is so gay

Roger Hockenberry scrib what 's like to be a gay golfer at an exclive untry club.



When to LGBTQ+ reprentatn Amerin sports, men's golf is far (very far) behd the others. There's only ever been one out gay player on * golf is so gay *

Adults — nearly six percent — intify as gay, while a further lve to the numbers shows that almost 16 percent of Generatn Z (18-23-yearolds) intify as LGBTQ.

Jog Stonewall as his workload allows, Kyle Wn, PGA, is a gay golf profsnal and the golf and events sal ordator at Shadow Ridge, as well as a life skills ach at The First Tee of the Coachella Valley.


By Sam WemanAn openly gay athlete the ttosterone-filled world of male profsnal sports isn't the radil thought was even a year ago. The NBA's Jason Colls, after g out a Sports Illtrated... * golf is so gay *

“There actually ed to be a bar Palm Sprgs named Dk’s, which is an old joke the gay muny.

It’s actually an acronym that stands for ‘Double Ine No Kids, ’ which is still reprentative of many gay upl. There are a lot of gay upl wh money to spend on hobbi that st a ltle b more, such as golf. The dollars, the rounds and the Gallup poll notwhstandg, beg gay Ameri still reprents taboo for much of the culture, on or off the turf.


* golf is so gay *

“It wasn’t okay to be an openly gay golfer anyplace the untry 1990, or even 2000, ” Buie says. A hundred toward the ast, another of the natn’s largt gay golf groups te up wh equal ardor, albe wh a different approach to s msagg. The group’s retired Mare founr don’t see a need to openly promote the group’s gay membership.

From Metti’s vantage pot, a arth of gay golf groups serv as a signifier that an overt LGBTQ prence the game may be far om reachg the latter ne. “I thk that most of avid gay golfers still feel left out some rpects, ” Wn nclus.


A very short gay golfers list on PGA tour, llege athlet, golf pros. Tadd Fujikawa is first ever out pro golfer. Also clu Greg Fzgerald and Chris Noble * golf is so gay *

Two exampl: TPC Hardg Park hostg the gural Pri Open, anized by Greg Fzgerald, the first out, gay male PGA teachg pro, and the USGA raisg Pri flags at s headquarters June and sharg an image of the flags on the anizatn’s social-media acunt. Tour pro Tadd Fujikawa says that not all homophobic ments are obv to people, and sometim not even tentnal. “Most of the time when homophobic remarks are ma, they’re not really directed at a person, ’s maybe even directed at themselv, ” Fujikawa says.

You h a bad tee shot or h a short tee shot and say, ‘That was so gay.


Montoya, who ddi for Brian Stuard, is believed to be the first openly gay ddie on the Tour * golf is so gay *

This month the PGA of Ameri has been spotlightg gay members, and for several years has strsed that golf’s long-term health and enomy mands drawg a more diverse dience. Last year, Tadd Fujikawa beme the first male player of even morate promence to announce that he is gay. The LPGA Tour has long been a welg ward for lbians, but gay men are entirely visible on the PGA Tour and only slightly ls so the broar golf universe.

The only thg I re to hi golf is my wretched swg, not the fact that I am gay.


Greg Fzgerald is an openly gay golf pro and he thks the sport is ready for more out members, even players. * golf is so gay *

There are numero proment figur golf wh gay children or siblgs. In an terview wh David Feherty a few years ago, Brandt Sneker said he believed there were gay players on Tour. “I don’t thk a gay golfer is gog to be that big of a al.


John Brooks found out that golf is hard enough, whout tryg to navigate s culture as a gay man. * golf is so gay *

There’s only ever been one out gay player on the PGA Tour, and an out golfer has never peted The Masters, the sport’s most inic tournament. But this week, golf reached a new nadir when to fosterg a welg environment for gay players. For gay golfers, and gay golf fans, this partnership is a nightmare.


“I’m not sure whether I even have any gay iends, to be hont wh you, ” he said a Golf Digt terview. Is Greg Norman ferrg that bee he supposedly don’t have any gay iends he’s somehow relieved of an obligatn to have any opn about the atroci mted agast gays Sdi Arabia?


I don’t have any gay iends is for “’s okay for ernment sponsored killg of LGBTQ people”.

Homosexualy remas punishable by ath sharia law. A uple of years ago, Masters wner Jt Thomas, one of the biggt stars the sport, was ught utterg an anti-gay slur on the urse. Over the years, gay golfers have spoken up about how they feel ostracized by the sport they love.


“It’s a place some people n ngregate and e racist, misogynist and homophobic terms and get away wh bee ‘they’re at a golf urse, '” he said.


In an terview wh Outsports, Fujikawa, the gay PGA Tour player, said would go a long way if some of his peers spoke out about gay rights and cln. I thk a lot of them probably don’t re if someone is gay, but if we don’t talk about the issue don’t get rolved.


Can gay players play all LIV events? So durg pri month the PGA sells out and joed the Sdi golf league LIV a untry that ston 's gay populatn and beg a trans genr uld get you killed. I n’t wa to spend $300 on a ground pass to watch the Stone Gay People San Diego Open, formerly the Andy Williams.


Gay men are nearly visible golf, but we’re not non-existent .